Look at how well the cattle is herded back into non-movement reformism. Just like flicking a switch. I gotta hand it to the CIA. They really did put on a show with this orange clown. Well now the cattle have been pacified you can all go back to sleep now. Real issues like DACA have been successfully swept under the rug, The billion dollar border wall will make for great cattle theater as well.

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Cuckservatives are a used up, ZOGed up group.

Time to start recruiting shitlibs into national socialism


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Aint gonna be a revolution if you just let the left take control of the country.
Odds are good you're not even American.
Why doesn't Germany get told to let their government collapse like we are often told to do. Germany is the heart of the (((EU))) afterall.
Why is it always Americans being told to just let things happen or to actively try to make everything worse? I sense foul play.

OP is countersignalling white genocide, hes a kike btw. Likely trying to generate hostility against the very things hes saying.

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I'm sorry on behalf of my grandfathers for World War 2 but we aren't gonna commit suicide on your behalf, Euros, and the last time I checked, Bomber Harris wasn't American.


Cuckservatives get the oven too.

Yes and?

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8/pol/ is so coopted it's comical.

just a handful of shills, same old same old.

Ain't gonna be a revolution with Trump because he's a reformist. Your all being duped. Orange man is actually unironically bad.

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How about no. Nice shitpost btw.

Fucking edit it out then you useless pissy miscreant

The usual problem is: Were there any other candidates we could've voted for instead? If we discount elections as a whole, why do we worry about laws like DACA when elections and thus the legislative branch is out of our hands? Why instead are we not pushing for something like the Northwest?

Or: What would it change if every single person here would denounce Trump completely and ignored everything he's involved in or affiliated with? While we certainly need to continue threads like the Syria General and need many more redpilling threads and guides, what harm is there in discussing Current Events and news?

Sending mixed messages again to try and confuse us, rabbi?

Giving them a bit too much credit.

"Great Replacement" should be on the MAGApede side.

No, they don't even recognize THAT.

No. And that's the point. The whole function of the 2 party system is to maintain the status quo. Neither side wants real change.


Lauren Simonsen does, and they all love her.

Gas the cucks.

She's a coalburner, so that doesn't even count.


you glowers are in full damage control now. the jig is up. we are hip to your orange man psyop.

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Doesn't count if its only in the context of the country you don't live in. Some bizarre masochistic shit where you think that other countries shouldn't have their demographics changed but you apparently deserve it because reasons.


Hey hey woah there, we're egtting that wall in 2019 right after we MAGA the vote in november for sure, none of that "we need to vote in 2020 if we want the wall finished!" bullshit, trust me!

Is there no end to his faggotry?

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Zognalg Drumfp has screwed the people and absconded with the means of producing scoops. Just let the openbordercrats have everything now, it is too late.

Gas the Trumpniggers.

Wall ain't gonna do you any good unless we get rid of DACA.

Trumps wall = Cattle theater

It doesn't work that way moshe.



Reported. You're not on reddit. No one supports your kike here.


Trump allows you the freedom to continue to call out the kikes. Ignore the elections and let he marxists win and they will fuck America in the same way Sweden is fucked or Britain is fucked or Germany is fucked.
Do you not see what it's a bad idea to just ignore electoral politics? It's not a false dichotomy, the left is real and wants to kill you and your family, assuming you aren't a shill.
Why is it only Americans being told to commit suicide? it won't help the state of Europe, only Germany collapsing would really achieve that.
Seems to me that misery wants company rather than actual change.
If it can't happen in Europe, then America should be just as fucked, right?

Explain why it's a good idea to ignore electoral politics.

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So much for the kike free original post.

More D&C

You're trying to hard Schlomo.


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You think you'd even be able to do IOTBW or say "I dont hate myself for being white" if hillary won the election? You think you'd even be able to come here? No, we'd have hate speech laws, we'd have people going to prison for thought crime.
Again, how is ignoring electoral politics in America a good idea or beneficial to the white world at large?

And while that does still happen, America is still regionalized. Just because NY is a commie infested shit pit of degeneracy and no free speech doesn't mean Nebraska or Kansas is.
The left wins, and the individual states ability to not be a communist playground goes right out the fucking window.
I like states rights, I like living in a state that still resembles old America. That wouldn't happen if electoral politics are just ignored. The whole country would become California.

This thank god someone else sees it. It was dizzying how fast a budding, ZOG-aware movement was herded back into supporting one of the two establishment parties.

The right and left in America are exactly the same, save that they differ on inconsequential hot-button social issues. MAGAtards are content if their "god emeperor triggers the libs xD." Neither party will ever do anything to combat the core issues of ZOG global domination because they are both controlled by the exact same people. Kikes don't care if SJWs or pro-isreal neocons are in power and neither should you.

If your enemy is "the marxists xD" and not the kikes, than you're being duped. Both capitalists and communists are kike puppets. They both want to genocide whites. Trump serves as a steam valve for discontent whites while doing absolutely nothing to stop their genocide.

Because elections are rigged and controlled by kikes. What you need to do is destroy the legitimacy of the institution as a whole. The more you retards buy into the pony show the less actually gets done.

okay, how?
What would that realistically look like?

