Rob Bowers is a fucking hero for fighting the zog machine. He's the hero we need!

Rob Bowers is a fucking hero for fighting the zog machine. He's the hero we need!

Attached: hfgjghjgh.jpg (505x481, 22.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You got that right, brother. 100%. All the way.

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Capped and sent to buzzfeed

Feeb … Mossad …same thing

Lol global report



Did someone else mention that he shot up a Bris. Its a ceremony for circumcision.

cap this one too

literally who?

The first thread ended without a single pic of the synagogue, the crime scene, or a single dead jew.

Its almost as if Zionists are Marxist…

The real tragedy in all this is that hatred against white nationalists will flare. Give a white nationalist a free ride in your taxi today to prove #NotAllNationalists.

Cool story bro. Zig Forums is not an organization. It's simply a free speech imageboard where people can freely express their minds. This is what regular people feel towards the genocidal kikes who are murdering us.

What I dont vey is why people go up in arms about a few people dead. This is 8 people dead. 10 people die each day from pools. Pools are completely unnecessary and end life prematurely. There is no reason to own one. Guns account for 6000 non suicide deaths each year and pools, which were made without the intention of when using it people or things die, a count for 3000. This shows how dangerous pools are. They kill despite not being intended to kill, they have absolutely no use outside of injuries and "fun". We should ban all pools, too many have died from pools.

All (jew) yids are going into the ovens, either here on earth or in hell.

Be warned

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After this thread hits bump limit, the archive will be updated and the link to the archive will be sent to the FBI

Be a nazi scumbag in this thread at your own risk

Is this the dildo that shot up a synagogue at a opportune and totally coincidental time

Only an idiot would think so. He just committed mass murder of innocents in the name of Zig Forums. If he wanted to commit a self-sacrificing act of vigilantism, he should've picked valid targets. Not a bunch of nobodies.

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I would choke the life out of you for free.

My birthday today, thanks for the best birthday present.
Watch the fags jump ship.

sieg heil
pro tip it aint illegal to be a NatSoc friend

Is Rob Bowers the name of polvol2?

Global report.

Live updates

Your kike shilling is too obvious.

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But appreciating Hitler isn't illegal

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Why would you shoot it up when empty?

tbqf I miss the days when everyone was allowed to be an asshole. I remember.

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No, that kike is still here shitting up threads.


Add me in the screen cap pleeeeeese

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Correct. My point was that just because a few Marxist faggots give a limp wristed protest against "Zionists" "Comrade! Not ALL jews are Zionists!" doesn't make Marxists our allies, as the kike I was talking with claimed.
They are both anti-White and both are collaborators with the regime.

While I do not approve of killing "children" nor do I support actions that have high body counts, I do support making collaborators afraid for their lives.
They hate us and want to physically murder White children. They are thus legitimate targets in our defensive war against our racial extermination.

Anything done to halt the genocidal program being waged against European children is completely morally justified

We on Zig Forums are going to start slaughtering jewish synagogues every day.

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Any non-shill knows shit like this knocks our momentum backwards. If the Oklahoma City Bombing never happened shit could have progressed in the 90s.

Better than not killing jews, but most likely this whole thing is another jewish hoax, sadly

You mean jewish false flags?
You mean the jewish false flag?

Rustle up the infographic that goes with that

think bigger
think global not local
do something that will actually do something, if youre going to actually do something that is

Attached: HeebCover.PNG (220x280, 33.69K)

Perhaps a bunch of fashy goys can just keep on voting neocon jew republikike and one day perhaps they might set you free… or they can kill jews and free themselves from their captures for themselves


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They are killing our people, never forget. 1488.


After all the deplatforming by silicon valley and tech orgs, they only have themselves to blame really. way to corner someone into an echo chamber and get these results! Win a prize!

Stupid move by an user that thinks Trump is a ZOG stooge.
Nothing good will come of this, even if you hate Jews.
ZOG just gained a shitload of sympathy and ammo today, this guy is a fucking idiot.

We SHOULD be trying to tear the grip of the ZOG from off our testicles, not shoot random Jews, which will promote the NPC's into thinking of us as murderers and maniacs.

NOT a good move. A terrible action, that will set us back, who knows how far?

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Look how the jew hates free speech!
Choke on a dick you dirty kike.

No shit hence the reason I'm saying any real one of us knows this shit is jew false flags. They fucked up again and used their MK Ultra before checking his Gab feed. They must have thought he only uses twitter.

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It's funny and nobody will care.

He was a mentally ill loser not a Trump voter relax you idiots.
He doesn't represent us, please do not take the bait of Zig Forums.

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Of course he's a shill. By banning shills you wind up with the same shills shilling by trying to be clever.

