Italy - Pro-Invasion Italian Mayor ARRESTED for Immigration Fraud

Salvini Strikes Hard - uses Iron Fist Tactics

"Italy’s world-famous pro-Third World invasion mayor, Domenico Lucano - who was listed by Fortune magazine as one of the “world’s greatest leaders in 2016” - has been arrested for immigration fraud…

"And the hundreds of African invaders staying in his town illegally have been rounded up in preparation for deportation.

"The move follows Lucano’s arrest earlier this month on charges of involvement in organizing “marriages of convenience” for asylum purposes.

"Lucano also made himself guilty of corruption charges when he skipped a tender process to award a trash management contract to a local co-operative which was employing the African invaders - a clear breach of the law.

"Salvini welcomed Lucano’s arrest and the shipping out of the African invaders as “proof that the government of change has declared war on the immigration business.”

"There were 430 Africans in Riace, making up just under one-quarter of the residents. It is not year clear where the Africans will be sent, but Salvini has vowed to ship most of them home."


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Italy mans up.

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Looks like voting for Salvini was a good choice.

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Oh God, I can only imagine the smell.

Might have to burn it all and start over.

Jesus christ I went from hearing nothing about the pastaniggers to it being a nearly daily thing. Mario's striking back hard. I like it. I want this to be everywhere. All I want is for the whole world to be good again. I just want things better for god's sake to the point that Italy, a country I have no ethnic nor practical ties with in any way, is rocketing up the list of my favorite places just because they're at least trying to take some manner of their balls and pride back after the shitshow of my entire lifetime being an unending spiral into cuckoldry for everyone in the west

tl;dr I like Italy now despite knowing virtually nothing about them a year ago.

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No more Goombahs in the Mushroom Kingdom!

A good start, but it won't truly change the status quo until the invaders start getting executed instead of merely deported and then just going to invade another white country

Matteo Salvini is really something else. He not only gets the job done, but he's also relentless in the way he communicates with the population and the media. I don't follow him that closely, but it looks like he's doing interviews on daily basis and isn't afraid to debate anyone. This is good not only for Italians but the rest of Europe as well. (The media want to talk to him daily because they think they can get a "gotcha" moment and use it against him, but it's not working as they expected at all. Matteo is legit and people can see it.)

Matteo was basically completely unknown 2-3 years ago and now he's the most popular politician in Europe. He needs to keep doing public appearances with the likes of Orban and other leaders. He should also continue to take part in conferences on EU immigration, security policies, ect. The last one he went to was a tremendous success for him.

(Video related was just a few days ago.)

Pasta here, that's old news. He was put on house arrest but he's already being released, doesn't mean he's free though, he's probably awaiting trial. Now the mayor of another shithole, Naples, said he's welcome there. People are kinda pissed because after he invited those niggers in Riace he's gonna get the same treatment in some nice hotel - and the funny thing is after his arrest they had literal commies protest outsite his home to show him support, and he saluted them from the window with a closed left fist like the dirty fucking commie he is.

I hate those people more and more each and every day. They are polarizing the fuck out of italians for some reason and every day there's a new scandal about the government of what they want to do, and the jews in the EU are doing literally everything they can to stop them. To name something they pulled off recently, they changes the text of a reform they want to pass as it was being handed to another organ of the government for approval, but they caught it in time and stopped it. Literal jewish dirty schemes it's fucking almost unbelievable. They obviously had someone from the (((PD))) party help them with it, they're currently investigating.

For now it's all a fucking mess, wish us luck and believe in Salvini.


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Thanks for the update. Any more info from inside Italy that we might not see is appreciated.

Italy's Salvini at top
France's Macron at bottom

Yeah, indeed thanks. The search engines have begun to return much less news about the successes - or even the political battles - of Nationalists in European countries. If you see something of interest in Italy that somehow doesn't show up on Jewgle, post it for us pls.

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I believe in him, but I fear the eternal jew will kill him before long.
Godspeed, Italia.

in the bottom photo, I see doctors, scientists, engineers, geniuses, astronauts, inventors.
or perhaps that was a smudge on the screen, and instead I see completely vacant, animalistic orc-stares and I wonder why the far homosexual has allowed himself to be captured by an orc raid.

use meme magic to make him immortal, and dozens of others like him to step up

Tell me, why is Zig Forums banned in italy?

Pedophilia or some shit. I'm using a VPN to post.

El Macaroni definitely is a sub. Look at his submissive expression. I bet the Oompa Looma he calls his wife uses her strap-on on him and he enjoys it. What a sleazy little fag.

Wew Macron looks like he's in heaven.

Thread for salvini/italy fans:

Not all will be saved (probably half - western euro is almost gone) but the remaining will be strengthened with those who flee and lessons will be learned.

Salvini looks Jewy to me, like the happy merchant. I like what I see and hear though, but it remains to be seen if he's really /ourguy/.

It's funny. A year ago we were hearing about Zig Forumsand every day - now it seems the Poles are letting Italy take a turn. I wonder who's next?

Rolling for Germany.

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It's the nose and widow's peak. He doesn't have that head slope, but with kikes you never know.

It should be obvious which country is next, it's Austria

People often confuse roman noses with kike noses. Roman are like a half triangle, kikes are pointing down at the shekels in their pockets.


well…. as a burger I am pretty jelly….

Not with that male Merkel wannabe Kurz. He gives off the decades long groomed neocon vibe right down to the awkward Merkel hand stance during interviews. At best I'm hoping hes as spineless as the rest and the outside pressure from other high T politicians from neighboring countries can steer/force him in the right direction.

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huh? I'm posting from Italy without a proxy or anything, maybe it's either banned by our provider's DNS(I use OpenDNS) or by selected ones

Remember also that when the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, the Pope let them settle in Italy. There have been various waves since, which has resulted in a lot of crypto Jews being "Italian". Just look at how the Jewish mafia played up their Italian connections.

Time and time again, the only European countries with balls of steel are the Italians, Germans and Spaniards. Give them props or shut the fuck up, I'm looking at you England.

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So… "hello fellow white people" want him out of Italy and as the head puppet on their controlled babysitters?


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Someone tell Sessions he can start doing this any time he wants

Glory to Italy. Hopefully hes rightfully charged with human trafficking.

He's like thirty. I don't know his background, but there's no way someone as young as he is got in power without some puppetmaster pulling strings.

It's always a trade with Jews. Vote for the based neocon rightwing or for the Marxist antiwhite leftwing. Salvini gives hints that he isn't a regular neocon nationalist, but even the direction of politics with Putin, Orban, Bolsonaro, Le Pen, AfD with their varying degrees of kikery is positive because it makes popular opinions like anti-immigration sentiments mainstream.

…is italia going to redeem themselves of musolini's fuckups?

Gas the goombas. kill the koopas.

B-but mr. Shill Goldberg told me that voting doesn't matter at all and that we should stay at home during voting day!

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You should vote but remember to remain vigilant and have realistic skepticism.

Vote, but also go out there with torches and pitchforks. They tried to kike Salvini and Lega out of their democratically elected positions… and let's remember Hitler was never successfully elected, but he got so close that they were afraid of his supporters (especially in the military) that they preferred a bloodless transfer of power.

Croatia, maybe?

You can spot kikes by the eyebrow ridge and nose connection
They don't have the indent going inwards

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Your grasp of physiognomy and racial characteristics is dog shit. Salvini looks thoroughly Roman. Acts like it too.

Checking these dubs of truth.

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Baste huwhite Italian boomers

Romans =! Italians, but

Stop larping.

Looks like Cosmo the Great, the jumpstarter of the European Renaissance, whose family funded Michelangelo and Galileo and forced the creation of Protestantism while popes to get back at what Savonarola did, but you didn't hear that from me.

