Thanks macron
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Urban youth love school!!
That model student is just telling that lazy teacher to get up and teach, he's just so excited to learn more.
Sage for shit thread user.
>mfw the shitskins will just get funs illegally anyways to shoot innocent Europeans without the (((diversity police))) noticing
Not even (((Karl Marx))) supported the idea of taking away funs, as much as a turbo Talmudic kike he was. When and where exactly did this kike-invented bullshit originate from? Also Zig Forums doesn't need to advocate anti-fun policies for shitskins because you won't even have them around on the ethnostates.
shes french so she should at least know how to properly surrender.
Just tell him he's not legally allowed to own the gun. It will fix everything
Its not that hard to legally get a gun in France surprisingly.
I'm leaning toward the probability of this fine young gentleman not having undergone the legal parameters for gun ownership.
I could be wrong. It happened to me once before in 3rd grade, but I feel confident on this one.
wtf i'm a marxist now
Isn't he holding a fake gun ?
One comment on halfchan claims that's a staged performance for a theater class.
Aanybody can be french, the republicans won the civil war, deal with it.
Cant find any info anywhere, could be fake.
Here webm anyway.
Appears to be an airgun & the nog has been arrested. not working.
Wouldn't surprise me, given they love to make the right make a fool out of itself because so much of it is full of retards at the moment that would take that bait.
Actually it's like the nigger is holding a fake gun and pretending it's real to scare the teacher.
What a fucking idiot.
What exactly is this supposed to indicate to this monkey? "if i's moves duh gun forwards its gone look sooperz serious"
I don't interact with normal people much. I know lefties believe the shit spewed by these journalists, but I don't know about normal people. When they read that do they rightfully picture a shit-skin, or do they picture a Frenchman?
I member this.
Have you ever seen a nigger erupt into a spontaneous dance whenever an alarm sounds, or other rythmic sounds? It's chilling, you suddenly realize you are looking at something that doesn't think like you.
Frogfag here,
This is a fake gun, he was arrested and the teacher pressed charges.
Still shows you how vibrant and culturally rich classrooms are today in France.
Thanks Macron and all the president we had the last 50 years
Time for Macron to get a free haircut, just a little off the top.
The white faggot at the end pisses me off, traitor.
Boomers have no self preservation mechanism because they've grown up in a bubble environment with no real threats.
This is what happen when you let the Jew in.
Meanwhile, Hervé Ryssen (French Nationalist) is condemned to 1 year for exposing Jewish Incest in a video.
It's well understood in decolonized African physics that thrusting the gun forward at the moment of discharge increases the velocity, and therefore the power, of the bullet. Use this technique in conjunction with an adjustable rear sight dialed to maximum to crank the power level of your gun up to eleven. And don't forget to grab your crouch.
Tell David Brock that 8/pol/ said you dumb niggers glow in the dark, and that the demographic he's trying to dox and collect intelligence on isn't dumb enough to fall for that discord bait shit. Better go back to using FoxAcid if you niggers want any hope of dealing with us before the midterms–or did your precious NSA toys get taken away?
Vichy did nothing wrong…
What a racist old women…
fucking honkeys. you have to jab the gun forward to "throw" the bullets if you want to be a proper nigger.
I can't find my cap of the post, but never forget that when niggers were getting smoked in Africa back in the good old days, their rifles were found with the iron sights maxed the fuck out, because the niggers actually thought that increasing the range on the sight itself would increase the firepower.
Often, we fail to give due credit to the upstanding citizenry of noble African descent. Things have worked out swimmingly in gun-free Chicago for example, where these aspiring doctors lawyers, quantum physicists and rap artists would eventually … nay … quickly surrender their firearms in the interest of safety and community bonding
Haha, yep. That was the Rhodesian Bush War, was it not?
Why does no one point out the fact that these dumb nigs almost always get arrested after stupid shit like this? Everyone always acts like no one does anything
It's even funnier when you read the after story where she didn't even press charges and forgave the nigger for almost killing her. Women are so weak and pathetic they should never be in control of any fucking thing
Because people are smart enough to notice that "ordered two do 20 minutes of community work to which he didn't show up" doesn't really count as "doing something".
she got a rush of that shit, thats probably the most male attention shes got in a decade. Her fucking rape fantasy almost came true. Shes hoping he wont pussy out next time and will get physical with her
Shoot the bitch. She's laughing at you Planet of the Apes monkey
so true
at point blank range , if he hit her eye im sure it would have been able to do mortal damage, maybe even her throat
not that I care, I watch this shit now and Im all like oh black guy cool
Im so happy I became racists, its like the world is now just entertainment rather than a constant hassle of being lied to
Screencaped for "The boomer secret". This is why they're like this.
The picture with the nigger flipping the bird might be the one that sparked headlines, but for me the palpable physical awkwardness of the second photo really takes the cake