Debate requires logic and often time facts. The steps taken to win a debate are comparable to how numbers are crunched. Nothing will ever change the fact that 1+1=2, just as facts will always remain facts. This is where we have the advantage anons, because our enemy and their arguments are nearing completely devoid of a factual basis, they are often hypocrites, and their logic, ultimately comes undone. It is only a matter of time before the undecided masses finally realise this. We should rejoice, as I believe the tides are shifting, slowly but surely, in our favour.
Also, this is a debate thread. Debate to your heart's desire, the shills are of no use in a thread like this.
I'll start it off with my own argument:
I believe that this website's form of anonymity is a double edged sword for our cause. On one hand, it allows us to share massive amounts of information without having to be concerned with the opinions of the outside world, which is incredibly important for what is essentially our very own propaganda campaign to redpill the world. However, on the other hand, what I have mentioned previously is the limitation of anonymity. I cannot see a true movement being born out of an anonymous image board, and I think this is due to the simple fact that there is no leader. Yes, we have a common cause, but without an identifiable leader to guide us in the right direction, I believe that we will be stuck in a perpetual state of disarray. This is why I've put great emphasis on the idea of committing to IRL activism, and actually spreading information to people you know. You never know, one of those people you redpill might just lead us in the right direction.
I'm tired as fuck right now, so, in an ironic twist, you might have to excuse my possible blatant 'tism.