I made the mistake of going outside among the normals yesterday, I made the worse mistake of talking to them about things of importance while not hiding my own true opinions from them, due to this experience, I have discovered just how uninformed the average person is from my interactions with them.
One half of the people I talked to didn't know even the most basic and surface level of facts not taught to them by the propaganda machines or the indoctrination centers, out of sheer apathy, or outright fear of what they might learn and how it might be perceived.
The other half were the left-of-center people who thought they were so smart and edgy, for basically being the rick and morty type, they knew only the unpopular truths that didn't conflict with their kosher political and "moral" positions.
We create a little book that contains nothing but empirically verifiable facts and multiple openly available sources, the more liberal the source, the better (as our targets will trust facts supporting the far right positions more if they come from mainstream, left wing or far left sources).
We will include no opinions, no logical, philosophical, or religious argumentation, we just put down the truths that have been withheld from the average westerner, and leave drawing the inevitable conclusions to the reader (they either come to the realization of the truth and awaken, or they remain asleep, in which case they are so stupid or dishonest with themselves that they were incapable of awakening anyway).
We will sort the facts in the order of the time period they first apply to, starting with the dawn of humanoids (the "homo" family), and ending at the projected possible futures from current data and it's responses to possible actions taken by humanity.
It shall be created via collaborative effort using the wiki format for it's creation, using appropriate measures to ensure we get as much quality facts in as possible, while filtering out all the unintentional trash and intentional sabotage attempts.
Once created, we place there books all over the place where normals will pick them up and hopefully read them, to ensure they get picked up, we must avoid anything that would discourage a normal from doing so, no swastikas, no mention of Zig Forums on the cover, no mention of any particular political identity at all, this is to be presented as a politically non-partisan publication containing little known facts about science/technology, history/statistics, religion/irreligion, politics/economics, "education"/academia, "entertainment"/sex, commerce/industry, etc.
We will include some red herring facts that, while true and little known, also have little relevance to our political ideology, this is so it does not appear biased in such a manner as to get the normie to identify it as a book made by the far right, throw away the book, and purge their minds of all they had learned like the good goys that they are.
We are living in a world with all of the tropes from two books combined into one: "1984" and "The Brave New World", it turns out that Orwell and Huxley were both correct about society (what a twist!), but they very much underestimated the role futuristic technologies would take in facilitating such a society.