It's a false flag. This is a desperation play to get guns banned. The higher up kikes dont care about the lower level kikes. They sacrificed them.

Oh good heavens we've been exposed what ever shall we do?

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Where's mine dead Soros, dead Rothchilds, dead Rockefellers, dead Builderberg members?
This dude is crap at day of the rope. The true synagogue of a jew are his business centers. And this is an equivalent of a school shooter.

Watch leftypol push this while ignoring the Palestinians. World freedom.

Trump is a ZOG stooge
Normalfags think you're a murderer and a maniac anyway
Breivik didn't set anyone back
Roof didn't set anyone back
McVeigh didn't set anyone back
The Order didn't set anyone back
Atomwaffen didn't set anyone back

The fire rises.

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You're not even trying to blend in anymore, faggot


There never is, never is.


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Go back to /r/T_D

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events like this are just part and parcel of living in a multicultural state
making a big deal of it will just encourage the terrorists


fuck off satan worshipping kike. youre house of whore-ship to lillith will be burning in flames by morning!

We need to start killing more kikes; that will teach 'em.

I think more people have become aware how crazy shit like this happens at opportune times than you think.

the state of Zig Forums

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A synagogue was the best thing he could think to do?


Pretty shit-tier target tbh. I think it was the synagogue of some jew org that was responsible for importing shitskins though.


What did I say wrong, this is clearly is a false flag to sway votes. You are the brainlet here please close your eyes take a deep breath and think friendo.

she was a hero, a true hero who did good

Post had 0 interactions.

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praise kek
also, fuck your obvious dead kike worship
jesus died, he aint ever ever ever coming back and you can burn with your jew overlords you absolute triple faggot

the jews have no sympathy to gain anymore you dumb fucking nigger loving kike faggot!
they burned out the lolocaust card to the point where they had to make it illegal to question.


Which justifies his actions.

If he's going to kill jews (and I don't support that…), he would've been better off going after either rich elite jews or media jews actively pushing anti white shit–not random jews in a synagogue. By the way, I don't support any type of violence against anyone, so fuck off FBI.

He attacked during the middle of a baby penis sucking ceremony. Let's not allow that part to get left out.

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You do not fight ZOG by shooting up a synagogue bro.
You help ZOG by doing that.

Inspiring NatSocs to get or stay the fuck in shape everywhere.

Lets start getting some background info on this guy though

Hellow carrot


If anything, he may have saved an innocent child from succumbing to a satanic, pedophilic blood letting ritual.

Why don't you shut the fuck up?
You're not one of us, you don't even know us.

You want to know who Zig Forums is?
Zig Forums is a group of people that grew up in a world where whites are constantly attacked in the media by Jews, little 8-year-old children are told they can cut their penises off and be girls, long before they are even attracted to anyone sexually, and their parent's allow and encourage them to do it, and people who have seen decency, tradition, respect for ancestors, fidelity, and all manner of other societal order trashed by weirdos that dress in clown-hair, with flak in their faces and tattoos all over their bodies, while dressing in drag and claiming they're being "bullied" while THEY do all the "bullying."

Zig Forums WILL destroy this sick, perverted, unsustainable mess of a world, and replace it with order, decency, self-respect, and respect for others (if they deserve it).
Zig Forums WILL rip the poisons out of our food and water, end white genocide, bring truth back to historical accounts, and those that oppose these measures will be institutionalized.

You can be on the right side of history and join us, or be on the wrong side of history and oppose us, and end up in an asylum.
You think you will win, but you won't. You think we will fail, but we will be victorious. Your world is going to be crushed, and you will be made inconsequential.
Zig Forums will craft a new order. An order that supports truth, decency, and sanity, and has no mercy for decadence, corruption, and insanity.
The future is very bright.
The future will be one of achievement and truth.
And every Zig Forumsack will strive and achieve greatness through self-improvement, and the denial of Jewish corruption and falsehood.

We have only just started, and no one will stand before us.

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Fuck off shill - killing kikes, and legitimizing the killing of kikes, is precisely what we are here for.

< 0 interactions
know dat feel

Your anti-christian autism only shows the true lurking jew you are. At least understand its the church that is cucked, Jesus was right about everything.
On top of that don't pretend you are from here.

Clear enough for you?

The day Zig Forums finally did something?


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 2.08.27 PM.png (1061x321 55.9 KB, 47.79K)

Wtf? Zig Forums is just some hacker guy

Well at least there's finally a false flag celeb that I can't call a massive faggot based on the capped posts itt.

But the guy was right.
Red wave, Blue wave - all I hear is Jew wave.

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Explain how it does not if you would please.

this thread

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Really? Then put this in the screencap:
HEY FBI! Pizzagate is real - according to the NSA.

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