Take a video tour of Facebook’s election security war room
Take a video tour of Facebook’s election security war room
Every single last one of them sounds like fags or cucks.
And that 'room' is likely filled with shitskins.
20,000 people censoring info. All fags, cunts, Jews. They just can't stand free speech
All the context they offer is one sided.
All the news they show is one sided.
All the posts they remove are one sided.
All the sources they provide are one sided.
All the users on the platform will soon also be one sided.
I think a lot of them are here telling you not to make mid-term memes
Find me a politician who isn't controlled by the jews and I'll show you what a "mid-term meme" looks like. You can't
Jesus Christ Almighty, are they all fucking sodomites?
Can't believe retards use that shit.
Pat Little wasn't kiked.
But kosher/pol/ sabotaged any attempt at supporting him.
christos the deep fried matzos on this nigger
But user calling out the jew in real life means you're just an edgelord, real nationalists do nothing but talk online.
we know what the flag of Brazil looks like retard
Does this mean facebook is violating political laws?
How can a few shitposters on an obscure Taiwanese rice farmer board have such power?
Laws are only real when they are 'in effect', ie. enforced.
Wow thank you NPC. Here's another flag you should learn about.
Gee, I wonder if Facebook wants certain (((candidates))) to win.
Nice dubs.
So why bother, goy
The file that he posted is cheekily suggesting the latter. How fucking new are you?
centrists are utterly delusional
Notice all the Brazilian flags. They're working against Bolsonaro.
Thanks for making a webm for my lazy embed.
Polite sage for offtopic.
Something is weird about that statement. Security teams are never that big, even in very, very large companies. Even 100 people is a lot.
I don't know what this means, I just know it doesn't sound right.
Poos don't care about destroying Europe or America. They're just there for the money and to reverse colonize the British.
You don't have to doubleclick enter for a new line here, reddit.
Perhaps they're including the poos in their indian shill farms.
I do it for the whitespace and readability. If this makes me wrong I don't want to be right.
But yeah, even with the entire staff made of cheap poogrammers it still sounds made up. That's like $16mil/month for "security" by people who don't know security? Obviously they would be doing shill/censor tasks otherwise what else would they even do, but can you imagine the kind of garbage 20k indians would pump out? Facebook would look like some kind of megaQuora within a week or two.
I'm sure they probably inflate their advertising numbers too though.
Nothing you have to say is helpful to us, accurate, or valid. Go back and never return. You do not belong here.
I could only make it a minute and a half in. 10/10 rage bait. I should not have looked at this thread before bedtime. Fuck.
Yea, none of that turned out to be true, but they are going to present it as true, with the expectation that everyone is going to swallow it.
The fucking audacity of these cockroaches is mystifying.
Well, roll up your sleeves, boys! Farcebook isn't the only media out there, and if we meme everything across the board, it will overwhelm their hugbox heros, and the message will get through, even on their own medium, while they collapse in a corner, in shock.
You can't stop the signal, baby!!
That's what I take from all this. This would be considered illegal election tampering
Are you Paul? Everyone on reddit says Paul comes here. I don't know what that means.
They have buffed up their mass censorship machine to try to rig the election?
Haven't they been doing that the past 3 years?
fucking hell does anyone even use faceberg anymore?
Yep, just like they've been promising to do, and just like David Brock and Media Matters / Shareblue have been pressuring them to do.
Will be fun when Zig Forums goes to war with these people in a few weeks.
Pretty much this, whatever shitposting Zig Forums gets too, its going to be hilarious.
It's pretty hilarious watching the chess moves of a chimp on lsd be taken by the self proclaimed master's of reality. All their retarded ass moves are definitely going to get their matrix prison agenda going.
The Brazil flag is due to our 2nd round presidential election.
Our version of a fascist Duterte/Pinochet vs a puppet communist controlled by a puppet master in jail for ruining a 100+ billion oil company and taking billions in bribes from construction firms to build shit in Venezuela, Cuba and Angola while the average Brazilian middle class dies in a hospital line.
^^^This thread is very related, apparently these silicone valley tech companies have been manufacturing their own data to satisfy the ad companies, it's all a scheme.
We only have a few weeks to come up with the right memes to spread this awareness,
meme war is our only option
I don't mean to sound like a arrogant bitch, but Zig Forums needs to hear about the Brazilian elections more.
If the communists wins, it's a 250 million people Venezuela disaster, probably would cause a cascade reaction taking down the rest of South America.
They already tried to whack Bolsonaro (our guy) if he goes down or loses due to judicial kikery/rampant fraud, it might cause a civil war.
Brazilians are such subhumans for even considering the idea of electing a communist while Venezuela implodes.
Serves you right for degenerating into a gutter nation of racially indeterminate jungle transexuals.
Anybody got the webm of the guy getting shot multiple times in the head after trying to run away down an alley? Say what you want about the hueniggers, but they've given us some of the best webms. Whenever you see flipflops and motor bikes, you know you're in for a comfy night.
Is facebook still a thing? I thought their user base was in a nose dive. I've never had facebook or twittter, but I can see twitter as a hub of influence, but from where I sit facebook is nothing. What voting demographic that's still there are they corralling?
shitskins getting a population haircut is a good thing, a very good thing.
First thing I thought too. 20.000 salaries is a lot.
Sounds like they are inflating the numbers by including people in departments who don't really work on that stuff.
pro tip, u can't explain these images (except the fist).
they have created a soy-powered imperial warship
lol @ only allowing 2 questions. And that fucking NPC at the beginning all like "wow, I got into the truth machine, here's where they make the truth!"
Only in 1984
This. We just need to blow up every sub forum. Fuck Trump but the audacity of this is too much to leave unpunished.
when some user coined the phrase "fuck this gay earth" he really did mean it is gay
Brazil's election is getting the (((treatment))).
I don't see how Facebook can legally retain their Section 230 Safe Harbor protections.
For those who don't know, Jair Bolsonaro's success is in some part to using WhatsApp to get around the socialist MSM
This faggot's been shilling this crap on leddit, cuck chan, everywhere if you search for the discord handle.