It was derailed by a number of people Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith says were white supremacists bent on shouting down speakers demanding a definition of Islamophobia.
Canada keeps (((anti-racism talks))) (((secret)))
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Here you go Zig Forums: "join the conversation" and remember the Butterfly War. You are a woman-identifying native of soultrean heritage, not "white."
Boudria, France; 819-953-3479; Adjointe exécutive à la directrice;
Cléroux, Nicole; 819-953-3436; Program Officer;
French, Juliet; 819-997-3123; Program Analyst;
Gouault, Fannie; 819-953-3475; Senior Program Officer, BCAH Regional Coordination;
Lavergne, Melanie; 819-953-3425; Program Officer;
LeMaire, Véronique; 819-953-3466; National Manager;
Léger, Monique; 506-378-2475; Senior Program Officer;
Muse, Barni; 819-934-5078; Program Advisor, Community Support, Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program;
Peters, Grant; 819-953-3517; Policy Analyst;
Roberts, Krista; 819-953-3423; Team Leader, Policy and Program;
lol secret government meetings on how to deal with evil citizens
Some dudes disrupted a meeting by angrily demanding a definition of islamophobia. I have no doubt there are many members of the Canadian government and intelligentsia that would love to lock these men up for speaking-out. Such public displays of hate and bigotry! When you don't actively fight evil, it takes advantage of your complacency. Canada is so filled with evil communists now it makes me nervous to return (been gone for 5 years.)
Translation: the government is taking orders from the Muslim Brotherhood and is keeping it secret so the public does not find out
Fucking annex us, please.
so where are the leaks. Someone filmed it. We know someone filmed it.
Yeah, seriously don't come back. This place is going down the drain, at least in the big cities. As soon as I can I'm heading down to the Northwest in burgerland.
southern ontario is so far removed from the affairs of western canada.. it's depressing that BC, SK, AB, MB can't just secede (while removing chink-haven vancouver too, of course). could easily stand alone economically.
yeah it's essentially trudeau having his script written by kikes, he is the epitome of a figurehead. he won the election by getting the female vote for being an attractive guy, and the young vote for legalizing pot. it is actually depressing how many people I've talked to who voted for him for similar reasons and regret it now. NPCs have no foresight I guess.
Bumped b/c fuck kikes
This is what an Islamophobe looks like.
Pureblooded Canadian Heritage right there boy howdy
We didn't say your heritage senor, ole!
Problem with starting anything like this in canada is whites aren't the only race who hate the muzzies or shitlib doctrine. Poos and Chinks also loathe their bullshit.
Canada overdosed on non white immigration and is so divided theres no one narrative that will satisfy enough people against the whites. Also theres far more rural land (70-75%) than cities so there are too many innawoods hideouts to completely comp the entire country. It will collapse long before then.
Good info OP but this needs a lot more exposure. Since it's not US-related it won't get much attention here. At the very least, stuff like this can be used to further redpill the few willing to listen.
Ontario is the closest comparison to California in terms of majority nonwhite and faggot platforms. The last premier of the province was an openly kike dyke ffs.
In the last provincial election, cuckservatives cleaned house and the shitlibs lost their party status. Minimum seats for party status is 8. Its the worst shitlib showing in ontarios history (pic related). Point being its too divided for kikes to mount a proper D&C offence in any one area and too little time long term to get the job done. The more likely scenario is canada is broken up into three of four countries.
They've tried this angle before but since Canada was a safe haven for muh slaves they couldn't mount a strong enough BLM movement. BLM ended up crashing the last faggot parade and ended up making complete mess of the entire "movement"
The last resort, natives, was also tried. They tore down a few monuments, made a bit of a fuss, and moved on to something else. Problem is not even the shitlibs give enough of a fuck about the natives, and the natives can't stand/trust any whites. They just want to isolate themselves on their own land, away from ebil whitey.
Even with these antimuzzie laws they've failed because muzzies have flooded public schools which directly effect poos and chinks who can't stand the sight of them. The majority of whites are in a different school board system, catholic, free from muzzie influence. The catholic school board is part of the countries constitution and cant be removed.
What about Chug Lives Matter?
Say it with me, Zig Forums
I don't remember that scene, but the prisoner on the left does have a muslim beard.
Good job Canada and Europe.
Are you actually agreeing with your kike government that wanting a fucking definition is somehow muh hate? Wake up, user. There is no validity to undefined bullshit and there never was, like basically every buzzword they use.
watch out for Portland.
Damn that looks exactly like some comic this kid I knew in high school would make. Chase I know your out here or at the bare minimum on r9k
I know Zig Forums says to stay and fight but there's no saving Canada. Even as a kid I didn't know what the fuck it meant to be Canadian, I never identified as Canadian, I always felt there was no strong connection to other people especially in a class with so many fucking chinks. I'm moving out of this God forsaken hell hole one day, I'll probably find a remote place to live in Costa Rica or maybe some untouched European island somewhere. Christ, is there any hope for the future? I've been browsing Zig Forums since 2012 with no end in sight and things haven't gotten any better. Trump was elected sure but he will not fix the demographics.
The Trump era will be no different than Reagans. Once the population is pacified with a "strong economy" then he'll pass amnesty for the spics during his second term. Trump hasn't done a single thing that couldn't be reversed the second he leaves office.
Does that mean we're gonna go extinct? Eastern Europe truly might be the last bastion of white Europeans. I hope to God they win WW3.
Posted to soon.
Yeah I'm 100% done with Trump, one minute he's talking about dreamers from our country, the next minute he's sucking daca babies dicks. First year was hopeful, but now I have no hope. I'm desperately waiting to see if he'll let the caravan in.
Alinsky rule 5
I'm guessing Trudeau is giving them all dancing boy blowies as well.
What? Did you expect Justine Castreau to create jobs or something? 'southern Ontario' means Toronto which means bigshot jews explaining to Libcucks the laws they will implement for the tribe.
Imajun my shawk
Surprise surfuckingprise. Fuck you, Ottawa. You'll have decided long before we hear a word of it out west.
I'll tell you faggots one thing for sure: you don't control my mind and you don't control my heart. God gave me free will and any man who tries to take that from me is answerable to Him.
The one good thing about Canada is that while the government is more evil than Satans cock. It is at least small and only takes real root in the city.
Canada is a great example of how (((media))) is used to control the goyim. And you're right: there is a special definition of "urban" they use here ("Canada is the most (((urban))) country around") for the rubes. In reality it's about 25% not 80%.
Of course this also means lots of pig farms and Twin Peaks shit that goes on.
The problem is the size of the country. This isnt Europe where its one time zone for your country with the ability to be in the capital within an hour or two max. Canada is 5 time zones across 5000 km - a larger area than all of europe combined with mountainous areas, ferries required to reach mainlands, and arctic areas. There is not one single movement that could take hold in Canada because you cannot organize across that many time zones and the areas, cultures and wants and needs are so different that its impossible to cooperate or share the exact same beliefs. They will never march on Ottawa and demand change because it would bankrupt them all to leave jobs and spend $1000 on flights and more on hotels and food and so on.
As such, only GTA and Montreal, to an extent, can influence policy with a movement and they are the most diverse areas with cultural, language and racial divides preventing any unity. This allows oligarchs to control the government, such as the dairy cartel/montreal mafia, muslim brotherhood and chinese communist party. They have more money, more resources and can lobby/bribe and influence policy.
Country needs to be broken up. Maritimes lost their ability to tariff goods and crippled them, as per John A's plan meant to do and push people to fill western canada. Pierre Trudeau and American interests pushed for the St Lawrence to be built to make it easier to get goods to America through the great lakes. Halifax has an ice free harbour and should have been built up and been a major hub for commerce and goods entering the country. This crippled the atlantic provinces and made them dependents on ottawa and quebec. Pierre Trudeau also crippled Alberta with NEP to ensure dominance of Quebec and Ontario and their power bases.
The country is a joke. The 70s absolutely destroyed it. It's taken a few decades for the cancer to grow, but it's over.