Christian Picciolini [ex skinhead, diversity speaker now] will be in my town shortly. What should I ask or say to him? Not e-celeb shit, just will be at his talk and might have an opportunity to say something.
I don't know much about him except what I've seen of a TEDTalk and a few article snippets. I'll give a rundown of what I've gleaned: As far as I can tell he was a lonely disaffected youth who was recruited by a charismatic gang leader and later, once disaffected again, clamped onto the next group that would show him affection. He undoubtedly gets a lot of value out of the absolution game where people will pay him great respect and kindness in his weird inverse of martyrdom. I do not believe he understands that redpills exist and likely associates them with being a skinhead. Essentially he threw the baby out with the bathwater in an attempt to belong once he grew out of being a stupid kid in a gang like most adults.
I don't feel like being a jerk to him or to defend degenerate skinheads, nor would any of that help, but his claims stick in my craw - especially the never-been-presented-evidence bit. I have an opportunity to say something about some of it at least. Not sure what to say though, or what would be interesting or useful to say. Or if it is even worth it. But I'll ask anyway since it could be interesting.
Ask him how that many incinerators could burn that many jews in that amount of time.
Michael Campbell
Skinheads have never ever been anything other then a gang like niggers, they're the same fucking thing. An ideology isn't formed by crystal meth and shaving your head, but a gang is. Hitler would not support any of those fucking people
Jason Hughes
For real though, what's an ex skinhead? Growing your hair out?
Oliver Long
To be fair a lot of 90's kids bought into the idea/look/persona back when it was being sold.
Juan Jackson
hitler was literally on meth
Jason Moore
Grayson Bennett
Ask him how many murdered citizens, raped women, and kidnapped children will be enough to transform the allegedly worthy cause of forced diversity into a justified means of bloodthirsty retaliation for the struggling citizens fighting for his life? Then, when he's stuttering his answer, tell him that the economical power behind enforced globalization has a Jewish majority. If he's still standing bring out the pics of abused victims of invader terrorism while asking how he intended to protect his family from an organized crime syndicate that wages a holy war against humanity?
Matthew Lopez
He also fought in WW1 and was the leader of a country
Samuel Green
No he wasn’t.
Christian Nguyen
He does seem like an eternal useful idiot, first for the whole neo-nazi aesthetic and now for the other side of that shekel.
This. Skinheads adopt swaztika's and iron crosses and their affectations and adornments as fetishes to distinguish themselves from outsiders and frighten their enemies. It's like watching a cargo cult dancing around with mock-ups of symbols and objects they saw cause powerful things, but using them without knowing anything about what or how they work. They don't realize that the actual NSDAP would consider them degenerate and repulsive fuckwits, and now he thinks that anything except the total opposite of them is evil.
I get the feeling he's not an intellectual and doesn't think much outside of his emotions. I will be at a conference infested with the worst SJW's and Marxists in my town, and while I don't mind irritating them I don't want him to point at me and proclaim, "I was just like you once, but now I'm a better person." and score points off of me. I think you anons are on the right track though. Evidence of the higher crime rates, the differences in biology, the problems of multiculturalism, and how you can have good relations with non-whites without inviting them into your society permanently. I almost want to read off the quote posted since so few people would even recognize where it came from there.
His personal doctor's notes say he was only taking a weird kind of liquid-cocaine eyedrops. Don't know how that works, but it isn't meth. I don't think anyone in that audience would appreciate that factoid unfortunately.
Not all skinheads are the same, this one is a failure.
I still support skinheads since they fight back against niggers and spics.
Isaiah Mitchell
Ask him the only sensible question "How does diversity and multiculturalism benefit me personally?"
There is no real answer to that question.
Alexander Sanchez
Oh, I suppose it is from the "Hitler-Bormann Documents (Feb. 13, 1945)." according to this link talking about the Herrvolk meaning something like Nation of Gentlemen rather than Master Race.
Well, he's a success in being a tool for moderate and Leftest narratives since he's a "Reformed extremist". I believe that skinheads are made when they are taught a perversion of what the NSDAP's overall vision of German men, and in many ways how white men in general, ought to be like. Skinheads emerge in places where whites are under constant threat from other racial groups, so in the outskirts of cities, prisons, and low-income neighborhoods. Since everyone is taught how spooky the symbols of the NSDAP are, they use them to scare off their enemies and find solidarity with others like themselves. I don't blame them for that, or to be vulnerable to pressures due to a deep desire to belong, but skinhead culture is corrosive and degenerate by design. Picciolini is a perfect example of it: He felt all ideas he heard from them had to be not just dropped but directly refuted otherwise he would not be absolved of the gang. Compare that to many on Zig Forums who have high aspirations for making a family and a future for their children. Once Picciolini had kids, he phased out of being a skinhead. That's proof it is just a gang and not a sustainable, full answer. What you want are honorable men who are willing to fight when necessary with their hatred controlled and defined by their love of their people and their ideals. Not just urban tribals fighting out of reflex and bravado.
