The whole point of the 'push for atheism' by the jews was near certainly NOTHING to do with spirituality (or lack thereof); but rather a necessary move to undermine the host nation.
Identity, culture and religion are all linked to one-another. We define our identity; including our morals, political beliefs, aspirations and crimes through 'culture'. Culture changes over time, sometimes very quickly; a pacifist people can quickly become violent should such a change be required.
Religion plays the role of bringing permanency to culture. This is not to say that ONLY Christianity can perform this task; but it has been doing this in the West for centuries and more. Our Western perspective of 'toil and struggle' being necessary and good for life is grounded in our initial struggles to tame Europe; a land full of danger, harsh seasons, ravenous predators, poor farmland and myriad warring peoples. Over time all of these problems went away; the dangerous predators were largely culled or contained, the seasons ceased having their danger due to breaktrhoughs in building and stockpiling, the farmland was treated and became some of the best in the world, and the warring tribes became largely peaceful and open to diplomacy. … So why does the desire to toil and struggle live on? Well, it does not for many today who think life should be about mindless happiness and abundance (commies!); but our recent ancestors, who arguably had more of an abundance than we do now; firmly believed in toil and hard-work, even though it was largely unnecessary in their time. Such a belief was instilled in them through Christianity, and even though it may have 'out-grown its necessity' as being a part of our culture; it remained, and to such an extent that nations like Sweden could socialise near enough everything, and despite the fact that people COULD abuse the state to provide for their every want; no one (who was actually Swedish) would because of their culture, which had permanency because of religion.
Christianity has similarly ridicule domineering women as Jezebels who will cause destruction if granted authority over men; weak men as Ahab, promiscuity and fornication were evils the Lord would punish people over, excessive drunkeness was seen as indecent, divorce was flat out wrong, and near enough every other decent cultural view that we have (or had) would have supporting aspects from 'religion' which allowed it to have permanency in our nations despite the fact that the initial cultural reasons for its implementation as a part of our way of life might have disappeared.
Today without religion we see people questioning why lives of debauchery, drunkenness and harlotry are wrong. They say women should be leaders, they say divorce is a right. Toil and struggle are things to be avoided.
Now whether you like Christianity or not, the attempts by the parasite to destroy it in the West have left our people vulnerable. Our culture no longer has permanency, and there is no reason for someone to prefer traditionally Western morals over any other culture's morals.
Without a religion to solidify and maintain our culture; it can and will be replaced at whim.