A Chinese warship threatened a US Navy destroyer in the South China Sea
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ie the Navy bitched out.
So when are they gonna get the band back together to fuck China?
the navy really needs to grow some fucking balls
remember that patrol boat that straight up surrendered, weapons and all, to the iranians? and then the iranians made the strong independent woman cover her head.
No, they need to be exterminated to the last man.
I just hope it ends with an actual confrontation next time
Whoever loses, we win.
Youre asking a bunch of Hoorah faggots who aren't even allowed to say nigger without getting a dishonorable discharge to grow a pair of nuts.
Now that's activating your almond.
China man bad
After Jews, China is the biggest threat to European supremacy, no one else on the planet even registers by comparison.
"oy vey we can't use the military to stop no shit invaders on the southern border but we can threaten to smash $100 million worth of naval hardware into a regional power because why not."
Shut the fuck up, nigger lover.
Seems like it. We're obviously going to fight China someday, it makes no sense not to level them right now while they're still comparatively weak. Of course the real reason to prolong the war is so that the goy death count can be raised even higher, which is why the USA didn't march into Russia following WWII
Uh huh. remind me, wtf is the us navy doing all the way over there?
something something something trust me goy it's definitely White! something something something
They're innocent!. They said that themselves!.
Because the chinks are building bases there on land that isn't theirs?
Good to see China not taking any shit from the Nigger Fetishist Alliance of Bubble Economists.
If it isn't theirs, how did they build a base on it?
Good to see China not taking any shit from the Nigger Fetishist Alliance of Bubble Economists.
It's Vietnam's territory. Vietnam calls.
They are robbing and stealing Vietnam's island.
Hi. Hey, um, US Navy; despite having acktshuall faggitty faggits on your ships, don't be a faggit. Remember not dipping the flag to Russian faggits in the Black sea, in a place where we weren't supposed to be … ya fucking faggits!
It doesn't sound like it's Vietnam's territory anymore. You feel the same about Koenigsberg and Sakhalin?
My DACApede gf (from Nicaragua) is sad the US didn't showed it's strength. I told her to be patient, then we had sex.
Next up, a chinese warship mysteriously vaporizes without a trace in the middle of the sea. Chink government does nothing because they are a bunch of posturing pussies that bark really loud but will never bite
look at all these chink shills scurrying out of the woodwork to defend Shina
These were literally ceded by Russia after the war.
Vietnam has not ceded Spratly island.
I know an officer who was on one of the other boats. Brass told them to stand down. The crew nearly mutinied before the CO had the LPO MA detain a few people before they surrendered.
I used to be on a DDG in this fleet. Waaay back in the day we had crazy ass commanders that would look to play chicken with the chinks or Russians. The Navy, along with our entire military of course has been pozzed beyond recognition. All this bullshit keeps happening with the Navy because it's commanded by weak niggerfaggots. There are no all male crews in 7th fleet anymore either, that's something to remember. Women dont belong on ships.
exactly this. no matter what happens, they are told to do nothing, just absorb abuse like cucks. There are endless training routines that involve "if they get within this many yards, start firing" yet that line is crossed all the time and the sailors are ordered to do nothing at all.
You mean ceded to Russia. Under hostile presence and force. Kind of like what is happening to you now. In any event, SLOPE, go complain it about it somewhere else.
who's drunk?
First step is stop looking fondly upon the military as if it represents you because you served in some time period where the illusion was a bit stronger. The US military is an enemy at all times in all places on all levels.
Sorry thought this was election thread
Belay my last, thought this was from the mine layer.
I might care if China sent a ship to the USA and then threatened an American warship.
nice dubs
Holy Kek. Can a mathfag do those odds up for us quick?
based user
I can…
( 10/100,000 ) → ( 1/10,000 )
( 1/10,000 ) ^ 2 → 1 in 100,000,000
We are going to keep pounding the message until United Jewry gets it. And get they will.
Guess again? 我们读这张板
Oh noes China is a danger to the jewish golem's military filled with trannies, queers, spics and wogs.
Hopefully China bombs ZOG central to dust
I hope you told her to just Trust the plan
The world respects Jewish business a lot more than Chinese aggression. Wither or not you hate Jews doesn't matter. At the end of the day America has far more support in a war scenario vs China, who has done nothing but piss off and threaten their neighbors while their own people work for scraps.
maybe the us navy should stop threatening chinese sovereignty by sailing warships across the entire planet just to scare the chinks
if it's a vietnamese land claim problem, why is the US navy over there?
Slopes think amerimutts are still their best friends.
Now that was some poor attempt at swaying voters last minute
So when America inevitably breaks into a civil war, which side will China back?
most likely a side that upholds anti-capitalist and pro-worker economic views.
See I was assuming the most anti-globalist side, because China wants to take over the seas. So I'd think whichever side would allow China to do whatever they want.
Absolutely shameful. Traitors and cowards should get the bullet.
But user, the chinks have narrow body openings. So narrow. Nnnngh! How can we do without them? Now seriously, north east asians are the only non-whites on the planet that are culturally interesting.
Is that Barron Trump?
Oh look. A chink on Zig Forums. How cute. How many yuan do you get paid to shill?
Then threaten them back!
Do you think it was the Chinese that turned Zig Forums into a neocon cheerleading squad on a par with breibart?
China is clearly the one terrified.
No, it's not.
The Spratlys is a bunch of rocks, ROCKS, not Islands.
Per every international law there is, it literally belongs to no one.
If China comes by with land from the mainland, build up the entire place (in one of the greatest feat of human engineering ever done… just saying. Sure they didn't invented it, they're chinks, but still the scope of it is still admirable), settles it and says it's theirs, no one in it's right mind can't say it isn't Chinese now.
Because if shit belongs to know one it does mean it's up for grabs (cf all the laws on the offshore resources collection, from fishing to oil extraction pick one) and therefore occupation = property. And since those new landmasses has been literally built by China, they obviously can only belong to China.
Which is why the medias are so salty about it.
It's China playing by the jews rules and outjewing everyone by doing shit they hadn't though of before.
Notice the lack of stronk monkeys sent to do the dangerous missions.
No, and saying the Chinese are a major problem doesn't make someone a nigger lover.
Like when they played chicken with the lighthouse?
It was probably some diversity representation holding the map upside down, as usual.
You convinced me, fellow pede. Better drop everything and buddy up with the niggerfag kike horde.
Don't you have birds to go kill for Mao, so that locusts can then eat all your crops leading to your mass starvation, you fucking bugman?
Also, the term is seasteading, and it's a shame the antmen are the ones doing it before us.
No, because I'm White. That's why I don't like niggers or America. Because I'm actually White – unlike you.
I hope China brings it.
My nigger, this guy is excellent. Isaac's channel is full of the sort of nextgen engineering and terraforming projects that whites would be building RIGHT NOW if literally trillions of dollars weren't being wasted on stuffing Africans (at home and abroad) with gibs.
I really can’t be bothered with two none white countries fighting
The US is legitimately the biggest threat to Europeans
Reminds me of this gem.
It's funny because W40k Commisars are all indoctrinated orphans.
During the arab spring days, somebody posted a video of a muslim getting flogged by the chinese for raping a woman. It was so funny. He whimpered "Alahu Achbar" after every whip.
I look forward to the videos of U.S. good goys getting whipped. I wonder what they will whimper. "B-but I-i-im not a racist" probably.
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN