Four Rise Above Movenent lads arrested for inciting a riot and beating the living shit out of antifa in C-ville


In the spring of 2018, Rise Above reportedly traveled to Europe to celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birthday and to meet with members of other white supremacy extremist group, said Assistant U.S. Attorney David Ryan.


Three of the four men are in custody, according to the DOJ, with the fourth still being searched for by federal authorities.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What an excellent use of able-bodied young white men. Everybody be sure to join your local RAM chapter so you too can fight essential battles in the streets against effeminate NPC hoodlums.

the videos of the actual fight they were arrested for are literally everwhere and you didn't fucking post one in the OP

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wew, looks like CNN had prior knowledge of this arrest.

Why would they post this article, two weeks prior to the arrest?


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Without Remorse, White Supremacist Proudly Confesses on Video to Killing NYC Man Because He Was Black

The chilling videotaped confession of a white supremacist who stabbed a black man to death in Manhattan was released on Tuesday, exposing a mind filled with racism and hate.

"Just like taking out the trash, almost," is how James Harris Jackson described killing Timothy Caughman in March 2017.

Jackson showed no remorse across the eight-hours of interrogation by NYPD detectives.

Not only did he admit to killing Caughman because Caughman was black, Jackson said he wanted to kill more black men in New York.


At rallies, members have carried signs with messages such as "Islam is not an American religion" and "GNLS" meaning "Good Night Left Side" – a retort to the anti-fascist slogan, "Good Night White Pride."
one of the men arrested, has used social media to rail against Jews and applaud the killing of a black man,

Another one hit wonder. How is it that faggot pedos, serial murders and regular murderers(half of all homocides unsolved, and those "solved" aren't with DNA testing proving they jailed a random to close the case) go for decades to forever without getting caught, but we always here about these bright bulbs sperg out once and get strung up.

Another thread created by some (((journalist))) connecting this non-sense to the (((cnn bombing))) Literally creating their own stories out of thin air.

Because they dont want those solved.

hey look goys, gwb is cool now.

We don’t need multiple threads on this you attention seeking faggot.

Old news is old.
What'cha sliding Zig Forums?

I'm sure they don't want various ones solved but that doesn't cover most them. What we hear about is some retard who does something in a public place, on camera, often a sperg out and then heroing right after finishing. All the one hit wonder insta-caught/dead were/are complete retards or false flags, setup, something, because any run of the mil person following best practices from even comic books, novels, or murder mysteries would do better.

I work for The Goldwater
Send me a message I want to cover this
(starts with letter L)

I thought it was important.
Been following these guys since I saw the first thread on Zig Forums.
Really good guys.

Will do

Lots of slide threads will pop up once the (((mail bomber))) is "caught," I mean killed.

boy i sure am glad the republicans passed a bill condeming the right, and only the right as terrorists and gone after these guys and not once jailed an antifa or a leftist. This is trumps DOJ with jeff sessions at the helm. fuuucking baaased

Expect a lot of shilling against this thread.
This sort of self improvement nazi groups are exactly what is needed for young White men - just like National Action threads get bombed by people calling them feds.
The jew fears the self improved, strong White männerbund, there's a reason that these guys are getting cracked down on and not cuckolds like Identity Europa.

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just followed you.
You need to follow me back in order to direct message, apparently

nvm, twatter already locked my account as soon as I followed you.
send me email on [email protected]
I'll see if I can help you

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I agree, was really shocked to see this happen, honestly.
RAM are champion lads. What they do is legendary

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The number of NSDAP members who were persecuted, arrested and assassinated by ZOG before they gained power was very high. Some of them were in prison until Hitler took power.
People greatly underestimate the current power of the (((System))).

Were any jews hurt in this incident, or just low level retarded goys playing around with jewish politics?

I have been following their work for so long, this feels almost like they sent my family to jail.

Do you know what prison sentence for this could carry?

Also, is there any way to support them from Europe?

