Post your best anti-homo propaganda and other related shit
Anti-Faggot Thread
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Plato put it very plainly.
Homosexuality is a natural form of population control. Anyone who argues otherwise doesn't understand group survival mechanisms.
Furthermore in group mechanisms, gay people would adopt orphans, or help their sisters/brothers raise their children.
I work in a gay bar and it's really the best. The music is good, people are polite, no one is entitled. Everyone just wants to relax and have a good time and live their lives.
Gays are cool, and only NPCs who can't break from their anti-gay programming think otherwise.
kys faggot
OP here, I remember a while ago seeing a "you belong in a bog" poster or something like that and it'd be really fucking cool if someone had that to post.
This is a fag redpill
how could i have forgotten the based af russian doc: Sodom
That's some highly concentrated nonsense and you're a hedonistic bastard.
Gayness is based on nurture . homosexuality was much more common in Greek and roman civilizations because humans are born relatively bisexual, women the majority, men the minority, but bisexuality is what the genes start off with culture and nurture make the finishing touches, be it heterosexuality or bisexuality or homosexuality if the society accepts gays, more gays will be raised
Such bullshit, gays can only be a corrosive force, both the males and females. There is a reason why all the bog bodies meet with the most violent painful deaths. In the cold climates of the North you can't be wondering during the Winter if there be a faggot in the main hall where everyone is huddled for warmth, whose going to rape your kid.
Seriously fag, kill yourself. What makes you think you're welcome here?
Nothing terrifies the queer more than a healthy dose of family values.
You are correct.
However, faggots have been used as the vanguard of degeneracy. They still get the rope.
No he isn't, he's a degenerate apologist. A subversive. And so are you.
All Sodomites are potential pedophiles and are known to harbor and spread STDs through the act of Bugchasing where they willingly seek out partners that have the "bug" because its thrilling to them considering their unhealthy lifestyle is more dangerous than a 5 lifetimes of smoking everyday
Shit, I don't know what happened to my first image. I bet the jews are to blame.
Homosexuality in Ancient Greece - The Myth is Collapsing
dead link
fug ah whatever have some links to more redpills on faggots
Also the West needs to do to faggots what Chechnyans do to them or else children will never be free from their evil
There are more pedophiles among us straight people than homos.Why do you lie it makes us all look bad.
Would you rope wife beaters and misogynists too since they spread their degeneracy and hurt the kids mentally inturn the society.
Here's a redpill about the gay: it's not real. heterosexuality isn't either. it's a judeo-christian idea that homosexuality is a bad thing, every culture whether it's the greeks, the pagans, the indians or the maori in new zealand practiced varying forms of homosexuality
The leftists are 100% correct when they say "sexuality is a spectrum", even though it's fun to mock. sexuality as a concept was just a subcategory of human behavior, it was useful to single it out and study it, but where we went wrong is instead of concluding "sexuality seems to be infinitely complex and subjective, so maybe it's just not a useful tool anymore and isn't real", we doubled down and clung onto the idea and said "there's infinite sexualities and we will never understand them all"
most people are aware that a pipeline exists that can bring people who exclusively practiced heterosexual relationships to being open to the idea of homosexual ones, what's less talked about is that the opposite happens too but are more likely to just be labelled as bisexual.
If you dont check out dudes at the gym and mire the (superior) male physique, you're actually a nerd, if you don't love your bros then you're a nerd, if your whole view of attraction is centred on women and what they find desirable then you're a nerd. homoeroticism is unironically patrician.
Spartan soldiers had gay sex all the time and they managed to fight off the Persians despite being outnumbered.
Greek society was never truly "destroyed" at any point. The Greeks were conquered by the Roman Empire, but they continued to speak Greek and Greek culture continued in the Region. After that, Ancient Greek culture gradually evolved into modern Greek culture. There was never any point at which Greek civilization was completely destroyed.
Also, the Roman Empire fell due to a lack of natural resources. Homosex had nothing to do with it. Also, Roman culture continued to exist in Italy after the fall of the Empire. It gradually evolved into modern Italian culture.
Oh boy do I have the goods for you. I was completely blue pulled until I read some cold, hard statistics on homosexuals. Some of my favorites:
Regarding the Greeks specifically it's clear that there was a homoerotic element in their society judging just from the literature alone. Even if you discount all of the frescos and bronze engravings and painted vases.
And remember, that is only the literature THAT WAS NOT DESTROYED BY THE CHURCH! Many many works from the ancient Greek world were destroyed by the newly Christian Roman Empire in the 400s. The Jewish Shepard tales cost western civilization an untold price as all works considered too page or sinful were not copied and Plato and Aristotle were mutilated and warped into being Christian.
