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Other urls found in this thread:


Will the Iranians hit the troops with Chemical weapons?


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Oof, Kill yourself.

Nice try goon nigger

anime posters make me hard
you don't
anime posters stay


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Go back to cuckchan

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Yeah, it's pretty obvious Trump will try to start a big war before 2020. It's the only way he can win again.

It should be with Mexico. Would be easy, and stop the cartel shit.

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Eh user at least keep in mind that like HWNDU, baneposting, IOTBW, Soyboys and Gamergate, the NPC meme coming back due to that study was because of a thread posted here on Zig Forums, while the media luckily for us completely ignored that
q user faggery for that matter is randomly blamed on us users when most of us don't give a shit about those boomers

Fighting Russia is the stupidest thing in the World. US world diplomacy should be focusing on splitting Russia from China. Cut all trade with China, offer free trade to Russia. China is the only serious economical challenge to the US.

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user I..

Yeah but fuck em'

That doesn't benefit Jews though


Yeah, how dare I get annoyed that the overall quality of the board keeps getting lowered by cuckchan refugees and ledditors posting their forced memes.

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pretty much this, as far as shit stands right now China is getiing bretty brazen including being flat out caught trying to subvert Australia, New Zealand and Canadian elections, and honestly it almost seems inevitable they'd try and by Millitary force take Taiwan The home of the legitimate Chinese government which would start a global war, and in said global war between the west and China like WW2 would be decided by how Russia chooses to Ally/remain neutral with, and while I don't like shilling for Jewtin the fact is the "muh Russia" shit is going to end badly when China drops nukes on Taipei

Trump (under the hypothetical scenario that he hates kikes) would deport Mexicans to Mexico and eradicate the cartels. Are you saying that the eradicating of cartels and the drug industry is the war or just killing the mexicans in general?

haha, I love it when you troll those libtards user! do it again!

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Jews can have their desert, and do what they will with it. They have a country now so they can go to it. Hell I'll even support Israel if they fuck off and let Ireland say Irish.

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Call me if Trump actually calls an airstrike on dissidents houses like Slick Willy did.

Trump loves Kikes but he also lovers America or his idea of it. So we'll see.

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Than why is he sending them all of our money?

No, you’re fucking mentally disabled. Go back to reddit.

Stasi are everywhere these days.

Jews and Arabs can both fuck off and die for all I care. You 2 m8

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The poll numbers come from volunteered info of Military Times readers.

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ZOGbots gonna ZOG.

CP faggot what are you 2 years old?

What can be extracted from .png's you dumb faggot

The U.S. Military is 60 percent shitskin, so it's probably more than that.

70% of the respondents were white, and only 11% were women. Navy Intel /= whole military.

Can confirm, bugmen are shitting up our country and need to go. Russia is a distraction.
t. Aussie

Fuck yes.

35% of the US military is scared of us. Zogbots are more worried about WNs than Syria or Pakistan.

Celebration thread!

Just because you can edit a meme and reverse the target, doesn't mean you can understand the meme or how to meme you david brock cock sock.

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You really don't understand the meme do you faggot? We've literally had a fuck load of dedicated threads on just the NPC meme this week and you STILL can't figure it out.

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WN are over 3x more concerning than the country that has launched a (successful) multi-decade invasion of the homeland.
Worth remembering.

Well that's the kicker, isn't it? You'd think they'd figure out that all the subversive, traitorous, degenerate fuckery they bankroll and mastermind is what makes their hosts despise them in the first place. You'd think they'd finally realize that if they just stuck to business and finance, most likely nobody would even care where they lived or what they did.

They won't. They can't. They've been surviving by trying to fuck over other people for so long they don't even remember what a normal life in their own country would be like. Ireland is actually a perfect example of this. Ireland and the Jews have very, very little history as far as I know. Ireland has never directly acted against the Jews in any kind of organized fashion like the Tsars of Russia, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, or the German government under Hitler. But the Irish are still European. The crime they committed is existing and living. That's enough of a reason in the Jews' minds to target them.

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They only thing jews hate as much as Hitler is anime

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Here's the thing: Russia understands that's what the US might want to do because it is exactly what the US did do during the Nixon administration. Except they chose China's side. Now fast forward, the US is completely intertwined with China for business purposes [even Trump admits his tariffs aren't for any other purpose than to make China intertwine to a greater extent] and its population is about to flip to South Africa levels.

Russia knows the US is full of shit and is going to kill them for being White or close enough to White, no matter how much Russia tries to play up its neo-Golden Horde demographics.

