Nigger pretends support Trump & scams hundreds of thousands of dollars

She pretended to be a Trump supporter whose parents cut her off and refuse to pay university tuition. Turns out she was a fraud and a liar. She hates Trump and used his supporters to get free cash.

Her name is Quran Preston and she goes to Howard University in Washington DC
Howard University
2400 Sixth Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20059
(202) 806-6100

instagram name is prmarycolors

kikebook is profile.php?id=100004176364049

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Other urls found in this thread:

Props to her for the life hack. She made $ off of the current social climate and for that…. we thank you.

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These dumb fucks deserved it

Is there a lower form of life in this country than the trumpnigger?

And everybody is applauding her for it, too.

it's like music to my ears

if it weren't so depressing, that is

A got ripped off a few grand by a negro and it redpilled me harder than any internet meme.


Are you forgetting that kikes exist?
Oh wait


What's funny to me is that even the niggers can see that the cuckservatives aren't truly "racist" and yet continue to say it because its advantageous yet the cuckservatives are still too damned stupid to realize that nothing they will ever do will be enough and continue trying to beg society not to call them racist. They manage to be even dumber than the average nigger.

They have a slave mentality. In the context of America, the only thing they are conserving is the genocidal jewish death march against free Europe. That's what conservatism is in the US.

Whoever gave it money deserves the loss.

This is fucking hilarious.

lmao outsmarted by a nigger
MAGApedes eternally pwnd for their cuckoldry

sure is halfchan in here lately, objectively none of you belong here

Good for her.

Seriously, if you're the sort of cuckold to give money to BASED niggers, you deserve to be swindled by a debased nigger.

you must not be white, nigger lover

Nah, I'm Whiter than you, as evidenced by the fact that I don't blame a nigger for being a nigger, rather, I blame adult Whites for giving money to a BASED nigger.
Cry harder cuckold.

Hitting a little too close to home, trumpnigger? Hasbarat faggot.

OP got scammed by a nigger!

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Only atrue retard would fall for her lies.

J-just playing n-dimensional hyperchess, haha :^(

What the hell is up with scammers and that university? It's a historically black uni, but still:

You should be wary of people who brag about their identity, but BASED if they're also trying to get money. It means that they're shilling their brand. Anyway, that's not the only Howard University scammer

I'm not too sure why they think we hate them because of a black skin color. We don't. We just resent them because they frequently exploit the altruism of others to kick them down the curb. Ever wonder why every single one of their countries are shitholes? It's because they don't give a shit about each other. That's why they sold themselves to slavery and Mainland China.

Blacks love to scapegoat whites for everything, but the real issue is within themselves.

To all those who claim that it's dumb to donate to helpless people, it's not. There's honestly nothing wrong with assisting the weak, whites were raised to help others and they've succeeded because of it. They've created empires by sharing culture and knowledge between each other. The issue lies within outsiders who lie and steal like chimp in the OP. They're unable to integrate and only exist for the sole purpose of stirring shit up. She will rot in hell.


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Yeah. Imagine being soo fucking Dumb that you're outsmarted by a nigger. A female nigger above all

Kill all fucking niggers already.

Shut the fuck up, trumpnigger.

The Trumpniggers who were dumb enough to donate deserved it.

I often hear members of these 'white nationalism' movements/organizations of the current year +X discussing the concept of 'identity', which I find disagreeable.

Identity IS a factor of what is of import, in actual terms, which is a matter of biology, not of mere internalized self-description, ie 'identity'; this distinction is important, as merely maintaining an identity into the future is not a means via which to maintain, to secure, our people into perpetuity - we are not a mere identity, we are a biological clade of beings, and this material reality is intrinsic to everything about us and our culture, the summation of which being that from whence our collective identity derives.

Yeah, I hate them because of their disgusting nigger genes which cause them to have black skin color.

that's a very jewish thought process you got there

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Its wrong to help niggers, if you want to do charity help whites.