That sounds like a good one. I'm sure I will hear about all the wonderful food choices I get to enjoy that would be totally impossible without giving up my homeland to strangers.
Jose Thompson
ask him if he ever sucked martys dick,he knows what this means (its a nigger skinhead from chicago he knows)
Leo Thompson
Christ, goy, have you not even considered the cornucopia of food choices you would be denying yourself by rejecting diversity? Completely obliterating your own culture, national fabric, schools and national budget are TOTALLY worth it for some mediocre tier-foreign food.
I really hate the whole muh food canard. The best Chinese chefs are not moving to the US to open these take out slop houses. I lived in China for a long time and the authentic food is 10x better than the garbage that is sold in the US.
Austin Cruz
whites have always been invovled in "gangs", thats how we kept our neighborhoods white. once we became more involved in individualism and made enough personal sucess we thru our geoup identity under the bus and look where we are now.
stop being a faggot. you cant "shame" niggers for taking what they want.this is a hellenic spirit. the real shame is within our own race who has traded this behavior in for a little home where you can ignore your duty to society.
Daniel Reed
in video related ThuleProductions goes through this topic
Thomas Martin
Yeah, I've been asking that question and the only replies I've gotten so far are complete silence, the "your a racist" canned NPC reply and, of course, "the food nomnom" reply.
Literally no benefit to diversity and multi-culturalism for the inhabiting residents and so many inhabitants back the efforts. Fucking brainwashing is a powrful drug
Christian Parker
Checked, and thank you for bringing this up.
The Putnam study shows the ills of diversity. It lowers social cohesion and trust within a community, and stifles assimilation which is impossible considering importing third world people imports third world problems. Just look at the UK - the acid attack capital of the world.
I suppose the only time diversity works is in a stock portfolio lol. But really, food and music is the only merit that is championed when it comes to this shit. I remember seeing a pic of chefs in Japan cooking Italian food from specific parts of that country. They trained for years and imported the equipment to make it, so the need to import the people was nullified.
Crime statistics in places like Sweden, Germany, the UK and France is startling, considering the population committing the most violent crime is almost always from those born overseas.
I think the most important thing to point out is that diversity and multiculturalism as a lived experience is important to learn from interpersonal experiences and being in settings other than your own. Diversity and multiculturalism as policy pretty much everything the Putnam study presented, but is still being pushed regardless.
Ian Cooper
Roof had made some good excerpts about this guy. Wish I had saved it
Nicholas Diaz
Hes a fed and he doesnt talk about white genocide, thats all you need to know. Stop spreading his name.
John Young
That's the intent of diversification. It's a lot harder to "hate" when you work with one, or personally know one that isn't a rabid monkey. Not that you necessarily need to hate them to want them gone or think homogeneity is preferable, but it's a lot easier to make someone hate than it is to teach them why homogeneity is ideal. Most people are simply too stupid or don't care to learn. Those people can always be made to hate though, and that's why they started busing shit-skins into every single small white town in the country with section 8 housing, bank loans, and refugee shelters.
Connor Long
Yeah, I suppose we should remain primitive forever, right? We should regress our way of life to that of niggers to beat niggers, rather than dealing with the people responsible, maintaining our way of life, and living as we rightfully should. We should reject freedom for us, so niggers can not have our freedom, right? We should reject out wealth so niggers don't have our wealth, right? Fuck you you low IQ monkey.
Hudson Perry
Pic related.
So, how do you feel about the early SS and SA? Because they were pretty much gangs.
Don't expect people to understand your acronyms. The only SS I know are secret service and the Schutzstaffel. The only SA I know is South Africa. None of these things are gangs.
Antifa isn't a gang, but according to you they would be. I don't think you understand what a gang is.
Luke Taylor
I feel like his ideology was poorly structured, basing everything on blind hatred to other races. When he realized he didn't really have a firm reason to hate them his whole ideology toppled over. I don't believe he was redpilled, as one you are you can't go back. I think he serves as a good example of what not to do. Your ideology should be built upon solid facts and as you go up your ideological pillar they get higher in the belief to facts ratio. This way if something is proven false your whole ideology doesn't topple over. I wonder if he thinks everyone on the "far right" is fueled by blind hatred like he was.
