NPC Salt #4


They are kvetching so hard they are preventing people from even posting on youtube with the term NPC.

Previous threads:

0 Inner Monologue




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Other urls found in this thread:

The human megaphone was first employed in OWS IIRC.

This meme is most effective when calling out the shallowness of normalfags, fyi.

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I do not like this dehumanizing meme u guys r losers

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me too, bump.

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Reposting exploitables for anyone who wants to join in.

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Does the NPC meme HAVE to only be Wojak? There are plenty of actual NPCs that could probably be used for content.

Where were you during the previous threads?

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We all know that the nigger needs to have the old school “ima chargin mah lazer” face or any of the other nigger cartoon overlays we’ve seen

Has the NPC source code been disassembled or reversed engineered yet? i'll bet when subject to specific stimuli you could elicit an expected response in all cases. Something along the lines of an old IRC chatbot.

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I wonder how many of these NPCs have called real Americans Russian bots, and are now complaining about dehumanizing language.

the source code is whatever is dictating the normiesphere, I guess.

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Why don't we pull one out of the talmud and pretend to be outraged at this meme? Lots of lonely loser nobodies spend their time patrolling the internet for somebody to be more righter than, and you can use that to force one of these npcs to be like omg you are just mad that you are an NPC! Basically use shill 101 and be like you just post npc memes because you are mad that Republicans are gonna win the midterms! Or vice versa.

It's just the most instantly recognizable one for the meme.

Attached: npc receiver 3.jpg (1200x720, 133.07K)

The screencap image of the Twitter irl NPCs on the zerohedge article is key to understanding why this meme works. The people reacting negatively admit to being NPCs. The NPC meme is a mirror that shows them who they are and they're absolutely livid about it. This might be the most powerful meme ever created.

Because the actual outrage is already doing the work for us.

Das it man.

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One of the first things i noticed in my trolling expeditions is that every anti troll who confronts me confronts me by using the same techniques that they supposedly condemn, and even try to top my shit . "How dare you bully somebody who is suicidal? You don't deserve to live. Nobody likes you. Die. Telling people to die is awful so you have to die." These people are just jealous that somebody else is using a technique that their status quo life prevents them from using. "don't say nigger, idiot." So you can use a buzzword that is meant to cause pain, but i cant?" They also egg on the situation as much as they can, because to them their "verbal beatdown" of you is their chance to blow off steam the same way they would by destroying property or something.

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You know you can add multiple images to one post?

Is anime an NPC art form?

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Probably not, NPCs are told to hate it or at least view it as only being a few animes in particular.

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Here we go.

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Yeah yeah, I forget that I'm here sometimes.

NPCs dont make art, when they do it looks like a Pollock only worse

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Lest we forget that deep down inside a lot of NPCs is a person fighting to get out. Never stop redpilling

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Are you sure about that?

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I actually really like these style ones. It provides a path from NPC to PC, another avenue for the redpill. To observe one self and one's feelings is how many of us grew deeper in awareness.

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No most of these fuckers literally don't think. Their lights are on but no body is home. They think you thinking to yourself is akin to schizophrenia.

Here's a forward facing NPC programmer floating head.

The NPC merchant has already been done.

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Personally, I think thats the real reason the kikes are salty about the NPC meme, despite us using dehumanizing terms for normalfags forever. They're terrified that this one might get one or two thinking about their programming. And that's super ultra mega double plus ungood badthink.

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the ((((Programmers))))

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some people will always choose the blue pill.

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Socialism > democracy


be aware kikes are all over this meme trying to influence the context. remember NPC is about zombies pretending to be human, they have no souls and never will, theres a reason they're like this, and its worse than you think

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Truthfully, No. There are very few people actually capable of thinking, and the only ones that are able to break the conditioning have to have the mental capacity to do so. However, I do believe there are people out there acting without purpose or meaning who have simply not found it yet, which is why places like Zig Forums are important. It is impossible for anyone to exist here for any amount of time without being exposed to the truth, and anyone who doesn't recognize it is certifiably an NPC.

