Because modern day mob mentality. Brainless NPC's with programmed responses. You fucking know why.
Levi Scott
Should all drugs be legalized and treated as natural selection?
Juan Rodriguez
Overdoses aren't typically caused by "clean product". They're caused by two main things:
The illicit market exists because of the war on drugs. Fentanyl & co exists in street product because of the war on drugs. Drug users are victims of the war on drugs, which is a far-left social policy based on the creepy need for absolute control over what people do with their own bodies. Only applies to women wanting to murder their own children in the womb. A "hard drug user" harms no one but himself, and most of that harm is the direct result of prohibition. But let's get to the core issue here: WHAT ARE YOU SLIDING CHAIM?
Gabriel Ramirez
Drug abuse is a symptom of a broken society.
People with healthy meaningful lives are less likely to get involved with opioids, amphetamines, etc.
The fix for drugs is
If I worked at mcdicks, with divorced commie parents, and lived in the ghetto with nigs i think it would drive me to drugs too.
Jackson Phillips
Society causes the need to escape reality. However only the symptom is seen as evil, not the disease. Never question modern society. 88
Austin Gonzalez
FDA just approved another super opioid at the request of (((Big Pharma))).
I dunno Im torn on this meme, I dont know who the NSlegion are, they might be a legit group or they might be feds. Just dont know, dont feel right sending people to a group I know nothing about but also dont feel right posting their meme without their name tag on it, especially since its a good one.
No. Drug abuse exists because degeneracy exists. There should be war, but not on the drugs, only on the niggerly filth who abuse them. Daily public whippings of users and public executions of dealers would solve the isse overnight
Brandon Rogers
Pharmaceutical opiates are not inherently injurious to the human organism, so the idea that someone using them will magically be "Darwinned" is just how deeply you've supped from the war-on-drugs propaganda cup. Alcohol and tobacco kill millions a year, but those having the most children are the heaviest users, so even if we account for harm, there goes your theory. It is prohibition which kills. This is a lesson which should have been learned during alcohol prohibition, but wasn't. And what's the real reason that the jew outlaws feel-good drugs, especially opiates? That reason is very simple to grasp. Opiates are cheap, like any other mass produced plant product (think tea and coffee), only government control pushes up the price. Why does the jew fear the poppy? Here's why: He is already content. He does not crave a bigger television set, nor does he feel a burning need to queue around the block for "BLACK FRIDAY" commercial selling frenzies, nor does he become obsessed with celebrity culture. He has his relaxation for a few dollars a day, the price of a coffee - his opiates put him in the mood to enjoy simple human interaction, simple hobbies at home, a walk in the countryside, fishing, all of the things that jews HATE because they're FREE. This is why the jew must and always will stamp on opiates. Marijuana is being legalized on the other hand. And Marijuana is a commercialism-compatible drug. It drives the user to eat, to consume, to "have munchies", to visit the jews bread and circus theaters and giggle at inane entertainment. Much like alcohol. The jew likes, promotes and allows drugs which push consumption. tl;dr control of drugs is CONTROL OF CONTENTMENT AND SATISFACTION. Take a look around you, the jew has ensured that EVERY avenue for brute satisfaction is controlled by him. Involves a purchase, the simple act of socializing with a mate, a woman, is rendered into a commercial exercise which the jew siphons at every stage. Entertain a girl at home, with home cooking? YOU'RE CHEAP. YOU'RE A BUM. At the very least take her to , no a DVD or a downloaded torrent will not cut it, are you a bum? take her to JEW CINEMA #392993 to worship THE STARS.
In exactly the same way as the jew has commercialized the simple act of showing love to a friend or family member. Can't just say merry christmas, must buy $10 gift cards, "presents", "decorations", the same goes for every other pagan holiday - we used to celebrate them for free, Halloween, Valentines, Easter - now merely new feeding points for the jew's shekel siphon.
