Look at this feminist bitch tweeting about whoring herself for Democrat votes on Tinder.
Other urls found in this thread:
lol, these idiots are desperate. Salt mines will erupt when the results come out. Sage because we can't waste time with every such moron.
I can smell the desperation and herpes from here. Still a shit thread that belongs on cuckchan tho.
She's not just a random girl. She's a blue-ticked "journalist" from BuzzFeed and Marie Claire.
that is what user said, she's a nobody.
Keep her details and remind her of this stunt when she claims to have morals later. they always do
Absolutely 0 Self-respect.
They would sell their own country, let alone their dignity for power.
another low IQ nu/pol/ thread
She's a nobody who has already been retweeted 5,000 times. How many election plans of yours have been tweeted 5,000 times?
It's a viral tweet, it means nothing. Dumber shit gets 500k daily.
Your thread is shit user just come to terms with it and move on.
5000? kek.
Nigger try millions. I've seen many of my ideas turn up on the water filterman's shows a few days after releasing them into the wild.
Foraging in dragon shit does not slay the dragon, user-kun.
it's nothing more than girl power shit, they retweet the idea and maybe 10 of them do it. if you're so worried this might actually have an impact then create a female nigger account and tell white cucks to vote the local republican
you can't seriously think anyone here gives two shits about some cunt that gets 'retweeted' 5000 times, you have to go back and stay back you fucking nigger
Did you even read the Tweet? She's doing it in Swing States, which only need a few thousand extra votes to turn them blue.
Wait, what?
Wait, WHAT?
What the fuck is even happening in this OP?
She's whoring herself for Democrat votes?
How the fuck does that work? I could use an old fashioned.
So, she's doing political outreach on tindr?
And she thinks that's going to help her…?
Is… Is she fucking the guys? Did nobody ask this?
Where are all the "Bitch stfu you dtf or what? I aint got time for no games n sheiiiit" or "God no shes a gross slag… You aren't voting for her, are you? If so we're done here.", etc?
I'm inclined to share the sentiment of the first two anons:
Only a woman could think that cockteasing men that will never get to fuck her would generate political motivation.
How do you know she wouldn't fuck any to get them to vote Democrat? And no doubt plenty of desperate men would vote just on the promise of a fuck later.
Based on what I'm seeing locally, I may need to take next week off to help with the mass suicide clean-up.
Women can't make memes!
Don't forget she's a left-wing woman. That's just doomed to failure. No wonder she's whoring herself out.
Top kek nigger stop flattering yourself, they are too busy sperging out over IOTBW right now and and making a last ditch effort to tell everyone not to vote in the midterms.
Ideologically leftist women tend to be especially narcissistic and vapid due to their complete lack of actual male guidance and the ever present enabling of their shitty behavior via big daddy government. Coupled with pathetic soy orbiters telling them they are special and beautiful constantly while agreeing with the dumb shit they say results in such insane ideas as the bitch in the OP came up with.
I can't stop laughing, her memes are so cringe. Look for yourself!
Yeah but she's basically campaigning with a bunch of thirsty soyboys who just want to piss in her butt, and in most cases she's not even in the same state as them AND THEY KNOW IT.
I mean are you fucking joking m8?
Yeah, but I mean, how is she going to prove it?
I know a bunch of democrats, why don't I just take their… Wait, there's not even a stub! How the fuck would this even work!
She looks fucking dead inside.
read the huffpost article about it faggot, there are some messages there, the cucks in messages tell her they already voted for democrats.. she changed nothing, this is just shilling for her next book
That's what's commonly referred to as the "thousand cock stare," user. It's common among today's strong empowered wymyn (read: complete and utter whores).
fuck I'm old, single, and used up and i just hit the wall, better get drunk to forget about it
I'm not getting normal whore vibes off this abomination. I smell a jew.
Could this get more current year?
Very much this.
Too much 'my fellow white people' and abject whorishness.
2014 be like:
2018 be like: ree fucking white male terrorists
(((Brooklyn white girl)))
her father: twitter.com
wonder what he thinks about his daughter sucking dicks for votes
This guy has a good take on women like her.
(((Hello, my fellow white women!)))
Roastie hit the wall
He probably encouraged her.
Oh shit! I just noticed he retweeted her. LMFAO!