Most of us before we found Zig Forums.

Seems like the fear and panic surrounding it has a lot to do with just how well it communicates the left's desire to indoctrinate and program through control of media and the education system. You can call it propaganda, you can call them puppets and drones, you can even use words like indoctrination which carry very strong connotations, but they don't seem to get much of a reaction out of them. They are proud of the notion that they could brainwash entire generations and program ideology into people, or at least the buzzword components of an ideology… But you call them NPCs and you accuse them of regurgitating canned responses and slogans, with no critical thought or insight, and that gets them to flinch.

Wait until they get their first look at Caturday!

Doing God's work user.

Checked and pics (kinda) related.

Nice, saved

Pics (kinda) related

Does anyone have the Hey-Hey Ho-Ho one?

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They are calling it a "far right trump meme" which is sad because it is much more than that.

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Found it.

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That makes perfect sense. Kikes did the same thing to Hitler. Both are rational, centrist, non-extreme figures.

all the left is going to do is take our photos and put maga hats on the NPCs and maybe fiddle with the text speech. Leftists and NPCs are devoid of original thought and wont be able to take over this meme so long as we keep churning out quality content. always remember kiddos - the left cant meme

so, how do we certify an NPC?
we would need a DSM style list of symptoms.

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Just further proves their NPCness. They can't think beyond the parameters of "Trump bad. Meme bad. Meme = Trump".

Of course. Decades ago. Remember seeing tests where they wire your head up and flash solid colors on a screen? They were mapping the brain for the various color responses. Basically figuring out what goes where.
NPC is just the new buzzword for your average idiot.

calling them the 'left' becomes a bit redundant with the NPC meme now pigeon holing them into a category they can't own, thats the point.

That third one is great. Maybe throw in a loading symbol over the NPC's head in the third panel.

That may be true, but at some point, even if it be cancer, the cognative dissonance will become so great they will either liberate themselves from their mental prison, or they will die. Either way they are to our advantage.

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Exactly my point. The government schools infested with socialist female teachers did a good job turning a large portion of the population into communist drones that we see now in universities and in left leaning cities. Textbook NPC programming. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be working as effectively as it used to
I'd say make a list of the most common symptoms, like going to the newest marvel movie, watching sportsball on the weekends, chanting lefty slogans, etc. Put it on a bingo card, because it makes it makes it more humiliating to be considered a shell of a human being that is a game for the thinkers of the world.

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thats the image I was too lazy to jewgle, thought I had it saved

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What a bunch of fucking niggers. This meme anti-conservatard and anti-libtard, which is the whole point. It's an anti-retard meme in general. Excuse me, what a bunch of fucking NPCs.

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The top comments on YT are just as awful.


see but I suppose an unexplored dimension is how their protest signs refuse to make sense.

The first one seems hamfisted and forced, and was uploaded in the previous thread by an out of place pro-Chinese shill who went quiet at the mention of Vancouver lol.

Because orange man bad, that's why.

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best I could do on short notice

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It's fine, gets the point across beautifully.

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I'm actually surprised by how quickly media platforms reacted to this. Most owuld have simply brushed it off as nothing.

Fuck off, goon-kun. NPCs can't make anything beautiful.

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They get that dopamine surge associated with righteous conflict. The media and academia glorify activists as heros above all others, so generations who grew up worshipping those who fought against the purple dragon of oppression are just emulating those our degenerate culture taught them to idolize. They never even stop to examine if their cause is based in truth or if their end state is actually an improvement or even feasible. Objective truth, consistency, a moral line they must walk, none of these things exist to them. The right is handicapped in enforcing their will by adhering to these things, and any criticism must contend with pilpul pulling the wool over the eyes of people who aren't interested in the truth anyway. They hate this meme because it's an existential acknowledgment of their true self. It's someone looking right past their comforting charade and saying, "bullshit."

Why the fuck would you want to be on (((Discord))) anyway? This has to be shilling, it's so moronic.

At least use the matrix Zig Forums rooms you cuckchanner rapefugee.

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If there are any anons who are taking requests, I've always wondered if there was a way to present diversity being a strength by pointing out how food and sometimes music is the default merit presented.

Waste of dubs.


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oy vey

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I see the NPC controllers are executing the common script MemeisFarRightisBadTrumpBad,js into NPCs.

This is one of the hallmarks of the NPC. They are slaves to dopamine, mainly from self righteousness and sexual degeneracy. Reminder that the "male feminist," Along with most men on the left, are simply beta cuckolds that cannot attract females any other way, and must give up all control in order to reproduce.

Discord mines your information, do not use it

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NPCs are Goblins. The only good Goblin hasn't left it's stinking hole. SLAY ALL GOBLINS.

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stand tf by. they're planning on venting their anger about the NPC meme on Trumpkins this Halloween. Nothing Orange is safe

I worked hard on that
One of those things that once you get into it, there's no turning back
not a chink, btw. Just an autistic shitlord.

No one should concern themselves with hurting the sensitive fee-fees of NPC's. They're just a clump of cells

"Objective Truth". If they acknowledged such a thing existed their entire worldview and personal experiences would be invalidated due to the discovery of naturally occurring hierarchies, which they so adamantly and steadfastly deny exist because they know in their husk of a soul they are at the bottom by their own choices and doing.

I'm not concerned about hurting their feelings, au contrare, we're aiming to.

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fugggg there's the digits. checked and heil'd. We're doing more than hurting their feelings user. We intend to break them to the last man, woman and child until they submit to the reality of the world or leave it.

Brilliant equivocation! At some point in his life, Edward Gein believed he could break the program, and outsmart the exception handler within his brain that caused him to feel nothing

IF, they ever figure out (((who))) is responsible for their programming, they may understand just how much of their life has been wasted on virtue signaling, quelling their inner voice, rejecting independent thought(s) for the sake of the hive mind and (((those))) that subvert on all levels

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I don't know how I feel about this meme. On the one hand, I think it's quiet effective as I cannot remember the last time the left so immediately and vociferously shit themselves in rage over a meme.

On the other hand, the NPC.jpg face reminds me too much of the Working Joes from Alien Isolation, which were the best part of that game.

Attached: workingjoe2.jpg (465x627, 24.98K)

kek imagine typing all that shit out. "There's going to be a war!" my sides are in fucking orbit. Calling people NPC's and revealing them to themselves was the catalyst needed all along for day of the rope apparently

It is an honor to tell them (((who))) is responsible. You remembered to save everything right?

Fuck anime, Fuck communists, Fuck safe spaces, Fuck censorship

Attached: I like anime, normal fag.jpg (625x455 1.03 MB, 148.28K)


Programmer initiating sequence overdrive!

Nah, they were NPCs even before it was a thing. Best case scenario you get them to stop being retarded lefties.

Imagine starting a war because someone handed you a mirror.

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they should know what's coming

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Some people are posting NPC-memes to poke fun at 'The Goyim'-meme. They ackhtshually believe the 'The Goyim'-meme is rael, and that entire swaths of the planet are seen as subhuman by a group of people that supposedly wield godlike powers; so, this is how they vent their frustrations.

Don't have access to a computer, but I have some ideas:

Anti-gun activists hold some promise for humor and commentary. Literally demanding another entity seize control of everyone else's means of self defense. Think there's something worth exploring there. Doubly ironic considering plenty of NPCs have experience playing a PC with a gun wiping out hostile NPCs in vidya.

NPC filled migrant boats and South American caravans

The eternal NP.C through history. Picture a series of historical vignettes Illustrating how these people have always existed and done whatever they were told. General structure would be "burn the heretic = Orange Man Bad"

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