For anyone unfamiliar with Huntington beach scene read:


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wikijewpedia hitpiece on them (since deleted)


No idea
Europeans are extremely cucked. It's highly unlikely to get any support from them. Perhaps contact Nordic Resistance Movement, Golden Dawn or CasaPound. There isn't really many other large nazi orgs of note in Europe other than those three.

An e-celeb who has always been consistent on speaking out on these issues is The Golden One - him and Mark Collett were some of the only e-celebs who said anything when Bongistan started to arrest the National Action guys & girls on "terrorism" charges.

Perhaps compiling their details so people can write and support would be helpful.


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Who do these guise think they are? …the IDF? The only people allowed to defend their borders, shoot unarmed women, children and Black men are Israeli soldiers. And don;t you dare talk shit about the j00z importig shjit skins from all over the planet to your neighborhood using US Treasury taxpayer goybuxx; u, u, u filthy rayyciss, bigoted, nazi/neo-nazi, climate deniers u

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They have tonns of support across Europe and also in Russia (White Rex Pro) I'm just certain almost no-one has heard this news yet.

Legend. RAM are weaponized Zig Forums with MMA training.

If you would train Zig Forums in MMA, you would get RAM

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i fully support chad nationalism

As long as they aren’t baseball cap pant sagging faggots they are better than half the tards out there.

Bump. (((They're))) literally at war with us

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That's possibly the case. Either way, most of Europe is too cucked or oppressed by jewlaws to actually have the balls to speak out tbh. Even in Russia there's thousands of nationalists in jail because of Jewtin's philosemitism.


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Fully agreed. If they think they won anything by putting /ourlads/ behind bars they are sorely mistaken.

I am already making some new material to support them

Europe is drastically changing right now.
Things are growing exponentially further right and the (((establishment))) knows there is possibility of war soon.
They are trying to surpress freedom of speech but the masses know their plan.
It could soon spill to all out war

I think this connection and respect RAM has globally is in fact reason in trying to shut them down

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VIDEO 1: Watch and Learn - this is what is being shown/portrayed to the Left, by their programmers

- Say nothing to anyone about your interests
- If you ever want to know what is important to someone; never ask them. Observe them, and see how they spend their time
- You can tell a brother all he needs to know with a firm handshake, a look directly in his eyes and a hearty, genuine smile
- Say nothing of your plans. Do not talk. Do.
- Honor your brothers. Don't abuse them any more; they've already been abused by everyie that hates them for the color of their skin, and they got away with it because of one group; your sole focus. Any group besides the sole focus group for elimination is an unnecessary waste of time and energy
- You have support all over the planet. There has never been a greater number of dog-whistlers that speak directly to you through common communication, word choices and words avoided
- You bond on an individual basis. There is no need to group up under a flag, or a catchy name. Understand where you are right now, in this timeline. You cannot afford to bring unnecessary attention to yourselves now. Not now. Maybe later, but not now.
- You do not need tattoos, secret handshakes, secret words, secret meeting places, khakis & golf-shirts. Come as you are, and bring only your might, your sharp minds, your sober bodies and a genuine love of your people
- Be respectful. Walk away from the disrespectful. De-escalate whenever possible. And save your selves for the larger impact real work.
- Sharpen your skills beginning with your mind. Learn disciplines and be the best of the best at what you do.
- Do not hesitate to learn another language, so that you may communicate with your own people no matter where you are on this planet. Don't just learn a few key words, learn to hold conversations, to truly communicate on a one-to-one basis

Where are these rules from?

So based training for fair UFC fights and strongman competitions. Truly vanguards of our people. Be sure to never go full gtkrwn like atomwaffen in your videos. We want shirtless homosexuals down to fight in the octagon with gloved fists.

You can always tell triggered asian homos on the internet. They have a unique way of expressing their tiny little rage.

Why not both? Implying RAM burning holohoax books and waving goyim know signs while wearing skullmasks doesn't say everything we need to know about them.

