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Porn Culture and The Industry
There are over 68 million daily searches for pornography in the United States. Thats 25% of all daily searches (IFR, 2006).
The sex industry is largest and most profitable industry in the world. “It includes street prostitution, brothels, ‘massage parlors’, strip clubs, human trafficking for sexual purposes, phone sex, child and adult pornography, mail order brides and sex tourism – just to mention a few of the most common examples.” (Andersson et al, 2013)
Pornhub receives over 1.68 million visits per hour. (Pornhub, 2013)
Globally, teen is the most searched term. A Google Trends analysis indicates that searches for “Teen Porn” have more than tripled between 2005-2013, and teen porn was the fastest-growing genre over this period. Total searches for teen-related porn reached an estimated 500,000 daily in March 2013, far larger than other genres, representing approximately one-third of total daily searches for pornographic web sites. (Dines, 2013)
Internet porn in the UK receives more traffic than social networks, shopping, news and media, email, finance, gaming and travel. (Arthur, 2013)
Several recent studies have found that teenagers around the world report using porn to gain information about real life sex (Lauzus et al, 2007) (Wade et al, 2005) (Flood, 2009) ( Giordano & Ross, 2012)
Across the board it has been found women watch less porn than men.
17% of women admit to struggling with pornography addiction (Internet Filter Review, 2006)
Condoms are only utilized in 10.9% of top rated scenes (Bridges and Wosnitzer, 2007)
Every 39 minutes a new porn film is created in the United States.
20% of American men admit they access pornography at work.
13% of women admit to accessing pornography at work (Internet Filter Review, 2006)
70% of all Internet porn traffic occurs during workdays (9am – 5pm) (Sex Tracker, 2012)
The porn industry makes more money than Hollywood. (US Statistics)
The porn industry makes more money than The National Football League, The National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball combined and more than NBC, CBS, and ABC combined. (IFR, 2006).
The porn industry has larger revenues than the top technology companies (Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple and Netflix) combined (IFR, 2006).
13,000 adult videos are produced annually, amassing over $13 billion dollars in profit. By comparison, Hollywood released 507 movies and made only 8.8 billion (Bridges and Wosnitzer, 2007).
Free websites comprise between 70-80% of the adult material online, typically used as “bait” for pay websites, guiding viewers to premium pay services.
90% of free porn websites and nearly 100% of pay porn websites buy their material rather than create it themselves.