Mass shootings are domestic terrorism. The majority of mass shootings are carried out by white men.
She's been alpha widowed by a white male, probably dumped by some white Chad after college for a younger woman, maybe a blonde. She, like a dumb whore could only make it out to be and blame what she learned in college about, muh patriarchy fucking white males reee.
She does have this meme, which is strange.
she's a fucking living meme
what is this, 2008? are we really 10 years ahead of these fucks?
This shit is getting very cryptically semitic.
yeah, I see tweets of hers from 2009, she has a fucking 9 years account, this is kind of sad how her life went on.. you can tell this is her last breath, this viral tweet is the most she will achieve in her life, her 15 minutes of fame.
And then later she will either find a beta to impregnate her fetid cunt or she'll - more likely - end up dying alone after becoming a withered old hag who still goes to bars, finally dying alone in a nursing home on the tax-payer dime surrounded and abused by mudfolk and niggers that hate her.
What a world.
He looks like a kike dressed up as Steve Irwin.
Here's a vid, what do you think?
It holds its chin high to mitigate the horrendous hook in its nose.
You have captured perfectly the vapid and worthless existence of the 2018 roastie.
Lmao are you actually Jen? Here to try to get some victim points when the "evil 4channers" attack you? Go fuck yourself whore.
it's kind of interesting watching her descent into madness, is this the fate of the roastie as she approaches the wall?
2009: tweets about uni life, basic bitch shit
2010: tweets about traveling in europe
2012 : tweets about la, new york and sex and the city
2013, 2014: culture references and pop stars
2015,2016: she begins with her sad shit, sjw related posts, but not there yet
2017,2018: she completely loses it, full anti white sjw
I think this is a cry for help. If you consider her and all the anti white male bullshit, her body feels it, this is her last fertile year. Ironically, what would fix her what she really needs is for a Trump supporter to put a white baby in her. The whole democrat voting trick is a shit test she does on a large scale, she wants a Trump FUCKING WHITE MALE to tell her no and pass her feminist shit test, to show her that her white baby won't be a cuck like the weak white democrat males she surrounded herself in her life.
There's probably an element of truth to that. But I still hate her.
it would be sad but she's 10 years too old to be worth giving a fuck about
this kind either goes to a bar to get pregnant & raise a fatherless child, while hating on men - or buys a cat.
Drinking alone, wearing fake fur clothing, pretending to be happy, and harbouring dying eggs inside her body. She signals to others on social media that she's really happy as her life is getting objectively worse. Really living the dream. I can't wait to see her at fifty; her corpse of a body will haunt her consciousness and remind her of her failure as she fades into oblivion, drunk, miserable, and alone.
she's going to die alone and the cats are going to eat her afterward
This is the fate of feminists. They're seriously evil people. Imagine being an STD receptacle who eats beans out of an opened can, having no plans for the future except Netflix and wine. That's abject degeneracy and failiure.
What an utter piece of scum. Pure evil. She should end her privilege now by putting a loaded Glock to her head and squeezing the trigger with passion.
That thing has at least 35% kike blood in it.
The fate of the roastie as she approaches the wall:
2002: tweets about uni life, city life, her new hair color and tats, basic bitch shit
2004: tweets about traveling in europe, or local places like Las Vegas, "time of my life!".
2005 : tweets about la, new york and sex and the city
2006: culture references and pop stars
2008: she begins with her sad shit, sjw related posts, but not there yet
2010: she completely loses it, full anti white sjw
2012: tweets about decorations, food, restaurants wine glasses, basic nesting. She still hanging out on the weekends every few months with the old banged up girlfriends, her kids, her concern for their future in white America. Ignores her husband because he's a child.
Or bitches about her baby's daddy hurting her again, then her new boyfriend with a child of his own breaking up with her. Her roastie friends support her emotional drivel by saying, "he doesn't deserve you, you'll find someone great/perfect I promise".
2018: Rarely posts except to establish her professional social status or her kids at school events.
2028: Yells at her daughter on facebook for posting half nudes but still says she's proud of her, "just like mommy". Worries about her drug addict son because he fetishizes niggers and says, "you know me and your uncle will always support and love you no matter what!!!".