Obviously you can't

no weapons allowed. #gunsdownfistsup

shut up you gay retard


Full arm extension or it doesn't count.

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we're going to burn you to ash.


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Fuck off jew.



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Fully certified /goodlads/

For the guy that is still being on the large:
Better to report himself in or to keep running?

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If so give tips on how 2 evade

When was the last time you did anything except fap to tranny porn and consider suicide?

This! anyone who ever does anything offline besides daddy Trump is a shill

To think how much more Zig Forums would get done if they actually did productive shit instead of this retarded IRL nazi larping.

Good luck, but you can be a pro European Aryan group without being a "pro European Aryan group".

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I was wondering why their youtube git shoahd.

Thought it is just normal procedure censorship as they get banned regularly on twitter and every NPC platform.

Turns out it is much worse.

Free #OurChads

If you looked at those and thought of gay shit then I believe you are the faggot. I certainly don't think of buttsex every time I see a shirtless man, but apparently you do

listening to nigger-beat normie music
RAM is the way and the truth, everyone. Join your local chapter.

Not sure what you mean- I am not part of the crew. But I support their work 200%.

Had a chance to talk with some guys (they are MMA type cutthroat fighters, but you would be making a mistake classifying them as thugs.)
They are max 8/pol/
They got tired of talking about shit and decided to do something about it.
There is a huge support for them worldwide, especially in Europe, but in USA too

Filter all antifa saging faggs, I understand their frustration, they got BTFO by RAM on multiple occasions

You do not understand, you can not understand the rage I have for you.
I will not rest until everyone of you is beaten to a bloody pulp or euthanized
RAM are fucking heroes

Attached: pantyfaBTFO_comp.MP4.mp4 (480x360, 11.22M)

Stop typing nerd. These ego fueled faggots don't care about the white race. They care about looking badass and fail miserably in everyone's eyes but actual geeks who are not and have never been athletic.

I see I hit a nerve. Must be hard suppressing your urge for dicks every day


Let them Kvetch. They and their pet boipussies are identifying themselves
>White advocacy groups understand "Ye shall know them by their fruits", when identifying (((biological enemies))). Maybe they'll begin relying on DNA as prescribed by they (((themselves))) mired in identity politics ever making enemies throughout history; wherein today, it is the White Caucasian of European descent

Would be such a shame to lose this aspect of white culture. Join your local RAM.

Then they should stop wearing mask, stop acting like niggers/antifa and start taking responsibility.

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gotta jew fast

Funny shit, I only made a tribute to them but getting alot of antifa whining lately
Fucking commie tears

if.you want to fuck with me, come bring it, I will fucking end your world.
I am not afraid of you. You can not stop the doom of what RAM started

Sure maybe report this video and maybe cry a little bit more how RAM beat your fucking antifa up in the comments.

Point is you are going to get wrecked badly
-No man left behind
-No surrender and NO retreat.

If you think by jailing these guys up you did anything you are sorely mistaken.
For each jailed there will be 100 of us ready to destroy you

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OP here in regards to this I want to say just one thing:
If you're fucking with fire, murdering you is my one desire

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Zig Forums warned you. And Zig Forums is ALWAYS right.

sage for duplicate thread

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Pure (((coincidence))) goys

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(((Alt-Right RAMs)))

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Welp i knew this was going to happen. Antifa is going to die, and its going to be really bad…


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Your virgin meme isn't applicable to RAM.
RAM has a "wignat" skullmask Iron March aesthetic that the alt kike whines about constantly

That pig tube grenading that commie bitch in the face was brutal

Is it against the law to protest in America?

Wasn't there a song made which became the anthem of germany after communists killed a national socialist member?

