Yes. One needs a PhD level competence not only to design such a biological device, but to be certain one can get the right reagents and other ingredients that may be needed. (Competence to purify one's own reagents, for example, if you can't buy them from a catalog.)
I don't have such expertise, and I don't think making such a weapon is feasible for any one man or small lab at this time. However, things are moving forward at a blinding speed with CRISPR technology & more… What I really think is that people who begin to take college courses in biotech today will - within a few years time - be competent enough and able to access what they need to do so.
Who done it?
It - an era of biological war, an age of "no return address" weapons being deployed - is dawning. Will jews hit Arabs first, or hit us, or will Persians hit jews, or will Koreans or Chinese attack Whites? Etc. Who will strike whom first I don't know. But I'm certain that someone will set the big game in motion sooner or later. And then come the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
Can't keep a Good PhD down
Nuclear weapons can be kept under observation. It takes a nation to produce a nuke, and the nation needs an alchemists kit of rare materials and needs machine shops and special centrifuges and etc to make nukes. So UN observaers and satellite surveillance and such can block the production of nukes (or at least hamper it). By contrast the materials and gear needed to produce a bioweapon is available in any college lab or the lab of umpteen biotech companies. You can buy used lab equipment in good shape on Ebay. Neither ZOG nor all the kings horses and men can prevent the advent of these weapons.
No disease needed
One last thing - it's not even necessary that the weapon involve a disease. For example, with the 'sequence specific" targeting ability that CRISPR brings into biotech one can cut out genes or add genes. Imagine targeting a sequence that is only found in one ethnic group, and having the CRISPR system then say for instance, delete a gene that's necessary for carrying oxygen in blood, or delete a gene that makes protein necessary for the optic nerve, or add a gene that makes lots and lots of brain plague. The options are limitless.
Feeling Guilty?
Stalin's orders killed somewhere between 30 -60 million people - I wouldn;t want his karma. I think lots of us feel like I do, and wouldn't commit mass murder. However, with the new biotech - take the brain plaque example - one could turn the enemy population into early-onset-Alzheimers disease victims, a nation of confused and wandering, drooling zombies, and yet not have actually killed a single soul.
Politics and Temptations
I think it's just too tempting for mischeif. It's coming soon. The only question is how prepared one ethnic group or another will be, and perhaps more importantly, who will strike first. It need not even be a government that strikes. One rogue PhD in one small lab will be enough.
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