Same as Obamas numbers, total failure of the tax break policy, all of that Trump's bragging was for nothing.
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Forcast is a fancy word for guess
Watch as the gov uses the same shitty excuse for the subpar growth in the later quarters as they did in the Obongo years.
(((Peter Schiff)))
get out.
Might as well have just linked a jew water article
No, you get out (((Peter Navarro)))
Do you even know how these things are calculated?
FYI - when talking about the state of economy, it all pretty much boils down to how bank and big corporations are doing, NOT your average Joe and his salary. It's all smoke and mirrors.
GDP growth is good for Wall Street and bad for citizenry. If you knew anything about economics, you would know this. The alternative is that you do know this and still view it as a bad thing, which means you're a product of Wall Street, which only produces investment bankers and con artists.
Consider your options carefully, OP, provided you ever post in this thread again.
And you're surprised?
You trumplets really have short attention and memory span. Lay off the Pabst Blue Ribbon and led paint in your food.
Even when they do suit us they're heavily skewed against us so yeah it's jewish, just like you.
What tax break? I haven’t noticed.
It lowers interest rates because it empowers the value of our money. But that just means we pay off the kikes so they can borrow us more. Cycles of toilet bowls
Can't even spell lead correctly you long inbred rat.
Hows that cock in your mouth leftypol? Nice 'n salty?
typical tactic when they are on the ropes is too muh economy knowing they control it by the fed interest rates the chosen dictate over actual human beings/Whites which is another testement to their psychosis as that is the only thing they have that matters as all other rat institutions being propped up FALL.Please continue rodent you are the most anti semitic by your own volition and your own words spoken in hubris captured forever in DB's everywhere and censorship ahaha another move by the mentally ill through inbreeding/shoot self in foot as laughing intensifies.
The shills who hate trump from left pol are so obvious to call out. They love throwing the joke weird around too too try and sound like they fit in.
npc amp up for midtemrs by rats and hanged firsters
The main reason GDP growth is "down" is because the proceeds of economic growth are having to be spread out among the populace rather than into the vehicles that GDP measures.
You mean the same FED that rose interest rates shortly before the elections and always when it's the least convenient knowing that it will decrease growth?
Plus I would believe those numbers. Like all economics they are doctored or the sources are selected as appropriate.
A big part of it is immigration.
If you have high immigration then your GDP will grow as your population grows.
But each persons share of the wealth of the country goes down.
At this point, it's not the amount of money, it's the distribution.
GDP can be going through the roof, but if it's all in the hands of 1% of the population, it means nothing to the citizenry.
This is why I always have to laugh when they say, "per-capita GDP," because it's never distributed "per-capita" across the entirety of the citizens.
Right now, U.S. citizens have more job opportunities than they've had in decades, and with the tightening of H1-B visas, they'll have even more. This will force companies to pay more, as the supply of workers dwindles.
It was pretty great in the past, when workers were in demand, and the supply of them was limited. People made living wages, back then.
Interesting as well, isn't it, that while the fucking Fed central bank claims the economy is "heating up too much," so they have to raise interest rates, these nobodies are claiming GDP is going nowhere…
Sounds like a lot of politically motivated bullshit, to me.
the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
That alone is enough to give him my vote
Let's say Paco is productive. Are his 8 kids, wife,and grandmother? And of they somehow are, is it above board employment? Working for cash under the table doesnt help the economy or gdp in any way. Resources are spread amongst a greater number of people with a lower percentage contributing than before.
If you want instant change, go kill the kikes in charge. Trump & Fam last
how coincidental and organic right before the midterms, amirite moshe?
What's the point of a recovering GDP if millions of wetback mongrels will reap the benefits? Also, why should I care that the (((economy))) is better if anti-man and anti-White laws are still the norm? A "thriving" economy means nothing if paco, jose, mehmed, tyrone and jamal are impregnating strunk, indupendent, whyt stacies and beckies while Bob and Jim are forced to labor away.
This. People think that if shitskin immigrants are getting employment, then it will magically benefit everyone.
