Literally a walking plague
African-Americans are still much more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than white Americans.
Literally a walking plague
African-Americans are still much more likely to be diagnosed with HIV than white Americans.
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Niggers have at least 10x the rates of STDs across the board vs humans. They are even more likely to have them and not know. I guess they think puss oozing from their genitals is normal.
South Carolina user here, can confirm.
We have quite possibly the highest rates of HIV infection in the country.
The male female gap is due to fags.
That's because they're far more likely to engage in faggot sex, despite aggressively denying it. The typical outlook is "a hole is a hole" to them.
Truth. And the black community has the highest rate of homosexuality.
Idk the jew community might have them beat, isn't isreal the gay capital of the planet?
They are the gayest race in the world and also the most homophobic. They are disease ridden shitskins that need to be purged.
This is why you never forgive coal burners
If you're not pozzed that's just because you're racist. #loveconquersall #STDswelcome #Yourbodyhischoice
Dated hirl in 90's worked cdc hospital interviews with black aids patients, she said they would deny it until death bed
Niggers even managed to spread more aids on their continent than promiscuous degenerate homosexuals in the west. Probably if white gays didn't fuck niggers they wouldn't have massive aids issues lol.
It's a nigger disease though mostly. I thought like ~65-75% of hiv cases in the west were black men.
They're very animalistic in their desires.
If they see something they perceive as fuckable and it presents itself they use it. Usually each other as well.
That's what Che Guevara USED to think about niggers. Before he became a commie, he called spics "an illiterate band of Indians". (((Communism))) always changes the perception of the mind of any sane man. The (((media))) treats him like a hero, commie Redditors see him as the Messiah of muh revolutions n' shiet, same goes for the leftyniggers.
How quickly does this kill them?
Very slowly, which is unfortunate. They have more than enough time to infect hundereds or thousands more before they're finally bedridden and dying.
God fucking damn it even the CIA couldn't do a good enough job killing these niggers with literal HIV
Nah, Guevara still thought that about niggers. Not all communists are blupilled on race, Stirner thought jews were shit for instance, don't mistake that as meaning that communism is good or anything but thinking that all of them fall for races being equal is a mistake.
Stiner was not a communist.
Marx hated him.
Well Zig Forums liking him makes even less sense than I thought then.
Checked. They can stay alive a long time with AIDS, because there are drugs that keep you alive forever available via Medicaid. In the meantime, of course, they fuck a bunch of white college girls.
They like them because of the spook meme.
Never mind that when you argue that communism is a spook, they go into defensiveness right away.
Does prison have anything to do with it?
A lot of niggers end up going to prison for behaving like a nigger and niggers gang rape other niggers there. If any of the rapists carry the virus then there's a good chance it will pass on. Then they can leave prison as a homonigger or a straight nigger. Once outside they spread it(lets face it niggers are too stupid to get tested) and hence very high AIDs rate in the nigger population.
Dr. William Luther Pierce was right again!
Holy fuck how can one man speak so freely
Dr. Duesberg already disproved the existence of HIV. The cause of AIDS is the homosexual lifestyle (heavy drug abuse (especially amyl nitrate), poor diet (no wife to cook), constant fornication with strangers (new microbes introduced directly inside), chronic antibiotic abuse (to prevent catching something), poor sleep (due to partying), corticosteroid abuse (injected in the anal area to tighten it again), etc. Nogs often live like fags too, thus the AIDS. How are these HIV propagandists not getting banned. Hide and report.
lol niggers
what, you thought that was just a meme?
There was a study where 1 in 5 urban faggots were pozzed. Most didn't know.
They're animals what do you expect, they rut like dogs and spread diseases like rats.
is that Morton Downey's cousin?
Holy fuck every single day enough evidence shows up to prove that niggers are useless barbArians. Like every single day . If you just took one day you could use that info in court to prove beyond any doubt that niggers are subhumans. Literally fucking zombies. Black lives matter!
Daily reminder that the myth of the good black man needs to go. They only serve their kind, they are subhumans, and they needed literal brainwashing to get a bunch of retards to give them a race card while they murder rape steal and violate every standard in society. It amazes me how millions of people have been a victim of human pitbulls and they don't group up and deall wifh this problem. Trust me, this is just how it is. Every option to repair them has been explored already. You could go up to them and say look your race is fucked here's asolution and they will say fuck u whitey and choose their app lifestyle instead. They have no aspiration and I have no fucking clue how they were able to even form countries that lasted more than a week. In the us if they were cut off from whitey they would rather just commit crimes than go damn maybe I should humble myself. The Uncle Tom only exists when cornered or separated from the pack. The moment they get back with their crew they become a wild nigger again. Amazing how millions of people possibly billions all independently came to the conclusion that niggers are evil scum, and the only counter argument is "you are racist" or "you are dumb because racists are dumb how dare you make assumptions about somebody based on a label racists are dumb racism is a label and I made assumptions about you based on that label but I can do that because magic!!?
AIDs research is anti-white
O blacks are a walking cancer and disease like every account of human history about the subhumans. Pregnant niggers need to be aborted most of all. However with modern transportation black people will have to be quarantined by 2100 to the deserts in closed enclaves so their infection doesn't plague humanity anymore.
The good news is Mass extinction of shitskins is inevitable , any animal through Earth's history that had no positive effect on nature kills itself off from sheer stupidity. So these no brained animals will disappear when Whites can live in space. Unfortunately its not soon enough.
c'mon goy. (((medicine))) has cured GRIDs enough that you can fuck trapniggers rawdog without fear now. just look at Charlie Sheen. GRIDs is now such a minor public health panic that it is now legal to give The Gift and "impregnate" a boipucci in a neg4poz chemsex gangbang in the state of California. California is ever the (((vanguard)))–whatever becomes Law in California soon becomes Law in the rest of Weimerica. so.go ahead and put your dick inside that pozhole. gargle that shit. enjoy yourself! hedonist pleasure should form the basis of your NPC self identity.
Too bad aids has treatment and these people never die off.
This HIV is fear porn and GRIDS is the real killer.
HIV is fake. It's a complete hoax created by the (((cdc and pharmaceutical industries))). The only people that get "AIDS" today are malnourished or poor people aka, africa and 3rd world