Nebraska Thread

Here's proof that people are probably being sterilized in only a handful of images. (thanks NU

1. An image of a corn nazi. Monsanto is like a nazi genetics company
2. An image of cornhuskers (University of Nebraska) that looks like corn nazis. Corroborates the first image. Connects monsanto to the blackshirts.
3. Birth rates show everything declining but the white race
4. A slide of a presentation that talks about how GMOs are sterilizing stuff
5, A book/movie written about the Blackshirts in Britain

Attached: 1-n-flag_1_orig (1)

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Attached: anarchist-flag-svg_orig.png (1008x623 6.83 KB, 110.13K)

take your pills and fuck off back to >>>/qresearch/

Those evil Nazis at Monsanto are at it again!

This is pathetic. Can't even keep his fucking thought process straight for six posts.

Sure I did. Follow along.

Yes, Nebraskans are nazi commies out to kill Europeans. Kill yourself you duplicitous kike. Nebraska is rightful German clay and I won't let you take any of it away from us.

I didnt imply that Nebraska is less than German clay. I just showed how one of their flags has an anarchist backdrop. Relax

Maps showing that Nebraska is dominated by the University of Nebraska, that it's central, that it is the home of accentless English, and that NU has a partnership with Strategic Command (high command).

Attached: 1701027nsriuarcmap2-1_orig.png (600x600 15.26 KB, 46.86K)

Kill yourself yid.

How do you know that I am Yiddish?

This thread is proof that Nebraskans have lost their minds due to the new football coach failing to deliver miracles. Their stream of unbroken defeat has addled their minds, and they can't stop talking about the way their team was in the mid 1990's… and it finally culminated in shit like this thread.

OP, it's (((Monsanto))). Did no one tell you it's a Jewish company?

Attached: 1471272882001.jpg (577x435, 14.97K)

Nebraska is pretty great, but it's not full of nazis, even the cringe type. We have your typical lefty city cucks, and the rest of the state is old school farm types with guns. Also, we grow corn, we don't really eat the stuff. And the football season will be all worth it when we ruin Iowa at the end of the year to get our second win.

Except the corn nazi blackshirts who happen to be the largest most organized group of nazis in America

why is this thread bumplocked?