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Vote for the least kiked option. But don't illude yourself like the Trumpcucks did.

molto bene

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Colour me impressed.

What really happened in italy:
The kike play in italy was to create an "anti establishment movement" (5kikes) as a catch all once people revolted against PDs (shitlib party) destruction. The fact that the media calls them "anti-establishment" and "the movement" instead of raysis should tell people all they need to know.
What they weren't counting on was Salvinis center-right coalition which gave him 37% (40% is necessary for full control of gov) and beating out the 5kike party. Kikes backup plan was to comp the center right with Berlusconis forza italia. The center right agreement was the party with the most votes within center right would appoint the leader of this coalition. Berlusconi wasn't allowed to lead the party himself since he was banned from office so he put an EU friendly name out there as the man who would lead if he won. Everyone thought (myself included) that Berlusconi would beat out lega and salvini would have been powerless for another five years. Lega won by a narrow margin because south votes were split because most went to 5kikes, and now Lega has all but comped all of Forzas votes.
Before the election Lega alone was only polling at 10-15%, like most other antinigger parties across europe. Kikes stance would have been "no parties will align themselves with the raycis league!" and everything grinds to a halt indefinitely (the current state of all euro nations). Then fear set in for the kikes, Salvinis popularity kept surging long after the march elections because he kept doing rallies daily (a tradition that he still does today), which moved his party from the 17% at elections to 30-35% for lega alone. Kikes underestimate just how much italians hate niggers and have no problem showing it. The other center right parties have 12-15% which would give a center right 45%. Salvini checkmated these faggots. If no other parties would align with Lega, then everyone would call for another election in 2019, and by then Lega would be in complete control of the government alone. The 5kikes coalition was essentially the kikes way of having some levers of control while giving themselves more time to subvert, discredit, and destroy salvini. That hasn't worked. Nog boats is by far the most important issue in italy and the 5kikes faggot redistribution plan isn't something italians are interested in. They want this issue resolved asap and to send these fucking niggers home. Now the 5kikes are forced into taking a more antinig stance because salvini keeps pushing the envelope. When the 5kikes appear weak on the issue, Salvini gains more ground, while they begin to lose it. Italy is the one country where the kikes fucked up and they'll end up paying a heavy price for it. Salvini has a counter for every narrative and is always ten steps ahead of these faggots. Other euro countries should be following similar tactics if they want to regain control again.

Based Med bvlls.

The defining moment was when the kikes sent in one of their goons (Luca Traini) to run as a lega candidate and then he ended up killing six nogs. I feared the local cuckservative population might shy away. Instead the opposite happened, locals didn't give a fuck and the entire incident was memory holed in a week. Legas numbers actually kept surging and didn't miss a beat. Kikes have absolutely no counter since knocking him off will only piss off the locals and force them into radical mode.
Their new tactic is through these muh nazi groups Casa Pound and other similar groups. Complete kike op from top to bottom along with associations with ties to zio fags like Mosley and Dugan. They aren't gaining any traction because people are seeing right through this bullshit. Its amazing how these kikes keep running the same shitting playbook expecting it work all over the world. Italy might end up becoming a main refuge for German, French, Sweden and UK cuckservatives since its only a matter of time until they shut down the free movement of people for whites only.

Italy is a great country user, it's my favorite European country and consistently want to go back. If you have the means to visit I'd highly recommend it. The only downsides are crowds and visible presence of nonwhites but they're fixing the latter issue.

Salvini's face is classic Roman. Educate yourself. Check out some of the frescoes found in the ruins of Pompey and Herculaneum.

By contrast, although they are mostly Mediterranean Caucasoids, jews exhibit telltale Neanderthal features, sometimes in their faces, sometimes in their body form, and sometimes in both.

Check out Talia Lavin, one of the jews who are paid by the Tribe to target Zig Forums, standing with Alex Trebek.

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