Nigger pet learning jew tricks, now how about that.

you halfchan reddit fucking cuckold NPC soyboys need to be IP range banned because you will OBJECTIVELY, IRREFUTABLY, AND INARGUABLY NEVER BE TRULY WHITE


Would you blame a jew for jewing dumb goyim?

oh you're a nigger lover, got it

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nope that nigger lover is the number one Israel fan

I’m not even mad. Hopefully they learned a lesson not to trust a nigger.

go back to halfchan, you nigger loving outsider kike, you don't belong here and you literally never have

This really depends on if the jew was masquerading as white as many of our people have lost the ability to identify jews on sight or if he was openly using his jewish identity to take advantage of muh greatest ally Israel retards.

God you're a bad shill.

Nope. Jews gonna Jew, man.
Its like complaining that a lamprey you put in your fish tank ate all your fish.
I mean, dude, there's like 15 millions kikes ON THE ENTIRE PLANET.
We could wipe them away in an instant if we chose… We just choose not to.
And I have a real hard time feeling sympathy for animals that won't - not can't, WON'T - remove a parasite that is slowly killing them.

If you had a high IQ, then you'll realize that it's a major advantage for white nationalism. This scam redpills cuckservatives about the true behavior of blacks. If Brazil is anything to go by, people aren't convinced by autistic statistics, steadfast podcasts, and unsourced infographics. They're just by experience in the form of theft, rape, and homicide.

Experience confirms everything that we say about them since it's grounded in reality. There has to be a personal loss for them to reject the falsehood of leftism. If I were you, I wouldn't dox her. I would instead spread this to those who are on fence.

I get what you're talking about and I agree. However, I'm referring to people who frequently advertise their minority identity.

I wouldn't. Whites really need to stop believing in the lies of equality to adhere to outsiders who would easily fuck them over.

They need to learn the hard way.

You type like a woman, user.

Go do something if you're that bothered by it you faggot.

how much are they paying you Chaim

oh you're a jew got it

already did, Rabbi

This is a good point. The majority of humans are selfish and have a limited attention span, but if they are personally affected by it in a negative way, then there is a greater chance they are swayed, (there was an user earlier in the thread that said how losing a few grand to a nigger scam redpilled them faster than anything). Encourage more niggers kikes to blatantly scam people, let them feel secure and get sloppy, so people can see it from miles away. Let them become more brazen and feel their shit is encouraged, but keep it limited in its damage. Like letting a child shit up a sandbox and think they're having an impact farther than that.


(973) 374 5834

9 Longfellow Ave
Newark, NJ 07106

2420 Edgley St.
Philadelphia, PA 19121

I am not defending anyone, I just don't want to my waste time

It doesn't redpill them at all because the people inclined to "cuckservatism" are genetic refuse honed and incubated in a national environment where their slavish attributes have been rewarded. They aren't capable of learning from experience – which is why this country has been stuck on Groundhog Day since the second zionist war.

Are you still here bitching? Go do something. Maybe learn to not give money to monkeys.

At least this user offers something productive
also niggeros deserve the wood chipper



Fraud is still illegal lol. This thread is a microcosm of all interactions between europoids and the great north american pavement ape.

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You weren't opposed to blacks because others told you that they were bad. You were opposed to them because you saw that they were bad.


This user has a point as far as the fact that some people are just fucking stupid, you will probably never change them. Just try to accept the loss and move on, if they were prone to think for themselves, they would at least consider alternative views. Some, however, will be helped through experience.

That said, my family never encouraged any racism whatsoever, (changing times, etc.) and I still grew tired of their shit by 6 years old. Going to school in, and living in, a "diverse" area helps with that though.

The niggers, I mean. Seriously, everything from them was a lecture on how "you's enslaves my people" to anyone lighter than them, (even non-whites) and if you didn't do anything they wanted, it was because "you was racist". Even as a child, that bullshit got old and was very obviously from one group consistently…

the shills are using their "no you're the shill" script. you tried, Chaim, and you failed. Your Zion handlers will not be pleased with you.

I was opposed to them because I was taught that they were bad, I stayed opposed to them because I saw that my parents were right.

God damn that is a good own, I love it

Eat shit, anyone who fell for it

The story of TIDF in a nutshell

The story of T_D in a nutshell

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There is a lesson for every side in this:
Many Trump supporters aren’t racist.
Don’t care about muh based negros.
Don’t be a dumb boomer civnat cuck.
If you scam people, don’t be dumb/black enough to brag about it afterward. Can’t wait for her to get sued and arrested for fraud.