The lyrics to "Horst-Wessel-Lied" were written in 1929 by Sturmführer Horst Wessel, the commander of the Nazi paramilitary "Brownshirts" (Sturmabteilung or "SA") in the Friedrichshain district of Berlin. Wessel wrote songs for the SA in conscious imitation of the Communist paramilitary, the Red Front Fighters' League, to provoke them into attacking his troops, and to keep up the spirits of his men.[2]
Horst Wessel
Horst Wessel, credited as writing the lyrics of the "Horst Wessel Song"

Wessel was the son of a pastor with a university education, but he was employed as a construction worker. He became well known among the Communists when he led a number of SA incursions into the Fischerkiez, an extremely poor Berlin district where Communists mingled with underworld figures. (He did this on orders from Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Gauleiter (regional party leader) of Berlin.)[3] Several of these agitations were only minor altercations, but one took place outside the tavern which the local German Communist Party (KPD) used as its headquarters. As a result of that melee, five Communists were injured, four of them seriously. The Communist newspaper accused the police of letting the Nazis get away while arresting the injured Communists, while the Nazi newspaper claimed that Wessel had been trying to give a speech when communists emerged and began the fight.[3] Wessel was marked for death, with his face and address featured on Communist street posters[2] and the slogan of the KPD and the Red Front Fighters' League became "strike the fascists wherever you find them."[3]

Wessel took up with his partner Erna Jänicke in a room on Große Frankfurter Straße[4] in the house of the widowed Frau Salm, whose husband had been a Communist. After a few months, there was a dispute between Salm and Wessel over unpaid rent; Salm wanted Jänicke to leave, but she refused to, and Salm appealed to Communist friends of her late husband for help.[5][6][7] Shortly thereafter on 14 January 1930, Wessel was shot and seriously wounded by two Communist Party members, one of whom was Albrecht "Ali" Höhler.[2][8][9] Wessel died in the hospital on 23 February from blood poisoning, which he contracted during his hospitalisation.[8][9] Höhler was tried in court and sentenced to six years' imprisonment for the shooting.[10] He was taken out of prison under false pretenses by the SA and executed three years later, after the Nazi accession to national power in 1933.[2][11]
Nazi Party anthem

Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Gauleiter and owner and editor of the newspaper Der Angriff (The Attack), had made several attempts to create Nazi martyrs for propaganda purposes, the first being an SA man named Hans-Georg Kütemeyer, whose body was pulled out of a canal the morning after he attended a speech by Hitler at the Sportpalast. Goebbels attempted to spin this into an assassination by Communists, but the overwhelming evidence showed it to have been suicide, and he had to drop the matter.[12] Thus, Goebbels put considerable effort into mythologizing Wessel's story, even as the man lay dying. He met with Wessel's mother, who told him her son's life story, his hope for a "better world", and his attempt to rescue a prostitute he had met on the street. Goebbels saw Wessel as an "idealistic dreamer".[4]

Wessel himself had undergone an operation at St. Joseph's Hospital which stopped his internal bleeding, but the surgeons had been unable to remove the bullet in his cerebellum. Wessel was brought to his mother's home to die. In his diary, Goebbels described Wessel's entire face as being shot up and his features distorted, and claimed that Wessel told him "One has to keep going! I'm happy!" After a period where his condition stabilized, Wessel died on 23 February.[4]

Goebbels consulted with Hermann Göring and others in the party on how to respond to Wessel's death. They declared a period of mourning until 12 March, during which party and SA members would avoid amusements and Wessel's name would be invoked at all party meetings. Wessel's unit was renamed the Horst Wessel Storm Unit 5.[4]

From a mashup of fact and fiction, Goebbels' propaganda created what became one of the Nazi Party's central martyr-figures of their movement. He officially declared Wessel's march, renamed as the "Horst-Wessel-Lied" ("Horst Wessel Song"), to be the Nazi Party anthem.[13][14] Wessel was buried on 1 March 1930. Contrary to Nazi claims, there were no attacks on the funeral procession.[15] His funeral was filmed and turned into a major propaganda event by the NSDAP.[15] The "Horst Wessel Song" was sung by the SA at the funeral, and was thereafter extensively used at party functions, as well as sung by the SA during street parades.

When Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany in January 1933, the "Horst Wessel Song" became a national symbol by law on 19 May 1933. The following year, a regulation required the right arm be extended and raised in the "Hitler salute" when the (identical) first and fourth verses were sung. Nazi leaders can be seen singing the song at the finale of Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 film Triumph of the Will. Hitler also mandated the tempo at which the song had to be played.[16]

Some Nazis were extremely sensitive about the uses to which the "Horst Wessel Song" was put. For instance, a bandleader who wrote a jazz version of the song was forced to leave Germany, and when Martha Dodd, the daughter of William E. Dodd, at the time the US ambassador to Germany, played a recording of a usual arrangement of the song at her birthday party at the Ambassador's residence in 1933, a young Nazi who was a liaison between the German Foreign Ministry and Hitler's Chancellery, turned off the record player, announcing "This is not the sort of music to be played for mixed gatherings and in a flippant manner."[17] The song was played in some Protestant places of worship, as some elements of the Protestant Church in Germany had accepted the Horst Wessel cult, built as it was by Goebbels on the model of Christian martyrs of the past.[18]
Post World War II

With the end of the Nazi regime in May 1945, the "Horst Wessel Song" was banned. The lyrics and tune are now illegal in Germany, with some limited exceptions. In early 2011, this resulted in a Lower Saxony State Police investigation of Amazon.com and Apple Inc. for offering the song for sale on their websites. Both Apple and Amazon complied with the government's request, and deleted the song from their offerings.[19]

You mean NatSoc.

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This has been my qualm with "RAM" from the beginning.

This really rustled my jimmies.
Prisoners Of WAR
Everyone involved jailing these fine gentlemen of exquisite character should be killed by hanging of tree with rope


Support from Srbija!


Holy fuck white supremacists are fucking retarded and never fail to make whites look like niggers. This entire thing is just another ego venture . If you assign a label to your work instead of just doing it it's because you only care about yourself. These people are stupid fucking criminals and with a few adjustments to their childhood they would have been listening to Eminem and been begging to join a nigger gang. The ironic thing is these people believe that they are going to be famous or something , but do you honestly think in 100 years students are going to be studying philosophers and see a bunch of faggots with shit like "FAITH, FAMILY, FIREARMS" "WHITE PRIDE" "TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT" tattooed all over them? No, because people who get tattoos are fucking retarded. No literally, they decide they want to be famous and get attention, and since they are retarded and can't think of anything the world needs that they could invent, they get a fucking attention whore symbol that gets other retards attention.

I'm not gonna lie, initially I thought anyone with a bunch of tattoos was some crazy killer who would fuck you up if you look at them the front way. Then I turned 13.

I could write volumes on the psychology of the retarded simpleton golem . The tldr though is these people are fucking retarded. They are criminally minded, have no regard for human life, and live this retarded nigger drug addict lifestyle that to other retards makes them look like an "outlaw chess master" with "the most cred, dog". , When the truth is there is no fucking way any of these people would survive one second if cut off from modern civilization.

The ARYAN BROTHERHOOD shit is just a mask for criminals. It's a cause to rally around. Sort of like the Hitler worship on pol, except we aren't fucking insane and get swastikas tattooed on our forehead. Hmm let's think why we don't do that… Oh wait, because nobody on the fucking planet gives a fuck who the most "badass" person is. Pissing contests are for low iq fucktards to temporary relieve them of the shackles of their inferiority complex. I don't think one of these people could even do the basic critical thinking skills where you take a step back and go hmm am I doing everything wrong? Are those who say I am wrong right in some ways?

The era of the American history x autist is over. Anyone still employing those tactics is a useful idiot. The fact that the basis for their claims of superiority is their "crushing" of obvious controlled opposition antifa while not even coming close to seeing that they were led by their enemy to that clash tellss you everything you need to know about these retarded fucking psychopaths. Prison should be a good place for them to finally humble themselves and understand how dumb they look.




You kike operators really give us no credit by treating us like Lefties and Muslims.

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They told people to dress like that