if there's one thing that made my blood boil more than anything leaked by Snowden, it was seeing how the NSA are utterly inept and useless retards VS the Kosher Nostra who run lawlessly worldwide and who are behind the worst of the worst criminal syndicates and Intl NarcoTerror gangs going back decades.
at best, NSA are nig'd up and spic'd up lazy idiot autistics trapped in their own bloated bureaucracy that has come to fetishize its own secrecy above fulfilling their mission, which is the purpose of having any secrets in the Puzzle Palace at all: to defend America by Fighting Evil around the world. at worst, NSA are (((complicit))) in the Evil, because if you sit back and jack off to your interceptions just watching the worst shit go down and watching America be slowly eroded by the Evil, then that makes you no better than the Evil–that goes above and beyond the Bystander Effect and makes you a willing accomplice–that makes you just the same as the 38 cowardly neighbors who heard Kitty Genovese's cries for help as she was murdered in her hallway, but who did nothing to help her.
i honestly burst blood vessels getting angry about the idea that the faggots at NSA have fucking FULL TAKE phone conversations, Skype conversations, FaceTime conversations, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram–you fucking name it they got it, and it's all autotranscribed by AI from speech2text and dumped into one big motherfucking database called PHOTON, and they even have ALERT LISTS that watch for pre-selected patterns and which NOTIFY the Analysts assigned to that Production Line… all of these billion dollar boondoggle multiply redundant systems, but still The Bad Guys get away (((every single time))), Justice is asleep, CRIME IS LEGAL, if you're a kike criminal mastermind, go ahead and go big because you are untouchable and you will never be punished.
i break out in hot sweats thinking of how to even begin enumerate how many of /ourguys/ to punish–the Cleared Clarences–are traitors who sit back and watch the world sink into This Present Darkness, and who punch the clock each day, who put in their 9-to-5 and sleep like a baby at night, who could be the Living Swords and Shields of the Justice of THE LORD, but who don't bother.
if i had access to the goddamn awesome powers of PRISM, all i would need is one month. i wouldn't sleep for 30 days straight. and i would methodically enumerate every Kosher Nostra down to their lowliest henchmen, pull all their Patterns of Life, dig into them and rip their entire life apart to its foundations, and find ways to fuck them and frame them and sabotage them and get them murdered or killed. getting arrested and put in prison would be like a fucking birthday party compared to the fatal end game of my Watch List.
Attached: george_c_scott_hardcore.gif (350x202, 1.85M)