2040: Asking friends on facebook if they have plans to meet at the bug-out location because the Chinese are starting round people up on the West Coast and Canada.
2045: Tweets pictures of herself with a statue of Chairman Mao and how proud she is of her daughter sleeping with a low level corporal from the Red Army; but will always miss her son, even though he was not fit to live in the new Utopia. Ends it with, "keep your kids off opium, PLEASE!".
2050: Entire family dead.
You forgot about the son turning tranny.
Definitely God's work. He has a sense of humour.
this is what shitskins actually believe
Black children who can't sit still are given money to join dance groups that are funded by government grants and run by the local "ex"-drug dealer.
No one except a nigger would consider sticking their dick in a whore. Sage because whores are unimportant.
Here's a video of her evilution
There are no memes here. I was hoping for premium cringe but all she has here are twitter screencaps of shit like "Tranny rights are human rights! Impeach Blumpf!" and similar. No comedy to be found at all.
The female brain corrects itself in the presence of a strong patriarchal power. This has been seen when the Third Reich took power. Wiemar Germany was almost as degenerate as we are now, yet after a strong patriarchal influence took power, women fell in line to aid the struggle.
Once the Third Reich lost power due to having to fight the rest of the jewish occupied world, the next generation of german women reverted back to being stupid liberal sluts, while many of the women who lived during the Reich remained loyal to it.
Do not forget how much rape and torture some Germans underwent to be forced into a fear induced liberal mindset. Now consider American women have been under jewish propaganda for far longer. Hollywood is a jewish propaganda machine, controlling the narrative of how people think.
She has ZERO fucking clue.
t. North Dakotan
Who the fuck will change their vote over it? They'll just fuck her and vote how they originally were going to.
Unfortunately she's not actually receiving sperm from anyone. She's not actually traveling to states.
brb kms
Horny NPCs who'll do anything for a fuck? NPC doesn't mean left-wing democrat, there are NPCs on all sides.
only appropriate reply is "sorry but you are not hot enough for me to vote left"
How about "Did you say swipe left? Sure."
Wouldn't this constitute interstate political bribery?
You don’t belong here, you fucking kike.
Im glad the internet woke me up because this would have been me.
Best part is when she is on her death bed and right before the moment of Gods judgement she realizes feminism damned her to hell on earth and eternal fire.
I find it in part disgusting and in part hilarious that alcoholic cum sluts like her are literally only involved in politics and being political from a deep seeded fear that society will revert to how it was and aught to be - designed to weed people like her out through proper ostracism and the kind of derision you see here. Because the natural order is so out of whack her looseness and debauchery is now either ignored or endorsed entirely by the society at large.
weinstein becomes winston
hahahahaha this is pretty pathetic to do this shit for something like politics. I've made fake girls on OKCupid to shill my cam site affiliate link and make $$$$$ though ;)
For an actual girl to do this and for the Democrats. Wow. I hope they report her account. Dumb bitch. She's not changing any minds. Guys will lie to her in order to dick her then move on to the next girl.
you do realize you dont actualy have to mean what you say right? the point is to turn the whore in to the very thing she despises. just a pretty face. she probably think of herself and an intelligent strong independent woman who came up with a "clever" idea to fish votes. and then you come along and say fuck that bitch you are nothing but a sex object and not a good one at that
Is she trying to say that she herself is not white huwhite?
lmao you guys are killing it like she killed her unborn kids
Yup, as someone who has had some "popular" tweets… if you never had them before, the first one that gets over 100 or 1k likes/retweets is a big dopamine hit. If it is your job like it is for me, you're just looking for overall engagement, clicks, profile views, etc and don't care about the superficial "likes"
That said, social media traffic really does not convert into sales. Like 1/10 of 1%. It's really not great for anything besides brand awareness or being a whore for politics.
As women get around 29/30 they really seek to nail down a man and find a permanent place to live. Their "nesting" instinct go into overdrive and they're thinking about babies all the time, whether subconsciously or not. I've been w the same grill for over 5 years now and I'm seeing this myself as her 20s are closing out. Now, my grill has a stable financial situation, housing and most of all a stable father for her future kids… these sad cunts have nothing. Just a job that they hate. And their pets. They're a mom to their pets. Until they hit 50 then die from cervical cancer from all the cocks they ingested in their 20s.