No, but he must provide for all of them increasing the amount of shit that must be purchased, which increases GDP. I think our economic system is crap, and GDP isn't the most useful metric in the world (per capita would be better) but until we can get to national socialism, it will have to do.
obobgo had a trillion dollar stimulus package and 0% fed interest rates. and it was still shit growth. and gdp growth is not everything. other factors matter, such as real job creation (obongo made part time jobs at half the money - gdp went up, but personal wealth went down/personal debt increased).
tariffs, trade agreements and the fucking over of china is a major change for the world/US. real wealth is returning to america with real jobs and production. canada isnt getting a free ride (or as much as they were) anymore. cheap steel isnt flooding through other countries and bypassing US tariffs. EU doesnt get a free ride either - their cars and garbage are either forced to pay tariffs or move production to america now.
illegal immigration is down. the costs of these illegals is insane and rarely accounted for by media or liberals. the drains on social programs, schools, unpaid taxes and more all contribute to wealth being stolen from people and lowering this gives more back to the actual citizens.
the difference between obongo gdp growth and trump growth is that trump's is real growth; not funny numbers and lies. and that's not to say trump is innocent and perfect. rich still get richer. but avg person is seeing gains from his real gdp growth. look to canada for obonogo-like gdp book cooking. highest personal household debt in the world. the only prime minister to have personal debt grow in a non-recession/boom - gdp is going up for canada, but its all fake - people are fucking getting poorer just like obama did. mass immigrants drain social programs and contribute nothing. they house them in hotels for fucks sake. all on tax payers dime.
gdp is meaningless without context. canada is so fucked right now, there's no recovering without a revolution. yet our gdp is growing and thats all they can talk about.
>anti-Drumpf shilling (((coincidentally))) ramps up 2 weeks before midterms
Donated food, clothes and services passd on to illegal aliens does nothing for the economy any more than a lending library helps booksales.
It takes away from americans who actually need those services and allows other cunts to dodge tax obligations while feeling like they helped someone.
So jew doctors and insurance agencies billing our government for services rendered in maximum amount accepted is also somehow good for the economy?
So new housing being built to house paco and his goblin horde somehow is good for the economy? While real americans are still out on the street? All providing housing for spiclets does is increase their ability to drain the economy through increased demand for public services. None of which contribute back to the economy. They are a living example of the broken window fallacy.
If someone wants to shill to massage electoral margins, a board with 2-3k unique posters on a good day isn't the place to do it.
OP is either a kike or a 4chan interloper… probably both.
How can anyone debate anything around here when we can't hear each other over the sound of the air whistling past OP's cavernous asshole?
Yet they've persisted in doing so for half a decade, despite switching websites and in spite of attempting to water down the userbase with foreign users an uncountable number of times.
I don't tinfoil hat very often, but even I have to admit that the constant influx of this sort of nonsense has to have a source outside of the odd "loose lips sink ships" faux pas.
The only way to MAGA is to remove ZOG and MAWA.
Even "muh economy" fags should support White Nationalism since Whites build societies that are more prosperous than those built by almost any other group. Only a few East Asian groups rival Whites in that regard.
Some of the underlying problems in the American economy are shitholers being in the country, welfare, megacorporations, internationalism, globalism, jews, debt based money printing, the "super rich," and finance parasitism.
All that said, stopping White genocide, removing ZOG, and reestablishing White homelands is more important that "muh economy."
That is the actual reason. Also, the federal reserve system.
But, user, bigger numbers means BETTER!!!!
Better a poor White Ethnostate than a fabulously wealthy brown favela diversity shithole.
Of course, any White Ethnostate would quickly bootstrap prosperity for itself. This is a large part of why the kikes/ globalists are pursuing White genocide everywhere.
Pretty much this.
The single best thing that could be done for the economy is to deport all the illegals and all the "anchor babies" (who are not citizens, despite being treated as citizens. The 14th amendment was only meant to apply to legal residents).
The wealth of the actual people of America would boom, even if the megacorps saw losses due to less useless eaters.
that's because tax breaks for high income earners don't stimulate economic activity >muh create jobs, but rather feed asset price inflation
The most active source of shills on this board is trumpniggers trying to paint a picture of a secret nazi.