If it's good for the False (((Chosen))), it's good for the True (((Chosen))).
You know what- that's going to be my thing. Blacks are the true Chosen as only they can out kike the kikes with such success. Let's just keep this going. Allow more black people to solve the jewish problem.

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The cherry on this shitskin sundae is that all the scammed "I SW#EAR I'M NOT RACIST" tards probably won't learn anything from this. The whole based nigger brainwashing relies on gullible morons focusing on a minuscule number of exceptions even if they have to delude themselves into seeing said exception while ignoring the reality and pathetically cowering from buzzwords spoken by people who desire white extinction.

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Good. May it serve as a wake-up call to them, to stop playing the jewish political game; and to raise racial awareness.

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Speaking from personal experience, when taught as a Christian in your youth you tend to want to be the best person possible, colorblind and all. Yet despite all this I grew out of it due to experience and constant examples. Had I lived more comfortably, in a much more white area, more wealthy, it would probably not have happened and it would've been a blissful life, at least until now.

she must be related to Kayne ;^)

As an Atheist, I don't have this cuck problem.

I agree, user, and don't lose that positive attitude about people or about being a good person, just be careful with who you open your arms to. in all fairness also, there are some relatively decent niggers in those areas, they gained decency from growing up and realizing niggerdom is wrong/stupid, or because they already knew/were taught niggerdom is stupid and are stuck in that area surrounded just the same. I'm not saying you trust them entirely or invite them to your table, but some of them can be decent people and have redeeming qualities.


I didn't say you aspire to live with them or eat at their table, but even George Lincoln Rockwell could find common ground with the Nation of Islam and advocate advancing both their objectives because they were essentially the same, and they shared common enemies. I guess you skin heads know more though, that's why you haven't been effective in any way since Hitler or even slightly GLR, people who knew when to work with others toward a common goal and then everyone fuck off back behind their borders when it's achieved.

Both sides are bad.

This girl is a thief, like many blacks, and she’s retarded, like many blacks, for admitting her crime.

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Oh you're a kike.

No, but from personal experience, that's the common thumb-headed shinhead mentality, white niggerdom. You have potential allies all around you, just the same as niggers do to potentially lift them from their squalor, but 'fuck dat shit mayne, that dat white shiate!'. opposite side of the coin mentality from most skinheads.

Kikes keep us all divided, while they live in white gated communities away from the problems they contribute to with their rhetoric. 9/10, it's usually the sheltered whites from those same types of neighbourhoods that help push the multiculturalism agenda you fight against because they're naive or brainwashed, useful idiots who have never seen the world outside of their safe little enclaves. But go ahead while "your people" continue to stab you and your efforts in the back.

The conservachristcuck is strong in this one.
Ticking all of those boxes.

No it doesn't, they will just say 'not all x are like that' as they always do then just get scammed again. Most people are fucking stupid and beyond help, it's up to the minority view to change the majority view as it is and has always been.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Nigger isn't just skin colour, it's a state of mind, a mentality, and you prove it.

How long will it take her to blow all that cash?

Trump was a mistake



Yeah, and say I advocated for moving them into white neighbourhoods too! That's always a good one, it goes great with the rest of your bullshit.

Less than 2 years it'll be gone, guaranteed

Holy shit, you're not white.

It would be interesting to see how the people on T_D respond. Has this news been posted there?

The bastard "civic nationalists" pay for their naivete

I checked there earlier and found nothing. Just more baste niggers:

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You know who is white, though, user? Those people from those gated communities and other white communities, who march with ANTIFA or other organisations to promote multiculturalism and other bullshit kike agendas. Thank god you have them too, right, user? B-b-b-baste Aryan waifus and white brothers!

You are a very dense person. Read everything I wrote and pay attention to the parts where I explicitly said niggers stay on their side and we stay on ours, but if common goals and enemies are present, you work together in some way if it's beneficial and then everyone fucks off away from each other back to their sides. You do realise there are some niggers that can see how trash the majority of their people are and some that are at least halfway decent, right? You do understand that acknowledging that doesn't mean I said you should let them live in your house and eat your chicken while you shower them with praise, right? Or do you want to continue being a retard?


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