THIS!!! Spread it far and wide. Let Booker feel the wrath of the mobs he played for gain.
THIS!!! Spread it far and wide. Let Booker feel the wrath of the mobs he played for gain.
Other urls found in this thread:
No backstory, no archive, ''. Hmmm.
I'll be sure to click on your jewgle link right away rabbi
Oh he is still innocent until proven guilty, yet it wont hurt to…raise awareness.
Why don't you post it on reddit then?
As everyone knows, it's not gay when black guys do it; it's just "joking around", harmless "locker room play"…
You may want to include some more details. 1/10 for effort tbh
Fuck OP's honeypot.
Didn't that half-breed bitched and accused Kavanaugh on being a sexual predator during the hearing?
Yup. The same. Wrote a paper about raping a girl in college too or some such and such. You know- niggers gonna nig.
Sure let me just go ahead and click you google drive honeypot link you fucking kike piece of shit.
We have to believe him!
We cannot dismiss his claim, it would be a slap in the face to all men if Cory Booker wasn't removed from office IMMEDIATELY!
It's real and he admits it.
Fags will let it shit slide. This isn't the plan
This shit is useless. He could at least say he can describe Booker's genitals or something so we can push for a humiliating inspection. Otherwise Booker will just deny it and Democrats don't give a shit about being hypocrites.
Cory Booker AKA Spartacus Gay Gropeus
Do all niggers have aids because they're gay?
Niggers are aids because they have gay user.
Booker is a loudmouth moron who's never going to be president. He always seemed like a try-hard fudge packing faggot anyway.
Yes yes he did.
We have to believe all sexual assualt accusers.
le bump
It's probably Pozzobiec or someone he's associated with. All of rat-fucking takes what could potentially be a decent premise, then either falls short or takes it too far, to the point where only 65 IQ Trumpniggers run with it.
Huh? The new standard is guilty until proven innocent.
I'm guessing pic was YFW
This right here. #Ibelievehim
LOL on "he's just another asshole"
Oh, and we see the facts bear out what we have pointed out for years. This guy was in a cycle of abuse that started when he was 3.
Keep homosexuals from having any access to straight society, and they produce FAR fewer homosexuals.
Raping young boys is the primary way homosexuals reproduce.
If you mean that pic was my frst meme then you are correct. I am still learning gimp so use paint atm.
It's already floating around twitter. NPCfag here. The bluechecks are starting to talk about it now. Hilarity ensues because he was their next Obama. This is what they get for Kavanaugh.
go back to reddit, no one supports your kike-puppet of a president
Stay mad, faggot.
>>>Zig Forums
Cory "Crazy Eyes Nigger Faggot" Booker
I didn't imply that at all actually.
They're so easy to fish out. Anytime they talk about democrats they expose the fact that they support the (((GOP))). Fucking blue-pilled redditors come here to hype their boss up for his next election.
LOL post of the day.
Made me laugh.
you, for example, aren't from here
Here's a picture for you of "Ima be prezden" Corey "Believe every heroic survivor of a rape accusation except that silly faggot who is accusing me of it" Booker.
Have fun memeing the hell out of it.
Bill Clinton would love this one.
We live in a ZOG. Both sides are kiked all to hell. I didn't come here to suck Trump's dick. I came here to bring news about a commie nigger. Why are you shilling for the commies? DOTR can't get here soon enough and you and all of your JIDF marxist faggot buddies will swing from the highest of trees.
Doing God's work Lad.
They really have no clue how badly they stick out. Pathetic isn't it.
Here user. Made this for you.
That is so good, it must be a replacement for porn. (I don't into porn, amazingly enough)
I believe
Much thanks user. I love it!
Everytime I see this meme on this board I'm just going to assume you made your way from cuckchan or reddit. Is that a bad assumption? I don't think so.
Trump supporters deserve the gas chamber.
Cory booker accusation spreading on twitter faster than the thought police can scrub it.