Reminder that you are not on reddit.
Honest question, how do we know the US Treasury Department doesn't manipulate those numbers? Do we have any proof at all, those numbers are accurate?
Are you kidding? There are no numbers. There has not been one single legitimate economic number released since 1913. I’m not fucking joking. The Fed has made up EVERYTHING since being instituted. All numbers are fraudulent. They print anything they want any time they want.
You people are absolutely fucking repulsive.
FOMC lowered rates seven times under obama and raised them once. Since trump took office it has raised them six times, so far.
>inb4 the real numbers turns out to be completely different than the random retard than OPs and (((they))) will conveniently just forget the old prediction ever happened like always
I just don't know why people think the MSM is fake news.
GDP is just a measure of monetary inflation. It doesn't represent real economic prosperity.
Words have meanings, and blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Unless you think that all the black Trump-voting people in the USA somehow managed to independently congregate on this Indochinese flower-arranging forum, you have some introspection and analysis to do on your beliefs.
you didnt even deserve that
Should have imported more mexicans. That would have helped those poor investors! Gotta keep the economy growing! Remember; if growth is not infinite, something is wrong!
Neocon/NeoLibs still don't get the note that their best pals aka non-white are incompetent to produce wealth
Who gives a fuck about fancy things like gdp and growth for growth's sake. I've been kept as a slave for 20 years, and need a fucking real job and house. Fuck the USA.
Kek, most autistic thing I've seen today.
Not when the Fed kikes fuck up the interest rates.
What am I checking??
What does it mean?
It's happening because the Fed is raising interest rates, which Peter Schiff supports
He wants them raised to like 20% or higher
At least we have the wall now!
Economists have effective methods of analyzing turd-world government economic numbers based on certain stats that are hard to manipulate. The same techniques should be applied to any official US numbers.
This is actually a good thing. The economy is far too hot right now.
Peter schiff is the one that said the dollar would crash, he was saying this so he could earn lots of shekels from idiots who would invest in his precious metals schemes.
You're not even trying, kike worshipper.
GDP means fucking nothing because you can literally just make a thousand paintings of assholes made by some hand-wringing (((artist))) valued at $1,000,000 each by some hand-wringing (((curator))), and this is considered to be a positive net gain for your country.
The only things of worth are those that keep you and your civilization alive. The federal reserve must be destroyed, and supplanted with a form of currency that values all that is right and good in the world.
He pitches precious metal as a safer investment than cash but notes that the stock market and mutual fund type investments are what make money. Hence why he runs EuropacificFunds for investing and writes books on the stock market "Bull moves in Bear Markets" which are stock market terms. He's a fan of investing money and not hording it because you'll lose it to inflation.
(((Schiff))) from the (((Jacob Schiff banking dynasty that financed Jewish communism with millions of USD since the 1900's)))
saged fucking retard, check your sources
He is not from those Schiffs, you retarded stormweenie.
Their end goal is not wealth but supreme power to lord over the mongrels. A pacified dumbed down populace.
GDP is heading towards 5% growth you lying kike.
Uhh, Irwin Schiff died in prison for protesting Communist tax policies.
Outside of converts like Brother Nathaniel he’s the most got friendly like we have ever seen. Jacob Schiff was a friend to non-Jews.
Gah autocorrect strikes again.
This is the type of crackhead economics that only a leftist could believe.
The reason the economy is still shit is because no one is producing anything. The 90s had the bubble. The 2010s has a boring phone. The productivity of the market is low.
Not that muh GDP makes any difference but:
Q1: 2.2
Q2: 4.2
Q3: 3.5
Q4: 2.1
GDP = 3.0
All thats needed for 3% is a 2.1% in Q4. Last years Q4 was 2.3%. No reason to beleive america doesn't at least achieve that. If Trump is smart, he'll pass that middle class tax cut to give the economy another 1/1.5 yr boost.
The jewish cockscuker known as OP needs to go back to leftypol with his lies.
Oh and Obama could only dream of 3% you nigger loving faggot. No President was EVER as shit as your pet monkey.