Are jewish people our “kin”, Zig Forums?
NYT & jewish people
No, fuck off kike!
The real question is if goys are even human?????
Sage thread
also reported
So… they’re kinda like cousins or something?
Not a very good rabbi, are you?
Nuff said
Keep dreaming kikeman
They are goyjins.
Cheaply made, ill-fitting sweatshop jew shoes -check
Ugly kike legs -check
Jews are akin to cold-blooded reptiles. They have no human kinship.
shut up anti-semite
Low effort cuckchan-tier shit.
An aristocrat I guess. Do I need to post IG-quality pics and brands for you? Is that “your” crowd?
This is a Mensa-tier thread. You need to read more.
Easy rabbi, no tech for you on weekends.
So… you’re a jewish person.
You relish the notion that D Brooks is your “cousin”.
No, they are meant to serve.
Only bible readers believe in Shem and "semites"
No, everyone coming here to the new world told Europe to go fuck off and deal with shit on their own
Sage and reported because:
Low effort thread.
This place is literally jewish reddit. You people are simpletons. Do math himey.
Do you pray to MLK at night?
Do you weep when they read Emma’s poem?