Activists call for 'Hitler balcony' destruction in Vienna

Activists call for 'Hitler balcony' destruction in Vienna

Activists are calling for a little-remembered balcony on the front of Vienna's town hall to be destroyed because it is where Adolf Hitler gave a speech in 1938, Austrian media reported Wednesday.

Hitler made the speech on April 9, 1938 from a specially constructed wooden balcony erected in the centre of the building's imposing neo-Gothic facade, but it was later replaced with a permanent stone one to commemorate the event.

The origins of the balcony had since largely faded from memory but an artists' collective entitled "Memory Gaps" is now calling for it to be destroyed.

It argues the structure should be removed as part of the commemorations for the centenary of the first Austrian Republic, as well as the 80th anniversary of the "Anschluss", or annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany.

Memory Gaps has also suggested that prior to it being dismantled, a "speech for peace" could be given from the balcony on November 12 – a hundred years to the day since the Republic was proclaimed.

The city authorities seem to have been caught off guard by the proposal.

Pic related.

Imperial Palace (Hofburg), Wien Kuva: The balcony at Hofburg Palace where Hitler declared Austria under German control

Hitler on the balcony of the Hofburg in Wien, 1938

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(((They're))) winning

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Nice try schlomo.
Please, keep going, take all the toys away.

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Everything white is natsoc, everything natsoc is bad. Keep pushing schlomo.

So they would remove that entire stone face of the building?

>Zig Forums, meanwhile, remembers everything, and will not hesitate to correct the mistakes of the past

Fuck they might as well get rid of Paris and the Eiffel Tower too. Also all of Berlin. Also all of Austria. And Poland. And the Chech Repub
In fact , fuck it
Pull samson you kikel fucks I'd rather see it all burn

(((Activists))) call for 'White Race' destruction in Vienna

Fuck it, in fine with that. Raze it all to the ground. Kikes would never do that though, because nature is the antithesis of the Jewish existence.

Well they are removing the people already, so what is a little balcony to them?

Soon they will only have their fables as 'evidence', and the cycle will repeat once more.

Why don't they just get rid of Austria?

:v| ebil Nazi are bad!
:^) What is a "Nazi"?
:v| An ebil person from history.
:^) Show me some evidence they existed.
:v| There is a balcony where……
:^) Nope. It doesn't exist.
:v| There is a book where……
:^) Nope. It doesn't exist.
:v| There is a video where……
:^) Nope. It doesn't exist.
:v| …………….
:^) You can't call me a "Nazi" when it's only your imagination.

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No one has any balls today so it's only a matter of time before it gets torn down and replaced with some (((modernist))) crap


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friendly reminder
they dont give a shit that hitler stood there, they just want to destroy beautiful white architecture

happened before.

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This just proves that liberals are the real fascists. They want to censor/destroy everything they disagree with, like weak control freaks, doh wait that’s us too lol, never mind…

he drove on the roads to.
destroy all the highways in Austria and Germany



tesla hated feminists; stop using electricity
einstein thought antisemitism was valid; stop using physics
che guevera, ghandi, marx hated niggers; stop revolution, peaceful protest and communism

What? Isn't he a jew?



Why only the balcony? why not every stone the man took a step on? Why not the rail where Hitler posed before the eifel tower?

Fascism and Nazism about you have to bombing France Factory or Kill French workers for German working class

Fascism and Nazism is National Socialism that dedicated their own tribe

LIbshit are Hater of their own kinds

They are Racial Communist who want to spot up themselves and kill their race

They don't give a shit about "Working class"

Because they are True advocator De-Industrialzation and Welfare state for every one including foreign niggers

They want to eliminate ethnic character of their kinds so every body praise universal-polarized disneyland for Larping mindless consumer and kikes

That's not a Nazi or Fascist

That's just psyco hating humanity and nature

its pretty sure you are typical white evangelical conservative who refuse biological reality like "People don't share space and political power with those they have nothing in common with"

He's refereing "Auschwitz: Electric Boogaloo Part II"


“To remember is to live again.”
— 13Clarity™

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Maybe they won't notice when history repeats itself.
At least they leave the Stalin statues up as a grim reminder of the USSR the jews unleashed upon the world.

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No prizes for guessing who the activists are. A speech for peace should be given on the balcony when the enemies of Austria, Germany, Europe and the British Isles are defeated.

They're not even trying to hide it anymore. One would think that (((Artists))) wouldn't destroy something

Just the word "collective" symbolizes some sort of commie shit

It's even funnier: Hitler didn't stand on the balcony, because it didn't exist back then. He stood on a wooden platform that was where the balcony was built later.
With those standards, they should be calling for razing the entirety of Berlin (preferably with the inhabitants in case they have been tainted).


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Just got done watching the new season of Man in the High Castle, and a plot line is the Nazis destroying atrifacts of American culture and history to make way for the future of the Reich. These fucking leftists don't even give a second thought to employing the same tactics that the "ebul fashits" they claim to despise did back in during the rise of the Nazis, pretty soon they'll be calling for all books detailing the Nazi Reich's inner workings (the great economy, the low unemployment rates, high civic morale) to be burned and won't even reflect on how thats exactly what the Nazis did to books about transgenderism and other kike degeneracy.

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(((They))) are trying to burn and destroy national histories and cultures everywhere.

No Memory of Eebil Nahzeees allowed
Just like (((ISIS))) desecrating ancient sculptures and monuments

I'd allow you to nuke Berlin. That city was shit in 1918 and it's a shit now….that's why Hitler made plans to rebuild it….

So… You got to remember pics like that are supposed to piss off NPC's. Why do you care?

underrated vidyah….

No, user. Don't misuse the word fascist. Leftists are authoritarian and totalitarian for sure.

"Hitler breathed air! Remove it all! If you breathe, you're a FASHIST!"

Good, do it. They will only speed up the pendulum swinging to the extreme right. Reminder that history always shows that when the history of the past is removed by one side, the opposite side grows immensely.

Doesn't matter, so did Marx and Rabbi Jeshua Hamashiach.

Hitler was born in Austria. Fucking country should be eradicated from the map and sent into orbit
It's only the right thing to do
Might as well stick Germany up there too and we'd better ban Mercedes Benz as well because he rode in them and while we're at it Volkswagen and anything else German as well

A very if a tree fell in the woods situation, who the hell ever knew of let alone thought about a "hitler baclony?" I think a good use of this would be to start naming a lot of popular things, especially if jews like it, as hitler's this and that for them to squirm over. meme potential.

(((They))) literally used that exact argument when the emissions scandal came up.

lmao hitler breathed air too better stop

There's zero risk. Look at the Double-Eagle & Crown on top of the building (the people it designates own the screeching Reds reeing at the thing in the first place.)

Literal NPC architecture by comparison

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Are the Austrians going to do it?
I'd buy a chunk of the authentic balcony, maybe the kikes will sell a chunk for shekels.

Yeah, that would be just fine, actually. Just keep pushing and dismantle the kike state while you're at it. I hear it's doubly supreeemist this time of year.

That means (((they))) are going to tear it down, including the front of the building, and resculpt it with a bunch of degenerate shit like guys sucking g each other's dicks, lenin, female bodies with penises and such. Mark my words, it will go down and in its place will be some degenerate (((art))).

Double eagle and crown control the reds? The HRE? Hapaburgs? It's the jews fool.

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