You don't need to own a machine gun for self defense

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I'll fuck that loli on the right… feminism won't save her, and if she wishes to stay in the US, she needs to give me at least 3 children.

Having sex with preteens is degenerate unless your lawful wife

Zig Forums is doomed


You will burn in Hell, reprobate.

I wonder how rightmost guy got his shirt…

Gas chamber


Well objectively speaking a full stream flamethrower will do the trick.

Some day we’ll be burning pedos like you on the stake
nice cuckchan tier thread, OP is a faggot

Do you think we can help them by adopting the lolis? I'm planning to get a loli and then go live with her to an Amish town. The kikes won't see it coming… I will raise our children to be redpilled and help us create Zig Forumstopia.

Gas yourself pedokike

Also this, only degenerates look at a young woman with lustful eyes. Lust is for the bed between a married couple.

Plus you get that satisfying roar


this truly is the best question to ask as it would lead to the financiers of the whole deal

How come? I see only see redpill anons trying to spread their Aryan genes far and wide.

top fucking kek

as he storms ahead of woman and children
funny isnt it

It has just occurred to me! Can we sponsor an immigrant child and then claim we lost the loli?

We could get married in another state.



Thrown from a helicopter…

…into a giant meat grinder

Firing squad

Actually, it's an aryan virtue for a man to lead the way for women and children :^)

Why even live when you're being forced to married used up whores who can and will leave you without consequences?


You'll take a white woman that's been with 10-20 niggers and like it. She needs a real man to show her the light.

They're taking direction from CNN

((( )))
Zig Forumsacks trying to breed isn't a sin, kike


Why do you want Zig Forumsacks to be lonely?

This is something that not many will talk about. Ultimately, Zig Forums and most of the other weird fringe groups that have come into existence and build influence because of Zig Forums, are peaceful in nature. The things we want to change in society are largely preventative in nature. End a bad idea now so it cannot cause greater suffering later.

What's really troubling is that we're clearly past the point for preventative measures to undo the damages already done. You can't scrape the shit off of Europe with closed borders. You can't unfuck an entire generation of brainwashed hipsters. You don't stop the islamization of the west with some stern words.

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Op is a faggot. Thus the polite sage.
This is the reason you learn how to make explosives like a insane McGyver, out of any fucking thing laying around your house.
A homemade mortar / cannon, made with pipe, pyrodex, and filled with rocks, pointed in their general direction would be far more effective than a semi automatic weapon. Homemade mines and boobytraps would be more effective at keeping them out, than any wall. Chlorine gas and other chemical warfare agents are easy enough to make as well. Hypothetically, Americans would be better off going down to the border, themselves, and setting up "Hunting" stations, with 50 cals and kegs of beer, and just waiting for the caravan to head their way.

At no point did I say to do anything illegal.
You can "learn" how to do anything, and only use that skill, when the shit hits the fan. Knowledge is true power. Guns can be confiscated. Knowledge, once learned, can not.

And they say that the left can't meme…

sure buddy, calm down.

No one is blowing up shit. This is great escalation. Everyone time to start chimping out at every mexican and getting super right wing.

Amp this shit up to 1000

Check out the fucking beaner with the "The future is female" bullshit shirt.
What a fucking laughing stock.

I know how it sounds, which is why I'm not telling people to go out and start shooting. It's just an inevitability, though. It's like people who talk about the next civil war or WW3. Things are not getting better at the rate we're going and there's not a lot of ways this resolves itself in a good way.

no its not you are a retard

Knowing how to do something, is part of preparedness.
Knowledge is the one thing the government can't readily take from you.
If this is the great escalation, then, it would be best to be prepared for it, in my humble opinion.

lmao, if only these traps were effective against migrants

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So all the shitskins are just going to politely leave white countries in the near future?

Preparedness takes away some of the fear of such escalations.
Instead of preparing to fight, physically, prepare your mind, with the knowledge you need, to avoid physical contact, and stay 100M or more out of your "enemies" path. When it comes down to it, physical fights against savages, when they outnumber you, is not the scenario anyone should want. Prepare for it, yes. But seek out safer, longer range ways, to dispatch people. Mantrapping, survivalist skills, firearms, improvised weapons,etc are all essential knowledge, in my personal opinion.

Of course their not. They are going to drain this nation, and any other nation they can step foot into, of it's national riches, while creating litters of children on their soil, to drain them for generations to come. It's like a rat infestation. They bring disease. They breed. Left uncontrolled, they will kill you.

Sounds like you have given up.

an m60 and an rpg should be basic household items. mg42 if in germany

tbh it's only when you're in a situation where procreation is necessary and things like showers arent available and so the woman is nasty and you're both tired and whatnot but you gotta do it anyway - lust will help you get through such a circumstance

reborted ;3

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It's good to have confirmation


i wonder who could possibly be supporting these invaders

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I'm gonna put barbecue sauce of jeff bezos penis head and eat him on v for vendetta day

Try harder, degenerate.

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I tell my peers about this and they don't believe me. We need more dumps of videos of them running across borders so i can show them

Reminder that posts like this are directly condoned by CHODEMONKEY our board owner.
Reminder that if he made one of the polvols the board owner, THIS KIND OF DEGENERACY would not be permitted here.
Reminder that this place is turning into cuckchan FAST.


