Supposed insider anons

Just curious what peoples thoughts are on the insider anons who used to post on Zig Forums.

This includes FBIanon, Megaanon, High Level Insider, Q, and any others you may have come across.

I can't help but feel there was some good truth with Megaanon. And some half truths wit the others.


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Gtfo with that qlarp bullshit.

Ya I'm not a huge Q guy either. This is about all anons in the last couple years though, not just Q

Take it to QTDDTOT faggot.

They are all massive LARPs, just some random poster(s) who took the time to register a tripcode and makes bad theories. Especially (((Qanon))), the one I know most about. Qanon just makes shitty predictions, then doubles back on them whey they dont turn out true saying he had to put misinformation in there or shit.

I'd have to think Q may be more of a Trump psyop than LARP. Also, Megannon actually predicted what was to come concerning the firings/hearings of Peter Strozk, Mcabe, etc

No "may" about it. It is 100% Trump/Mossad crafted narrative. Whatever esoteric concepts and propaganda the administration would like to put out that it can't do within the formal confines of official press conferences and statements, it relays through "Q". Anti-White hatred, nigger worship, demonization of Germans and the German state, communist sympathies, disdain for Westphalian order, apoplectic rage at Iran for being not just an uncrushed vestige of the prewar order but one that managed to slip its noose.

Ridiculous LARP for boomers.

Ha, well it pushes the notion that war is a scam, so it couldn't be all bad. Queer

Go the fuck away and never come back, paid jewish shill.

It does not push that notion at all.

War is not a scam. The last century and a half of war, however, has been exclusively done for jews.

Q peeps don't like Israel. Have you even red it?

"Were saving Israel for last"
drop 916

It's totally a scam. And it's not just Jews, heads of every religion play into it. Oh wait, you guys think that Jews are behind most other religions right?

Q is a carefully masked trap that a connection to Trump baits in order to mock the movement.
Why? Probably because Trump is a plant to make the right look ridiculous.

why don't you go ahead and search the word "nazi" on there.

never really said anything too outrageous, may have been legit. didn't really provide predictions but moreover a general gestalt of things that are self-evident framed from the supposed point of a CIA Nigger.
most likely an user looking to red pill newfag trumpniggers who came during the election and appeal to authority

no idea, sounds like cuckchan faggotry

again, no idea. cuckchan shit.

complete LARP, nothing more needs to be said

probably legit and ended up getting v& by the iranian government

>>>/4chon/ user fucking with people. admits it on the board about six months ago and posted screenshots with the (You)

100% legit, but boring as fuck.

probably legit but completely insane

Pic related. What's the claim again? Iran is a super secret Nazi state run by Mossad as controlled opposition and only the based patriots like Miller and Kushner can put a stop to these jewish schemes? To say nothing of Hitler's daughter running Germany, right?

Attached: q2.jpg (928x482, 35.43K)

I think the point is that almost every nation on earth is generally run by organized crime. Hitler was a puppet of these criminals, as are most other world leaders.

And there we have it. Like I already detailed here this agitprop narrative is just postwar order reinforcement packaged differently. Every one of its advocates share the same end conclusions as the prosecutors of the Second Zionist War.

This actually is probably how it's always been since ancient Egypt. Criminal organizations/financiers running the show from behind the Royals/Governments/Major Religions of the work.

You've already outed yourself. You can stop now.

What!? You don't think Hitler was a patsy? Maybe he got wise by the end, but it didn't make a difference. The powers that be at the time got Israel and the UN out of him

There are many anons on there redpilling the old people on kikes. One thing I likes it that Q specifically posted regarding Rahm Emmanuel stepping down. That made me think it may be not so evil. Plus in the beginning Q was telling people about that Saudi purge that happened. Then Trump is quoted as saying that ‘we put our man on top there.’ Then I’ve also heard that Bin Salman has been quoted as saying that Israel did 9/11 recently. Also, even a propaganda outlet like politico is saying that people need to prepare to be disappointed by Muellers Russia bullshit. So then what exactly has he been doing this whole time?

Obviously Q has posted things that I don’t agree with and that has hurt it’s credibiity substantially, like Iran for example. But even so, in Trumps rant tweet about Iran, it was specifically addressed to Rouhani. And unfortunately Rouhani seems to be comped. He has connections with Soros and his Open Society crap through John Kerry and Obama. Root for the Ayatollahs maybe. But anons must remember that yea war in Iran would be Jewish disaster for us, but the last true /ourguy/ there was Mahmoud. And even he tweets in support of people like Kaepernick. And now even Putin is shitting on the us for this Khashoggi nonsense. We shouldn’t accept the friendship of rivals just because the msm wants to group us up. Things are indeed getting weird. I think we’re on the cusp of a new order I’m just not sure if it’s going to be better or much much worse.

Copy/pasting from another forum.

>At the same time, the Alt.Right has taken up the mantle and many of its notable polemicists/figures have weighed in on the issue of Revisionism with a particular emphasis on the Third Reich and the Holocaust. This has come about for reasons that are not mysterious, and a quorum of sorts has developed within Alt.Right ranks, promoting the idea that the issue can somehow be avoided or neutralized in its entirety if the Third Reich is cast by 21st century Rightists as a maniacal or suicidal/homicidal and criminal regime - and that their own anti-Jewish commitments can be rendered respectable if adequate distance is placed between their own intellectual heritage and that of the NSDAP and Fascist governments of the White, Western world in the 20th century.