It's very likely that the Greeks were much more gay then we think they were. Try to look at it objectively, past your Jewish cultural subversion.
As for the Roman's it's very clear that only passive members of sex were looked down on independent of the biological sex of participants. For example the most scandalous was if someone of higher status performed oral on someone of lower status. And of course woman had lower status then men.
Also there were eunuchs in Rome and professional traps. Nero killed his wife to marry a trap if I remember correctly, he also killed his own mother.
Completely false, see
Reported for shilling and being a faggot. I honestly don't have anything against faggots themselves, but the facts don't lie.
Absolutely! This is what I've been saying this whole time.
more pics also requesting someone to link that video of fags being interviewed admitting they were abused as children
Thanks dude. I think I heard of some of these statistics before too.
more pics
posting some good shit that /our/guy Sam Hyde did for a comedic stunt that made leftist walk away and literally can't even with him
Also let me put it here Ancient Greeks had 4 forms of love.
nvm I found the vid about faggots caught on tape admitting to pedophilia
No problem. I genuinely think that if people knew all these statistics about homosexuals that they would not be able to marry each other and would not be accepted into society.
We are taught gay people are "just like us, they just happen to like the same sex" when that is far from the truth. They engage in suicidal behavior, are mostly incapable of monogamous relationships, are exponentially more promiscuous, and are overwhelmingly more likely to prey on children.
Even if one moraly finds nothing wrong with it, practically it's not a behavior society should be encouraging.
Amazing, thanks nigga.
Even the whole "they just like the same sex" bs is fucking disgusting and awful for a just society.
Let's reword that.
If you have 1000 normal people. 2 molest children. It's more than zero but a "reasonable" amount for that number of people.
If you have 1000 faggots, 50 of them molest kids. This means they're 25x more likely to molest kids. Or again put another way, one straight pedophile to 25 fag pedophiles
Fuck off kike. You cite no sources, and suggest I make huge logical leaps after totally irrelevant points. What the fuck do I care if some other defunct culture possibly allowed assgoblins to push in shit? That has nothing to do with how I'm gonna treat these despicable scum.
here's a video Alan Keyes had a debate with Kang Nigger on fag marriage where Kang Niggers asshole got prolapsed so large it made Michael jealous
NOT true, there is about a 50/50 distribution of gay and straight pedophiles.
That being said, since gays only constitute at best 5% of the population, then by percentage, gays by far have a higher rate of pedophilia among their 'Community'
Also I can't seem to find the gorey pics that some brave user went on tumblr and found on fag accounts selling testicles in bottles and other degenerate shit that would make a man puke his colon out
Typical half-measure Christcuck. Be Christian and all is forgiven.
more pics here
'Love is love' will be a huge aid in helping the pedophilia movement.
It's no mistake that it's repeated ad nauseum in gay culture.
Language is one of the most powerful tools at anyone's disposal.
Those masterminding the culture know how to weaponise it.
All of their identifying terms were quickly weaponised as slurs over a few short years when said by straight people in a non-worshipful way.
'LGBT' completely replaced 'gay' in public speech (especially talking about the group, or about strangers) because it can't be mocked as easily as 'gay'.
People at large accept the premise of 'love is love'.
The pedophile agenda is building huge potential with the kindergarten schooling and preteen transsexualism. It's not something that 'will happen' - it already is.
You must be a fucking retard.
Gay means happy. They are faggots.
Gay means happy
A further case in the long catalogue of language manipulation I just mentioned. This rebranding was the foundation for public reframing of homosexuality. Positive associations.
It also means fag, and pastor Anderson promotes racemixing so long as the people are Christian. He's a traitor like all Christians who are loyal to their skydaddy over their race.
Re: pic above. Eye-opening documentary aired on Aussie TV called 'The Boy with the Henna Tattoo'.
Their most paraded public example of 'gay parenting success' turned out to be running a global pedophile ring, and the Aussie media had little choice but to showcase this after their PR blunder.
This is a thread about
Pastor Anderson is one of the most uncucked Christian leaders I've ever heard. Just because he doesn't hate niggers doesn't mean that he isn't a soldier of God against the faggot agenda that seeks to destroy children and the future of the world as we know it. Stop derailing, faggot.
My problem with him, which you would understand if you were literate, is that he's a soldier of God, and not of White men. He's also jewish. What a surprise he pushes a cuck religion that has never successfully stood again Jewery upon the masses.
