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Way to shit on your own thread, stupid.
Now maybe somebody of value can create one so it will actually receive discussion.

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im gay

Shows you how much people actually care that the Left lied about this stuff.

Whew, dem optics. So much for pretending that a stupid piece of paper gives you irrevocable rights, eh?

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oh yes it was just a joke he really meant to say he was a chicom operative and twitter was the marxist wing of the communist party

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the paper does nothing it is the steel and iron that guarantee your rights
apparently nobody gave dorsey the memo that pissing off heavily armed people is not a smart idea

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Working out fine for him so far.


How many fucking times have these heavily armed people been pissed off and done nothing involving said arms? They could literally kidnap the men's wives and piss in their mouths and these "heavily armed people" would still only chant "VOTE THEM OUT VOTE THEM OUT", if they didn't downright get off on the idea of government employees literally cuckolding them.

I wish they would do something but it's always been bluster.

Like, see this shit. He posts ">so far" on an anonymous imageboard instead of being the change he wants to see.

It's just all so tiring. We do this dance every week, they step past the line, we redraw the line in front of them, they step past that line too, we redraw the line…

Hilarious. It's up there with Google's "Don't Be Evil" motto. Also a joke. Just kidding guys!

So he thinks the Constitution is a joke?

You and I both know the only thing magapede cuckservatives are going to do is impotently screech about how libruls are the real fascists into the void as they're aggressively deplatformed everywhere.

That sounds like a seditious statement he's making…

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I can't say I'm surprised.

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Hi FBI, nobody here is suggesting anything dangerous. We just wish people would run for political offices where they can make changes in a legal and socially acceptable manner. We are a board of peace.

The paper doesn't give you rights. The paper serves as a reminder that the rights are instilled within you at birth, and the American government was founded to recognize these self apparent rights. They knew that at some point, someone would come for these rights and it would be up to those Americans alive at the time to defend them or roll over and let then be taken away.

Also wrong. Get all this jew-infested nonsense out of your head and think clearly, because what you wrote is in part nonsensical.

These rights are not "instilled in you with birth" or "self-apparent". These are just words and they don't even make any sense even if we assumed they'd be more than that.

Rights are nothing other than a set of rules agreed upon by a group of people. Before you had the rights you are talking about, you had the English Crown governing you, who did not agree with these rights, hence you didn't have them. Then your forefathers took up arms and established these rights for themselves - or actually, FIRST, they established their INDEPENDENCE with those arms, which means they removed themselves from under the control of those that had up to that point controlled or ruled (put up the rules), and THEN they established these rights (rules), or in other words, agreed upon those (new) rules.

That is all there is to it. You do not have "natural" rights, neither do they fall from heaven. Rights are a human, an intellectual concept and they only ever get invoked if man decides to do so. Similarily, they only exist as long as their respective concept exists in the minds of men and as long as they can be ENFORCED. They are not a natural occuring phenomenon - that is, in the end, kabbalistic babble that is meant to lull people into a synthetic reality that so they come up with wrong conclusions and decisions in important matters. If people have a wrong understanding of such fundamental issues, they can be easily manipulated in all sorts of different ways downstream from there.

it was just a prank bro x^D

Basically admitting that the First Amendment should apply to it.


This user gets it, hopefully more of you fags read this. Im amazed at how docile the populations of the western world have become in response to the current trends. Revolutions have started over smaller things than this. How is it that the majority of people will watch nonstop corruption pour out from the government and do nothing but say "next time we will vote for something better". The faggots at the wheel of this mess wont save you or reverse the genocide of whites, only you and yours guns can.
Im positive you fags who say this are simply scared of taking action and force those anons who arent too sure what to do into inaction. I bet your types existed in previous revolutions too that tried to effectively stop any form of resistance building by going "oy vey, there are other forms of action to take like voting, dont burn down the government buildings". Ultimately this place is pozzed like most image boards are since the election popularity so the only thing to do is redpill you faggots so at least you might plants the seeds of doubt in faggots who are willing to do stuff.

Excellent point.

So was the Arab spring a joke too which Twitter helped promote.

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Literally no faster way to derail a thread.

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Jews, you fucking dumbass.

Its because people are disconnected. Where can people go to congregate and discuss things seriously? Back in the day there were venues for men to get together and discuss things with no women around. Ideas could be cast around, things could be organized, and action could be taken. Now where would you do this? Online is out because you are being constantly surveilled. Making large groups is out because intelligence communities have thousands of agents whose job it is to infiltrate and destroy such activity, and while you could do things only with people you are already close to that's not a route to gaining power as such an insular entity would have no widespread appeal because it would not welcome anyone else so any action would be written off as terrorism or muh falseflag.

It was a CIA op that google was in on as well.

Sage for double post.

Found the leftist shill. Did you miss the whole bundy ranch fun? You know, where people were travelling from all over the country to show up with rifles and armor and … it worked? By just showing up?
Huge tell when you commie faggots show up and immediately go into YOU GOTTA START KILLING EVERYONE.

Daily reminder the bundy's walked.

You're not using the right buzzwords and the NPC salt thread could've used some backup when the goons were triggered by smug anime girls.

You're never getting your ten bucks back.

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Granted, but tell your employers they're not sending his best.



nice explanation

Get load of this faggot

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I call dibs on ripping that inconceivably faggoty nose ring out of his withered aids-skeleton head before he gets his share of the rope.

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< attacking people

Yep, it's a coordinated attack.