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How'd that work with Pepe?

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The Jews are going to be against us and they will try to get the army that is full or nogs and beaners to kill us. We must get the armed forces and army bases on our side if we have any chance at ethnostate. Sorry but the kikes will genocide us using zogbots if we do not take land that includes military installations.

There are virtually no White people even left in the US or the US military. At every level to the last man the US government and its attendant institutions are the enemy. Not a single one of them can be allowed to live.

This is the fucking insane shills are pouting.

The US & the US military are majority white, nigger.

There is no armed forces to get on our side. That opportunity is bare minimum 20 years out of date. They are enemies to the last, full stop.

Not true in the least.

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This is an absurd statement to make and not even remotely true. Sorry FBI, we're not going to go blow up federal buildings.

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It's true, it's literally true, you fucking shill.

Have you ever been to a mall in the last 10 years?

Can't refute him? You didn't even put the cringe one newfag

It's absolutely true. The elderly and near elderly do not functionally count.


My mall is still majorly white people.

So am I living in a different universe?

Yeah, no, it isn't.

Oh shit, we got the meme police over here.

NPC meme will always be associated with goober gators. It is impossible to steal.

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No, you're living in a low-pop outpost far from reality.

This site is a CIA honeypot

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It's meme lords faggot. Stay awhile. You will be redpilled in room 1488. We are going to pop that cherry of yours.

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Oh maybe you are since you live in an ubran shithole.

You separatist motherfuckers better learn your place. My best friend is black. My half-brother is Mexican. My cousin in law is a fucking Chinese Nigerian hybrid and it's fucking beautiful. Why do you fuckers insist on alienating them? They're all fucking conservative and would DIE to defend your rights. This is the fucking land of the free kids and your little bullshit rpg fest of white race shit is fucking damn near over. Fuck all of ya'll. Put on some J peterson and Sam Harris and chill the fuck out lol.


80% of the country lives in spitting distance of a "urban shithole". I'm actually going to filter you because it's clear to me you're a deescalation mil-shill.

also fuck goons

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Again, you are dismissing fact based on your anecdotes.

That's not what the article says at all, there's nothing in there about white nationalism. Just Iran.

OP reveled himself as the resident larping nazi muslim nigger shill in one post, GG OP.


It means the US military fears a white nationalist uprising more than a Mexico military invasion.

Why would you need (((live posting))) on an anonymous imageboard? It should be obvious.

And that's a good thing.

well if there is a war at least my ass is sitting in recruiting for the next 3 years.

I will sit like an effendi and eat while half of the male population is killed off.

Horrific anal devastation.

Zoomer and boomer wojaks can stay.

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nothing but niggers on this site anymore.

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GI Joes all expect WW3 is imminent.

plot twist: America will lose WW3 because it got kiked up, spic'd up, pumped full of bbc, fat, lazy and helplessly reliant on a technologic edge to prop up their decadent morale, prolapsed discipline, hair trigger attention span and they drank their own propaganda kool aid beliving "WE'RE #1" without noticing the foundation has been hollowed out by (((WallSt))) auctioning off every last thing bolted to the floor.

"America" as we know it not only no longer exists, but it hasn't existed since at least Nixon. post-America is the fucking Matrix, and by the time GI Joe faggot realizes there is nothing to fight for because there is nothing left to "save", it will be too late because the army of the Northwest Front will have begun its insurgency and the majority of its soldiers will be deserters who wisely went AWOL from the Pentagon.

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The jews can fight their own wars, Jesus won't forgive a single soul that supports the synagogue of satan and its satanic plot.

We're ranked lower than all of Islam, domestic and foreign. Calm your tits.

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You can always go back to keyloggerchan where you can be a backbiting bitch with the glowniggers.

Still ranked higher than immigration.

Who will defeat America?

inb4 Russia and China

They are even worse states.

Wait, you mean the chimpout for master niggers? Or muh wish a dick fems? Or make america mexico again spics? Only half combined you say? Shit guys, looking good.

China is 92% Han Chinese. I'm pretty sure that number is getting higher each day.

That's wrong because they have been importing niggers into their country.

It's steadily decreasing.

Funny the people who says shit about America does not do research about China.

white cope

what did he mean by this?

Where on that table does it show niggers? If they come under "Foreigners" then they make up less than 0.01%. And the Chinese government are replacing the Uyghur and Tibetan populations with Han setters.

Their ethnic position is steadily decreasing.

Which is why the han demographics is down.
Maybe they don't show it, but: