It's happenning folks. Jewland at war
Jordan Breaks Ceasefire. Jordan Claims Southern Parts of Israel
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Holy shit you are gay OP.
That's not what your mother told me last night
Tranny and gay.
They aren't at war, they didn't break a ceasefire, they annulled parts of a peace treaty that stole some Jordanian towns and the area around them. They're even specifically allowed to do this within the treaty. And it's still going to be a full year before anything happens.
The Jews are kvetching because they built shit on land they had effectively stolen for a couple of decades and are now set to loose shekels. They'll probably complain to the US, and then we'll see what Trump does with the greatest ally. No doubt the IDF is already ordering war-diapers.
Funny thing is, of all Arab countries, Jordan has the most competent and well-trained military. So kikes will have to be very careful about this, unless they want their entire eastern border to turn into a warzone. A legit one, with air strikes and behind-the-lines operations rather than goatfuckers in slippers toting AKs. Kikes better stock up on diapers.
The problem with that is that Pissrael runs behind the US' fat ass and will order Trump to go and kill the Jordanians. The media in the US will say it's a (((liberation))) and supports the (((rebels))) of Jordan. Just like what happened to Libya, Iraq, and almost what happened to Syria in Obongo's era. I'd rather not see another war for Pissrael that the US has to participate in.
If the US general public was in the mood for another war, we'd be mired in Iranian mountains for a few years now. Kikes have been whining about Iran for decades, and the US still hasn't done jack shit about it militarily (thankfully). I doubt that will change anytime soon.
I still dont trust these filenames.
Jesus, I hope that jpeg is miss labeled, at least for the kike's sake.>>12299796
fake news from real jews
The reason is because they don't have to. Iran still is no major threat. Once this changes, you can bet your ass that the kikepuppet Trump will send his mongrell Army into the mountains to die for (((our greatest ally)))
According to kikes, Iran has been holocausting 6 gorillion of them every day by merely existing since 1980 and US needs to invade them NOW (for world peace, of course, goy).
U.S. invading Iran is a crack pipe dream. U.S. doesn't have the lift capability to even contemplate it.
Reminder that it isn’t happening.
Interesting, I thought King Abdullah was cucked. Between this and the Saudi fiasco, I believe we are going to see some huge shifts of alliance in the ME. Also, I am convinced Iran and Israel are working together behind the scenes, so we wont be seeing any war with Iran unless it is sanctioned by the Mullahs in cahoots with the Rabbis.
Sensing that tides are turning against Israel?
or real news from fake jews/deans
Honestly, Yes. Finally Israel could be beaten if war would start
thanks. I've been looking for that. It's still a little autistic, if you ask me, but it is more-or-less correct
i'm not clicking on your dumb nigger links. gibs proof asap so i don't have to report you
Thanks shareblue
Good. Too bad OP's a faggot.