With this swedes had The third biggest airforce in The world and top 5 biggest militaries in The 80:S With nuclear program (merchants olof Palme shut it down)
With only gothenburg area having a population that was partly mixed with waloons germans and english
Oh hey, it's the neanderthal spammer making one of these threads again so he can hop on his proxy and spam shit about nordics being jews and norse mythology being from babylon.
It's literally the same guy trying to stir up drama. Usually he'll jump between claiming that nordics did everything and meds did nothing, to claiming that nordics did everything but were actually finnic. I suspect he takes it in the ass from one of the volunteers or mods considering how long he's been shitting up the place with absolutely no attempts at halting it.
I have never said nords were finnic They are their own sort of Proto European kind Pic related
Any kind of mix up is possible due to ancient hebrews were blonde, but Most importantly a Big propability of them being Proto European now that question is harder to answer and should not be left to some angry pagan like yourself
The reasons why i say paganism is not Nordic is due to The existance of nords prior to paganism creation, hinting at indo Europeans spread their religion To US. Instead of a reverce scenario
Of Course Zig Forums is filled with high iq shills that brand everything as being pro merchant if it goes against their narrative
this nigger hasn't heard of the Scandinavian Rus tribe in which the country of Russia derives its namesake and the principality of Kievan Rus just lmao @ your life, pleb