Anyone else think the "caravans" are a Trump orchestrated crisis? It gives an impetus to "vote harder" and energizes his base for the one real reason he was elected, to deport shitskins and build the wall [we're never getting a wall]. We see the typical kike run NGOs dumping the money there, I wonder how Jared is tied in to all of those.

It's exactly what Zig Forums was doing before the election. The movement that Trump tapped into was anti-ZOG and completely disillusioned with elections as a whole. The jews pulled a bait and switch by convincing a bunch of the more retarded anons that Trump was a based secret Nazi. We need to go back to doing what we were before, spreading actually redpilled memes about how ZOG operates.

The thing is even if Trump followed through with his immigration stance, it doesn't really matter. Trump is only anti-illegal immigrants. Economic immigrants make up a much larger % of non-whites entering the country. What we need is complete cessation of immigration and a move to deport even legal non-whites from the country. The fact is that demographics are in such as sad state, that even if all immigration stopped, we'd still be bred into a mongrol race. The kikes know this and that's why their throwing us the smallest, inconsequential bones in the hope that we don't organize. You'll never get the change we need through elections, you need a systems collapse.

We could milk it for all it is worth though. "Look how the economy improved under lite nationalism, imagine what it would do under a national socialist state. Although at this point, I'd like to see Pan National Socialism across Europe.

True. You could install a clone of Hitler to the Presidency, and the government apparatchiks would prevent any real change from taking place.

If we need a systems collapse then so does Germany, because they are propping up the EU, and they don't even have a Trump.
I'm tired of this "you guys need to let x bad shit happen to you" only being leveled at Americans.
If we need to collapse, then so do you, motherfuckers.

Except Trump hasn't improved the economy. The entire global economy is fundamentally dead, and only being kept afloat by petro-dollar printing and debt. The national debt has only gone up because of Trump.

You can do that and still vote to make sure the fate worse than death doesn't happen.
Why do you think voting for the least bad prevents you from doing any of the other things you mentioned? also nobody thought or thinks he is a secret nazi. That's just stupid.
A collapse or total marxist rule isn't gonna wake people up, it's only going to create more bad, and dig us into a deeper hole.

Trump is calling out the federal reserve, which I suspect this thread is honestly a response to.
The "dont vote" sentiment seems to come in heavy once Trump has his finger on the pulse.

By system collapse, I take it to mean the destruction of our current political system. Down with democracy. I do not want to see the entire nation "blacked" and suffer revolts and famines before we get to a better position.

The "global economy" is what has destroyed the sense of nationalism in many of our top businessmen. They think in terms of global markets, conglomerates and trade organizations, not blood and soil.

Trump needs to do far, far more, but look the improvement to domestic steel production. In my lifetime, I hope to see electronic manufacturing wrested from the gooks as well.

A communist dictatorship or a corporate-kike hellscape are the same thing. They both lead to our complete enslavement
No he isn't. There is this weird thing that Trump supporters do, where to take an innocuous comment by Trump, and extrapolate it to some based 4-d chess master plan. Trump doesn't like that the fed is raising interest rates. Plenty of presidents have disagreed with the feds policy and sometimes the director gets replaced. He's not challenging the feds existence (he never will), which he should be doing.


Yes, all European governments need to implode.

You forgot to put "dude weed lamo" and "muh free masons" on the lolberg side

There could be books hundreds and hundreds of pages long, detailing all of that down to the finest minutia and you'd still be getting the same refrain of "who should we vote for?". It's hasbart shills.

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I don't think they really did convince anyone. They literally just banned 75%+ of the board day after day when they pointed out how much of a jew tool Trump was ans has been for decades. They moved their own shill teams in to replace the banned posters and fired up the red-texting bot posts to fluff volume in election/rally threads.

When you guys talk about collapse, what do you mean?

LOL Thread has been bumplocked. you goys better screen cap this thread before (((they))) nuke it.

Proof that this place is worthless.

(((They're))) trying very hard to turn all natsoc boards on the internet into the_donald and 4chan Zig Forums.

The Trumplet is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a MAGAtard, NPC, Lemming etc. It all runs off him like water on a raincoat. But call him a reformist and you will see how he recoils, How he shreiks back in terror. "I've been found out"


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Oh wow! Japanese cartoon man face, you're so cool. What a great argument!

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libertarianism would work fine if you genocide all POC

My point was that "great replacement" is the kosher, jew-approved alternative to "White Genocide", which is tolerated by Trumpniggers.

Its pretty fucking pathetic to watch what people like you have devolved to.

Some people strategically use it because that's the UN term for it, they just actually say its a positive thing, so if you give normalfags that term and they look into it the (((google))) search results they receive confirm it as real and they can't write it off as a false conspiracy theory. Most aren't braindead enough to agree with the UN that their race being wiped out is a positive and those that are are already beyond saving.


Most americans are incapable of thinking of things outside a binary political divide. As long as team B is opposed to it, they'll support it.

Man, those cocksuckers have to co opt and dilute everything huh?

Its kind of funny how political violence is written into our founding document but anyone doing even the most milquetoast irl crap will get targeted by the prcuck mob.

It may or may not ever completely come to fruition but that's beside the point. The reason for it is to distract the trumplets. He has to give them something to keep the sharade going. Some funding for it has already been allocated and some sections of fence (lol yes it's a literal fence) have already been built.

It's all just cattle theatre. Just sit back and enjoy the show.

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