If you don't want to derail the thread then don't reply to me with your christcuck idiocy. Your religion is a gateway to jews promoting all types of degeneracy in our societies, including homosexuality.
I don't study mathematics because its cucked. Where are the equations that support white nationalism? Only cucks do math.
I found a cure for AIDS
Have it
Also, another cure for AIDS is surprisingly
It's hilarious when leftards try to hijack terms like "NPC" or "SJW". No faggot, every fountain of mainstream media is explicitly pro gay and denies biological sex.
Honestly, all fags should be murdered.
Casual gay sex between friends… degenerate. Ancient greeks were fags. Also the male g-spot is allegedly up the anus for the same reason men have nipples. Anotomically it is in the same place as the female g-spot, as all fetus begin their life as female.
Don't buy into his lies. Read the first pic here:
you know who else argued that? Michel Foucault,
the gay frenchman who died of aids and argued that the age of consent should be abolished
get this fag apologizing christ cuck who loves to marry White women to niggers out of here. DEATH TO CHRISTIANS AND EXTERMINATE THE FAGS
So "everybody starts off female" is actually an "everybody comes from Africa" lie?
correct. Two Haploid cells fuse together to form a new individual with a new unique genome composed of chromosomes from each of the parents. In humans we get 23 chromosomes from each parent, to form a new individual genome of 46 chromosomes. An egg cell with a X chromosome, isn't a new individual yet, likewise for a sperm carrying an X or a Y chromosome isn't either. The moment you become a developing human down to the single cell, you have either XX or XY.
Is there a single thing we haven't been lied to about??
This is true via genetics, but the genes that activate the deviation from XX physically start 5 - 6 weeks to 2 months into pregnancy.
Sure, the development of a male and female fetus is very similar in early stages, but at any time you could take a tissue sample and see that it is XX or XY. At no time is a male, a female. To me that seems like subtle leftist propaganda, Men and women are the same type stuff. Sure there are times during the development of a baby that they are very similar, but that doesn't make a male fetus a female. I would say that the most accurate way to define gender, is the genetic level, from the moment a human exists biologically, it has a copy of either XX or XY in every cell. (outside of sex cells)
Just poz my neghole up fam
Ancient civilizations also fucked their immediate family members, too. Guess that makes it alright? There's a reason Christianity displaced those monkeys.
So far there's mostly just been shit about G, L, and Bs. Somebody post more anti-tranny stuff.
Faggot with aids
Middle School Apologizes For Inviting Cross-Dresser To Career Day
ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) — A school district has apologized to parents, after hosting a drag queen as part of a career day. A spokesperson for Adams 12 Five Star schools said Rocky Top Middle School staff should have notified parents a drag queen would be speaking to their children, before allowing the speech to happen.
Students at Rocky Top range from 6th to 8th grade. The drag queen, identified as a woman who goes by “Jessica L’Whor,” is a relative of one student. The district confirmed she was invited to attend career day.
“I knew it was going to be controversial because that was nothing that would be allowed when I was in middle school,” L’Whor said. “At the same time, it opened up a door for conversation.”
L’Whor said she hoped parents would see her visit as educational, rather than inappropriate.
“I would tell the parents, ‘I’m not telling your kid to go off and become a drag queen. I’m telling them to have the conversations. Because, it will come up in life.”
Rocky Top’s Principal apologized to parents, and said all future career day guests would be identified for parents to review beforehand.
Might just call herself Whore
Is that thing full of a hideous blend of meat and plastic, like a Chucky doll? I kind of want to dissect it just to see what I'd find.
Reminder that the faggots have infiltrated the Catholic Church and the Vatican. In recent youth camp in the Vatican, many actual homosexual bishops were appointed as the organizers. They have made so that the camp is about accepting faggots.
Shlomo stop getting attention.
I almost posted this newer, more recent article, but I noticed that in it, they blatantly lied about his name, which was stated in other articles.
Yes, intrinsically, the fetus is what its genetics are despite its looks. What do you mean outside sex cells?
This one has it all. #TakeBackTheRainbow
^ Misunderstandings, deceptions, false Myth and propaganda about Homosexuality in Ancient Greece debunked
Here user,Also links to that thread with an ex gay user posting the most disgusting fag shit, one that actually made a few soldiers vomit.
Serial killers are a natural form of population control. This is a stupid argument.
To rape them.
You should be drowned, faggot. There is no place for you except in stagnant water.
Thanks for the book.
Get a load of the schnoz on this one!
can you still taste the first dick you suckd?