I'm a 27 year old alcoholic degenerate who has tried every vice in my mind and etc
I have been wanting better my whole life.
There is so much to type out but it would be such a fucking pain on a phone so long story short I want this to end.
I'm watching family home videos from the early 90s and it's making me cry.
I want to start my own family but I feel like it's impossible … I'm underweight (I can't gain weight no matter how hard I try) I have health issues and I feel totally hopeless.
I'm living with my mom in her car and we are homeless.
There have been several times I have been serious about walking into a store and buying a gun so I can leave this world. … but that's not what I truly want.
I want a fucking family …
But I don't know how to make it happen.
If I go.to church will I meet a woman who wants to start a big happy family with me?
I'm not religious though and I hate Christianity.
But I want a family.
I'm handsome and if I had a child I would give them my whole life …
Where are the wholesome women who just want a man and children?
I feel like my only chance is to join a church and pretend to.buy that jew garbage in the hopes some shoujo will approach me and become my waifu.
That is my life's wish … To have kids and give them all of my love and life.
have you tried the business end of the Mossberg 500?
Fellate a shotgun.
One word friendo:
that's pickup artistry. Google it, it's a thing. Scientific techniques to bag a babe. Sure, most guys use the techniques to go after THOTs, but it's science–it works on all types of women.
For it to work right though you'll need to have a job and be in shape, but once you have that taken care of, you'll be a waifu magnet at the church picnic!
If you are this pathetic, what good will bringing children into the world?
So you can pass on the pathetic genes to future generations?
Do us all a favour and take your life you scum sucking void of energy.
If you think life is this difficult what could you possibly give your children as a skill set to cope?
The issue with society is the fact that people like you bread up and deem their kids the reason why they are alive, not to want to have kids as a means of passing on hard earned lessons and wealth so as to have a good honest lasting effect on the world.
Do it faggot, do it and stop complaining.
Read Nietzsche, Julius Evola, Ernst Junger and then you can begin to be human.
if you can't gain weight, you need more food.
if you can't afford more food, you need a better job
if you need a better job, you either need to work harder, or find something that's a better use of your abilities
if you need a spouse, you need to be realistic about what you can get and in what timeframe
men can marry younger than they are into their 30s, but you need to be deliberate about saving resources
if you hate Christianity, you need to ask yourself why. ask God to remove irrational hatred from your heart. devils hate Jesus and his Church and will often trick you into thinking their thoughts are your own.
my ultimate advice to you my friend is to be deliberate about everything you are doing while you feel like this. if you go on autopilot, you masturbate, you get drunk or do drugs, you piss your life away. if you become deliberate about your actions and your time; you can improve your situation.
do you have any questions for me?
That’s all anyone wants. Once my last parent dies I’ll be alone in this world probably in the same situation as you are, financially atleast. Give up degeneracy, FOR GOOD, make a commitment, and FOLLOW it. Your ancestors didn’t brave the vast expanses, and tame North America so you can waste away in hedonistic toil. Actually success, and self improvement takes effort. Next time we have a /sig/ thread get in on it. As for your life outside the internet, start going to AA, and find a church.
how about you work on that first
while you still have a car, which you will inevitably loose at somepoint when homeless, find a shelter that has some work at the end of it and put yourself into it. many shelters also run programs where they'll let you stay and ease up on the prison ours if you go through whatever bullshit program they have and then go work with someone they are attached too. save money, find the cheapest living arrangement that you can that isn't your car, and continue to bank money.
worry about family when you can financially support yourself.
Visit /sig/ my friend. They will help you get your life on track. Copy and paste your OP into it as a reply.
Good luck
You find it easy to take from.the comfort of your cozy desktop setup but you have never experienced real hardship.
You fetishize your ancestors but you fail to realize they were just real people like myself, people who you would probably frown upon.
They went through their trials and some how managed to find their strength to rise up and fulfill their lives.
I am just like them and like it or not I am the majority of our people in this generation.
We need help and we need a change its not too late for us.
There are millions other men and women like me out there who want a healthy life and a family, we just don't have any support system or means of help and change.
Where do we go?
You have never been in this type if situation from this perspective it can seen impossible to change and improve our lives.
I haven't given up yet .
I dont know if I will manage to do it in this lifetime but damniit I want to make jt happen either now or in the next.
I want a family.
I want people to surround myself with and pour my heart into.
The most simplest thing yet in this age it's as though it's completely out of reach.
Do you have an email address I can contact?
I'm going to bd right now but I would like to contact you later
Fellate a shotgun.
kill yourself cunt.
Fellate a shotgun.
Not a single one of you niggers saged. Kill yourselves before we do.
Go to emergency room. Tell them you're going to kill yourself. They will lock you up for a day or two. Get on disability for being crazy and a drunk.
Go to rehab.
Work out.
Read Marcus Aurelius Meditations, or audio.
Then use the Welfare department to get training.
Why bother? The post is allowed under the board rules. The moderators clearly don’t give a fuck about the website, and the site owner personally condones this content. There’s no point in reporting posts, because you get banned for reporting and the reports will be dismissed, every single time, regardless of the content. There’s no point in saging because the threads get bumped anyway.
Lot of them do though.
ignore this line
dot com
About to be 28
Nice blogpost faggot. Suckstart a boomstick.
How are you enjoying SHABBAT GOYIM?