Nothing in either the red text or the green text can be indicated in my posts. That's how desperate you are to have everyone suck your kike-puppets dick. He's not even conservative, nor is anyone who votes Republican.
King Nigger did this for 8 years.
Bush, Obama, Clinton, and Trump are all the same you fucking moron.
Apollyon is fallen
Apollyon is fallen that dark who did control
the affairs of the United States
with darkness from his soul
Apollyon is fallen
Bound up in chains unbroken
No longer to meddle until the time
Of which St. John had spoken
He's muzzled and he's blinded and he's deafened for a bit
Below the Earth, and below hell, in the bottomless pit
He overstepped, as did they all, this mighty demon race
But God, through his mighty Michael has put him in his place
How did such a one as this get free to rule our land?
We gave it over bit by bit, according to Satan's plan
But, the praying saints stood guard, though tired, and besought our God on high
and over the decades following, nigh a century they sighed
And God, who ever hears our prayers has pulled out the pin
that linchpin that was holding victory down, and keeping joy within
the blood of the unborn was falling on the heads of every man
and woman in America, yea, blood had drenched the land
But woe to those who support the slaughter of my army
I have yet to unleash on them, those who sought to harm me
Yes, young Jamal and Enrico, and Freddy, Jim, and Mack
Though you killed their brothers, they are all come back
Like Herod feared a savior and slaughtered all the young
From the highest yardarm 'twill be Herod that is hung
The Podestas and the Hillaries and Billies, Georges H and W
From Guantanamo straight down to hell, they will no longer trouble you
Just make sure, fair Christian, to never follow them there
you do not want them to take revenge when you are in their lair
Walk with Christ, touch not the blood of innocents of any sort
Read your Bible, pray your prayers, and make good deeds your sport
Cheer no longer for degenerates who kneel for Baal, not my flag
Fear not those who would prey upon your sons (They call them fags.)
Just guard your holy family, your children, and your wife
For from the womb springs forth the next generation of human life
Not all women are whores, though most have cast their lot
in with Lot's wife who looked back and forever became a blot
A testament to lovers of pleasures, hedonists
These very same rail against you, and raise their hateful fists
Consort not with pigs and sows who seek to breed more whores
For women who will do this are devils without mores
The world needs more whores' sons like it needs cancer on the face
For the sons of whores are the criminals of the entire human race
You are winning, a reminder, the first time in forty years
Don't squander your victory on pornography and beer
On running up the score, my dear, there is no Earthly limit
So have no fear, your light can shine as long as you don't dim it
When not one fag creeps up on kids, when the court is again supreme
When you ram and sink the enemy plans as with a trireme
When marriage is not punishment for men, or profit center for whores
When your entertainment is heroic, and not the purview of boors
When education educates instead of instilling programs
When criminals of the capital sort are all killed in pogroms
When petty crimes are repaid in full, and repeaters prison-employed
When treason is a capital crime and freedom is enjoyed
When doxxing is a felony
When rape requires proof
When the safest place for a man at home
is not cowering on the roof
Before a rampaging feminist backed by Satan's laws
While she tears about his family with foul mouth and greedy claws
When sanity is fully restored, then you still must fight
against the return of those who spurn the ways of truth and right
When being White is not a crime
and “hate crimes” don't exist
When the media is owned by those who don't believe as fact
The fiction of Schindler's List
When doors and cars are unlocked at night,
And Whites don't have to pay
for other races to breed like rats
and avoid responsibility
I don't hate the White race, I am God, I made you thus
I did not create you to be the place where another race made hate its focus
The races, nations, ethnos, borders, and boundaries
some were created by men, they must remain, as must mountains and seas.
You are on a roll so surf this wave across this planet blue
and you will no longer have to shake your head, saying
what's this planet coming to?
You've made OC that will extend far beyond yourself. Be proud, user.
based centrist! :DDD
Gay nigger wrote some shit years ago that should have doomed him, but democrats being democrats, he's their star groid.
Bathhouse Booker