I understand where you're coming from completely. Feeling that violence is inevitable from an objective standpoint doesn't mean that you want it. I would never start it because I still cling to the hope that some deus ex machina is going to show up and prevent the tens of millions of deaths (or maybe more) that they seem determined to cause. I'm actually a very peaceful person and have some empathy for the brainwashed legions begging for their own destruction. I'll still do what I need to do to protect myself and my children without hesitation but the thought of what's coming me troubles me constantly, because it is entirely avoidable if the world had not gone mad.

cuckpol-tier thread. Suck a dick OP

Reminder that threads like this are directly condoned by CHODEMONKEY as well.

100 years ago we had a simple solution for people like you. We will be readopting those solutions much sooner than 100 years from now.

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Look at all those poor starving women and children…


What size tire necklace do you want?

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I dug a little and all I could find was that the owner of the company from which the t-shirt originated, Express Tees, is Steven Austin. I've spent a little too long trying to figure out more and so I'm just going to head to bed. If someone wants to do my work for me and figure out whether or not he's some leftist cuck I would be grateful. He's just the creator of the company. Couldn't find out if he is the current ceo, president or owner. He may have just sold the company so it's not much to go off.

new technology comes from South Africa rendering the firearm useless. If you want to make an impression, you don't do it 30 rounds per second. You do gods work.

Expression Tees**

Need no, want yes, Guaranteed? Oh fuck yes. Eat shit yid.

Eat shit yid.

There is no hope goyim

Anyone not saging this piese of crap deserves a kick in the teeth.


Zero effort spam is openly allowed here. I’m not even bothering to report any of these threads or posts because they’ll just stay up. Anyone who tries to ban them is removed as a moderator.

Reminder that I could have prevented this.

Nice post, former polvol4.

Now go off to leddit and enforce your rules there.

No, it's because you're a kike.

Go fuck yourself yid.

Nope, not PV4.

This is how mentally defective you actually are.

No, I think you are polvol4.

Now go back to leddit.

What you think is irrelevant to truth. I’m not PV4.
Nice job hopping IPs, shlomo.

Eat shit kike2. Every fucking time.

Yes, I’m sure everyone is going to support you now!

Stop it, polvol4, go back to the darkness. Your reign is over.

You stupid Goy gobble that shit up, meanwhile…

Attached: WE'RE FUCKED.PNG (1492x831, 586.13K)

Build the wall, send the military. meanwhile
Vote for Ted Cruz
Vote for Lindsey Graham
Vote GOP


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You really are mentally challenged. Go back to reddit if this is the board content you want here.

The wall is meaningless. Commit suicide immediately for telling Zig Forums to vote for zionists who personally support amnesty.


Chain migration is all that matters and they'll never build a wall because the private holding facilities lobby your elected reps. They tell you lies and do what their donors want. ALWAYS!

Let me share my story too:

> I enjoy my hikki NEET lifestyle addicted to using sci-hub
> I'm watching 9/11 videos and I feel rage for the people in the towers, I can't do much because I'm a DACApede that doesn't want to be deported, although I was survailanced after inciting people to talk about 911 on a Trump live feed… I won't do that again

Any questions?

Hope you niggers realize the kikes are playing you with this nigger shit.

Let me guess, this is an "organic" group of people who just happened upon each other in their travels northward?

The caravan broke the Guatemalan border fence, Mexico is next! Ahhhrrrhh! Soon they'll reach Canada and then the north pole!

If you suggest otherwise, you are a conspiracy theorist. One of the foremost goals of American public education is to condition the belief in cohencidences, such that no amount of evidence demonstrating a link between two events, or certain people and events, will be accepted.

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user, you're supposed to wife up the loli before lewding her.

That's a nice star of david ya got on that seal there

I haven't looked into it what so ever but I think it's important for you to realize that even people running a political agenda operation outsource their work, they can't take care of every little bit for opsecs sake. My first expectation would be that the company that produced the shirts is unlike any other custom t-shirt company and the owner does not express any strong political bias in his work. I would think they were hired to produce a couple thousand, hopefully not tens or hundreds of thousands of the shirts for X price and if the money was big enough to the agenda group, the company was the lowest bidder for the work. Of course I may be wrong and this man could be bent on using his company to produce as many t-shirts and accessories as possible with a statement of liberal bias on them. Knowing that won't be of much use to anyone though would it? I believe your time would be spent thinking of how you can drive a wedge into a crack like the NPC meme has done. You know what your enemy is doing, you need a way to destroy their efforts that is difficult or impossible to counter attack. I believe it is a lengthier but more rewarding challenge for you.

That shirt could have come from anywhere. The chinks have an entire industry set up where they take other people's designs by the thousands and put them up on dozens of amazon, Ebay, redbubble, teespring, zazzle and their own shitty sites. They don't care because no IP laws. There's even a dude from Michigan who runs a company called SunTees if I remember right that has dozens of these proxies of his own based in those countries so he can steal everyone else's shit with no repercussions. He also charges for motivational talks on how he became such a successful CEO.

and his NIKE's?