Dominic Howard
It's kind of funny how the leftist will claim up and down that races don't exist and mean nothing, but insist on having that 'authentic' Italian or Mexican food made from a flesh and blood Italian or Mexican. Doublethink is very real.
Another funny thing is that nothing guarantees creating ethnic tensions quite like having them live near you. Where I'm from, with so few minorities, our dislike of them is mainly abstract and therefore kind of distant. Whereas when I talk to a guy from Florida about it he has tangible, real experiences and a more true dislike of them than even I who lives in the fruits of a society that doesn't tolerate much of them.
Becoming a Fed at 14 or 16? Seems less likely that being drawn into an organization like many teens are and eventually growing out of it when he hit his early twenties. At some point he obviously presented himself as useful to certain (((people))) who have power in entertainment and media and thereby was allowed to exist and not be ground into dust for his sins against them. Skinheads are not good since they follow a gang-model of existence and pervert the ideals and symbols they use to justify their undisciplined and unthinking hatred towards their enemies, but more importantly serve as a boogieman that people like Picciolini can wave about whenever someone talks about or endorses the ideas that skinheads have only a shallow and incomplete acquaintance with.
I believe he does thing everyone on the right must be like him. Most people do that, projecting their own experience and understanding to explain why another would act this way or that. The reason why redpills work is exactly as you say it: Basing your understanding of the world on foundational, observable fact first and then extrapolating honestly from there makes it so you can not only be effective but honest encounters with reality only serve to sharpen your methodology. I can interact with minorities in a friendly way while still advocating that they not live in my city or country. I don't hate them, and don't need to, though I could develop a justified hatred and still not unsettle myself from my thinking. Skinheads are like berserkers who fuel themselves entirely on rage and once it burns out they're helpless and hollow. Youth gangs have burnout in the early twenties largely because the testosterone and teen angst diminish and the maturation of their brains shows them how idiotic and unfulfilling the gang model is, whereas a redpill understanding begins to flourish during maturation and beyond.
I remember there was a middle-aged female in Canada that had a very similar line, remember because she had an argument with Emily Youcis on twatter back in 17 or 16.
< Were all Americans n sheit! < Just completely forget your own cultures, okay? < Jews? Let them be jews! Prejudice against them is really bad! < Britain is our greatest ally! < *Divides the vote so Woodrow Wilson wins* < I hate Woodrow Wilson so damn much! He won't join the war! The solution is to get skinheads to adopt akchual NS values. Wanna bet those saying skinheads doesn't know national-socialism doesn't know that well either. Skinhead "culture" might be bad but isn't bad because a brainlet NPC caved in under social pressure and muh famelee. If muh famelee mattered, he would have lashed out, been dead serious about fighting th system after wife and kids were taken away from him. Honor? Honor comrades in struggle and White survival first and foremost.
Checked !!
Haha! How sad!
American History X is not a reliable documentary. More like drinking beer, waching soccer and smoking cigarettes.
That isn't just a skinhead problem. Can you name even one individual that is disciplined, organized and systematic enough?
Daniel Howard
ask him about Tom Metzger
Nicholas Wilson
Dat pic There is nothing edgy about seighieling at a pretend ((((holocoast))) building.
Angel Taylor
Ask him if he ever realized his 'gang leader' was COINTELPRO. Point out that they were manipulating him and setting him up for a fall. Ask him how many of those so called skinheads were jewish. Ask him why the people who chose to misinform him might have done so, and what motivation they might have had to make him look bad.
Show him he is surrounded by manipulative kikes.
Josiah Morgan
Smoking crystal meth and acting like a fucking nigger isn't being white you retarded homo
Jayden Clark
This, go even further with it. Ask him what percentage of each ethnic group should be present for each country?
Benjamin Smith
Ask him, "If diversity is so great, why does Israel push for diversity here while banning immigration and sterilizing Ethiopians?"
Joshua James
Hitler was a homosexual jew with brown eyes, black very curly hair, one ball, was a transvestite, hooked on meth, pissed the bed, had a stutter so he was always dubbed in videos, was five feet tall, had six fingers on his left hand, was circumcised, and was illiterate. His halitosis was so bad that the other cabinet members wore gas masks, he also had webbed feet which is why he never let people take photos of his feet, he even went swimming wearing socks. He had pectus excavatum and was a schizophrenic. He had a black girlfriend and had children with her, who turned out to be Obama's parents.
I would say just stab the faggot, but that would be very detrimental. I think the relatively innocent question about the benefits of diversity may be the best route. Also, this thread is full of folks who don't know what a skinhead truly is, just the jewish media's portrayal.
Justin Sanchez
Just ask him how much big his salary with the ADL is, that's all you really need to ask.