Defending modern day western women is the equivalent of defending a jew.
These clowns have gone through their entire lives in western civilisation defending brown people, voting, voting to import brown people, getting banged by brown people, thinking they're equal to men, being feminists, being whores, doing drugs, having polygamous sex, going clubbing, drinking. They also viciously defend brown people and multiculturalism. And here you are, turning around and raising a shield in front of them. You might as well raise your shield in front of the jews while you're at it. And you know it's true because of how ass-blasted triggered you all are; you brains instantly turn to chimp brains "MUHFUGGA I'LL PUT YOUR TEETH DOWN YOUR THROAT"
Your brains are mush. You can't think straight. You're defending the people bringing you your own downfall and you deserve to suffer for it.
Why would you defend weeds if you're trying to cultivate a garden? Why are you still defending those weeds when they've now made up over 80% of your garden? You're apathetic to the weeds in your garden. Let them drown in their own vomit; you should be defending the flowers, not the weeds. Not the whores going out each night getting drunk, doing drugs and fucking strangers. You're no better than they are enabling it and saying "it's apart of our culture our wamen ARE FREE!!"
If you idealise a clean, pure, perfect garden.. WHY in the ever blazing fuck do you want to keep the weeds amongst the flowers? You must realise, you must ACCEPT, that a large portion are cattle, NPCs, cracks, zombies to be left behind. Otherwise you're just bringing them to your new garden and putting the weeds back in the soil yourself. We are self-improvers, striving for betterment, struggling for betterment. Growing a garden. Why, after all that hard work, bring in the weeds that lived in sloth, gluttony, an easy life of apathy while you struggled and soiled under the black sun. Parasitical filth to leech on others and contribute with nothing is not worth saving. The dregs, the weaklings, the ones that just make up excuses for everything, to justify to continue to be leeches, parasites losers, filth. And if you are intellectually honest you have to admit that if you do save the leeches, the parasites, you're not saving your race, you're dragging it down. Save the best, the healthy, the sane, the creative, the intelligent, the beautiful, the fair and noble, in a way that ensures the fall of everything else
fucking retards gas yourselves
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