Depending upon who you define as capitalists, I would like to see them removed from power. If you define "capitalist" to mean corporate collaboratiors with the regime, then I'd like to see them all stand trial and hang for their crimes.
If you mean that you'd like to kill small business owners, then no.
I understand your point. There is nothing that I could say that would allay your fears. These fears are justified because historically, communists have been mass murders of White people and most communists today are genocidal anti-White psychopaths.
However, what I will tell you is the truth; I don't care about your economic views. I dislike capitalism, but I have no problem with capitalists so long as they are not anti-White genocidal collaborationist filth. I want to survive and nothing more.
If communists want to threaten my survival, then every communist deserves to die along with other collaborators with the regime. If you don't want White Genocide, then you can go build your communes on your own or whatever it is your particular sect of your wordism desires.
I agree. with this statement
Impossible. The destruction of the jewish financial institutions would forever alter the economic and social systems of the globe.
That's news to me. What on earth do you think I could possibly want other than to not see my race exterminated?
Do you believe that Tibetans who oppose their genocide have alterior motives? Do you believe that Palestinians who oppose their genocide have alterior motives?
If so, what on earth are these motivations?
If not, why is it that you ONLY doubt the motivations of White people who oppose our genocide?
I could say the exact same thing about you.
Also, I am not a right winger. Left and right are bullshit fake paradigms. The only question that motivates me and the elites you claim to oppose are simple; are you pro-White or pro-White Genocide?
Hah. You can say that but everyone knows that this is impossible. You can let everyone vote if you like, but so long as the mass media exists, whoever controls it will control the outcomes of those elections.
And if we destroy the mass media (which is impossible unless you remove almost all modern technology) then natural leaders will emerge and they will have control over those elections.
Democracy is a silly concept backed only by emotions.
Yeah, you say that except that historically, EVERY communist political organization has done the exact opposite. Literally the exact opposite.
Instead of "removing economic shackles," communist organizations have immediately placed more economic shackles upon the workers and used violence and force to force them to aork for the state.
Not a single communist organization in all of modern history has refused to do this unless you cound the random hippie communes of America and W Europe (and the Zionist regime occupying Palestine) Though they did so on land that belongs to the Palestinians
Instead, communists have overthrown the governments, set up secret police units, and then began murdering workers and farmers who don't adhere to the "communist" economic system.
I'm sure you are a decent fellow. And I'm sure that you actually believe that communism means no government. However, the policies you claim to want to put in place are never actually done by communists.
And sure, you can say that they weren't REAL communists but we both know that they say the exact same thing about you. And you know as well as I do that in the event of a revolution, THEY would be the ones taking power These communists have ALWAYS taken power and you and people like you would be put against a wall and shot if you opposed them. You'd be placed right next to me and called a fascist and shot in the face by your own comrades.
This is why I don't trust communists.