Why don't we use death row inmates for weird science stuff?

Why don't we use death row inmates for weird science stuff?

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do you really want to create giganigga?

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sounds epic… I guess so?

Because if you start letting corporations make shekels off death row inmates its only a matter of time before they start experimenting on people who are not on death-row, and then the general populace.

How large do you think the market for human test subjects is?

Pretty fucking large if we started allowing it.

Theres an underground testing complex in miami florida with a private airstrip that was linked to the pulse shooting run by the tavistock institute. We dug up information that suggested they were kidnapping faggots and running human experiments on them during the election(probably where all the faggots in pulse were taken because it was a fake shooting), but then Kampfy started banning the dig threads.

because cruel and unusual punishment


There shouldn’t be a problem with it other than what other anons have said where once given this, private companies will push for it to be used on regular inmates and further lobby the prison complex.


We've already gone past the point of no return. Might as well make the giganigga just to see if it can be killed.

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OP asked why it doesn't happen and I answered, at no point did I mention what my opinion on the subject was, fag.

Nigger you understand what it takes to get on death row? It’s now thrown around willy nilly, it’s literally a place that the worst human dregs end up, and I can assume that 95%+ of the victims and families of the victims would support curl and unusual punishment for these dirtbags.

Yes you did yid. You called it “cruel and unusual punishment”, which is an option because what and (((whom))) determines what that is. You’re basically saying what “muh human rights” which is the most cuckold of all white ideas because it favors niggers and feelings over what ought to be done. Kys yid.


That's not my opinion, but the exact words used in the 8th amendment.
Read a book, nigger.

As if we don’t endlessly do experiments on everyone else and each other. Informed Consent comes straight out of the Doctor’s Trial and is made a mockery by the AEC in the 50s-90s before things really kick off. This board is the worst social media imaginable.

The death punishment is abolished in Australia.

Are you actually so naive as to think they would limit their experimentation to only death row inmates? The whole fucking population of the planet is (((their))) petri-dish.

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They already have MK ultra slaves for that

Why use the ones with an expiration date?

Because death row should be abolished. The perp should be killed in the act to stop him, save that he has the right to life. You're not allowed to murder in retribution, so neither should the (((ZOG))) be allowed to.

why dont we use homeless people for a televised battle royale?

Because death row should be abolished. The perp should be killed in the act to stop him, save that he has the right to life. You're not allowed to murder in retribution, so neither should the (((ZOG))) be allowed to.


nigger kills a little girl and turns himself in???? Only (((ZOG))) wants to kill him. Us real white dudes want him to come out to continue his niggerwork

real talk. criminals should be tortured to death publicly just like in the good old days when the catholic church wasn't cuck shit

death camps where homeless are forced to learn the fortnite dance in hopes of winning a battle royale and being freed and winning a million dollars

Because death row should be abolished. The perp should be killed in the act to stop him, save that he has the right to life. You're not allowed to murder in retribution, so neither should the (((ZOG))) be allowed to.

Somehow midgets and axes need to be incorporated into this.

midgets with axes for drill instructors

Sheer brilliance

Good going, I got tripleposted. xD

Half of people on death row are innocent and the other half was unable to afford a decent lawyer.

wtf i love yids now

because if you have all those goddamn idiots in one place, you're going to get us all killed.

also, is there an SCP:SL thread on /v/?


plausible deniability

I was having a good day, user. It sill hurts.

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Human experimentation is heavily frowned upon.

Because all life is sacred, according to American conservatives including the current administration :)

Not really among Asians.

Based CIA.


They were all, always, SJWs. None of them were good people, user. We lost nothing.