>1) The Second World War was a rare instance of a (quite literal) mass conspiracy of propaganda, disinformation, and manufacture of causus belli - from the deliberate leak of the Rainbow 5 memo, to the embargo against Japan, the Atlantic Charter, the exemption of the USSR (which as of 1941 had exterminated ten million people by way of starvation, summary execution and commitment to death camps) from the Neutrality Act and the subsequent de facto unconditional alliance with the Communist world by the FDR Administration, and the little known Lankai incident (diligently documented by historian Thomas Fleming). 1941-1945 was a unique instance of the US Government targeting sovereign countries for annihilation - and the literal extermination of millions of White, Christian people…a program of endless military assault that included plans to annihilate European capital cities with atomic weapons. In other words, the obliteration of the ancestral homeland of the American people by way of nuclear warfare.

>2) The New Dealer program was not merely tailored to facilitate a geostrategic 'power grab' by the USA so as to afford the United States the status of a Superpower/Hegemon. Its purpose was a permanent reordering of social relations between and among the White world and the colored races (within America and globally - in case of the former, one only needs to read Fleming's analysis of the race riots during the War years in places like the Sojourner Truth housing development and the purported 'failure' to piggyback forced integration in toto upon the War effort. This was the impetus for Johnson Administration's Great Society and forced racial integration at gunpoint) and to abolish the Westphalian system of interstate relations in favor of a juristic regime (established at Nuremberg) that aimed to quite literally criminalize power-political activity that acted against the sovereign will of the United States and the Soviet Union. Concomitantly, the Nuremberg precedent/World Order cast the NSDAP as a criminal conspiracy, the purpose of which was the physical extermination of the world's Jewish population. This claim suggested (and in so doing, provided the intellectual and ideological basis for de-nazification) that the political Right was and is essentially homicidal and criminal - and that one of the functions of the security mechanisms of the United States (police and military forces, domestically and abroad) was and is to identify and eliminate the political Right whenever it emerges and to prosecute and/or physically do away with/annihilate its architects and sympathizers.

>3) Millions of White, Christian people were killed, displaced, ethnically cleansed, imprisoned, or otherwise brutalized by the American-Communist regime that was the architect and victor of the 1941-45 War. To abandon the memory of these people to the Enemy's defamatory canards is a grotesque form of masochism, or at best a callous and ignorant abdication of Western heritage - the preservation and dignity and memory of which is purportedly the raison d'etre of the Alt.Right in the first place. Any political tendency of the Right that refuses to engage on/with this issue is as cowed as the controlled opposition that the System permits and endorses.

You are very obvious in what you're trying to do.

I'm not arguing that WWII was a bunch of bullshit. I'm sure it was just a means to re-order the world.

You think this was done purely to further the destruction of the white race? I doubt it.

So you're sure it was just a means to re-order the world, but you doubt that it was meant to re-order the world in the exact manner that world has actually been re-ordered?

You are very obvious in what you're trying to do.

Also, these secret organizations/families (the biggest of which control the finance of a nation) have developed their own code of ethics/cutler as time has gone on. Honestly, it must be this way, as long as there has been the concept of "sin", there have been groups who have provided it (for a price) to those who seek

I'm filtering you, OP.

Thanks, will check those out. Haven't heard of a few of those

Nope. He just pretended he was really talking about the Saudis after his mass arrests never happened. It's a LARP, and you're mentally retarded.

Lol, dude, arrests might still be coming. It hasn't even been a full two years yet. Once the world sees that Trump still has support from the entire nation this november, things may get interesting. That said they may not, but you have to at least give it until after the midterms.

That you should kill yourself.

All the kikes will end up in occupied Palestine behind that wall. We may think they're going to prison, but they'll just be going into hiding to allow us to fight it out for the survival of the human race. They will sacrifice a few of their own, but nothing will be done as far as defeating the real problem.
Don't ever trust jews. Ever. Don't believe them no matter how minute the issue. They will always lie, deceive and distort. The only thing you can count on from a jew is that you can't count on them.


They're never happening. The dates given for them to take place were just under a year ago, but from the second he started posting it should have been obvious that it was all fake. You should unironically kill yourself.

Attached: Podesta Huma.png (1093x385 109.63 KB, 58.01K)

No that’s not what happened. It was clear the whole time that arrests were happening in S.A. That was made evident. I expected them to happen in the US after that and it was disappointing when that didn’t happen.

Then you shouldn't have any problem finding screenshots of Q talking about what happened in SA before it happened.

Can't find anything on this. Anyone?

Jesus christ Hasbara chan, did you guys lose all your files? What's up with this shitty attempt at finding out if we fall for your gay bullshit.

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How do we link those posts to Q?

The style is very different.

Those were the first Q posts, when Microchip was apparently in charge of the LARP, when "Pamphlet user" took over the writing style changed.

Attached: (((Q))).jpg (1920x1080 276.01 KB, 723.01K)

ok thanks. How do we link them to later Q? Same trip or something?

He's slipped up multiple times.

ITT: lazy inept journalists getting retards who don't belong here to write their shit tier article for them

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micro was likely trolling (((posobiec)))
and pamphlet user just got a hold of Q's trip for a little, then the board being used was abandoned
Q's predictions are mostly hype, but some of the details are great

Attached: debunk.png (5820x4545, 9.74M)

fresh NPC meme…

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Whether or not Microchip was Q, the Q handle has definitely change hands when Pamphlet took it over.

If you really believe that, you should kill yourself.

Attached: Autism is My Superpower!.jpg (600x450, 58.05K)

Attached: pamQ.jpg (1440x2960, 717.39K)


No autism is your genetic disease which needs to kept in the nigjew lines .


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