But go on. Believe the propaganda, muh drugs are bad, as you gulp down the jew's sugar water and fluoridated beer.
Matthew Long
Is this some kind of subliminal bluepill you're trying?
Parker Mitchell
This is also true. But addiction is not restricted to "drugs". Fornication can be addictive. Driving your car can be an addiction. Eating can be an addiction. Just as those things can be enjoyed in moderation, so can "drugs". There is nothing "broken" about relaxing after work with a pint of ale, a pipe of opium, or a xanax for a long stressful week. The dose makes the poison. But you are right, substances DO NOT CAUSE ADDICTION, fucked up jewish social structures do.
James Butler
Carter Martin
Yes. By your analogy, fast food is not "clean product". All fast food is full of "vegetable oil", which causes inflammatory response and hormonal disruption. Thyroid function is reduced, insulin resistance develops, and leptin sensitivity is reduced. If they fried their chicken and fries in beef tallow or lard, then it would be fine. But they sell toxic industrial waste products as food and use the AHA's lies as marketing to convince people these are "heart healthy fats" and that natural, safe fats like animal fats are bad.
Andrew Sanchez
I came here to say parts of this, but you pretty much covered it. Now I don't have to take a break from my job. Good posting, user.
Nolan Powell
Nice try, kike Reported for being a jew
Christian Wright
Does porn drive consumerist behaviors?
Dominic Barnes
bcuz doctors make up 99% of drug dealers in current year
But people are free to either take part in that harm or abstain from it. They make a choice, should we not allow them to live and die by their own choice?
Kayden Reyes
Society has nothing to do with addiction. Addiction is what happens when the individual gives up control of his life because he wants a habit that he knows is bad more than he wants to fix his problems or correct his behaviour. Some people are addicted to complaining. Some are addicted to biting their nails. Nobody and nothing can 'cause' that condition, nothing can 'make' them addicted. There is no such thing as an addictive thing; only substances and behaviours that create chemical dependencies or deficiencies, but to call a man an 'addict' when he's doing something because not doing it would cause him physical illness or injury is lying.
Did you know that you cannot consume enough alcohol to kill yourself, that you pass out first? Your body can't biologically take in enough to remain conscious and also reach a fatal condition. When people die of alcohol poisoning it is not an 'overdose', it's chemical shock caused by the withdrawal. The alcohol leaves the brain dehydrated and disrupts hormonal processes, and essentially causes the brain to hurt itself when it tries to work. This is what a hangover is - the withdrawal from alcohol. It harms the body more to remove it than to consume it, and this is also why small amounts of liquor are a well-known fix for hangover pains, of course, with lots of hydration and some food high in carbohydrates like bread. It helps the body regulate.
Your method of trying to deny your individualism and personal responsibility by hoisting your problems off on society - 'the Jews made me addicted!' - is sickening.
Oliver Lopez
If people had the information, yes. But they don't. They are actively and deliberately misled. A meth dealer that said "meth is good for you" is responsible for lying to his customers just like KFC is responsible for lying to theirs. You can only fall back on freedom of choice when that choice is an informed one.
Adrian Baker
How does KFC lie to its customers? Is it not finger lickin' good?
Thomas Harris
Preferably companies shouldn't be able to profit by knowingly selling poison.
Robert Sanchez
If you trust a meth dealer's claims that's more on you than on him
Why not legalize all drugs. It is not like just because heroin becomes legal I would start doing it. That would make me retarded
Tyler Gomez
It objectively isn't. Not only is their chicken dry and flavorless as fuck, but most Popeye's are run by literal pajeets.
Kevin Jenkins
That too, but by not disclosing the endocrine disrupting effects of the industrial waste products they sell as "food".
This meth dealer has an entire industry and the federal government telling his lies with him. It is reasonable to expect people to think "this is high calorie food" and make a choice based on that. But it is actually high calorie food that we know with 100% certainty causes hormonal imbalances and that the government and dozens of high profile health organizations lie about. They tell you vegetable oil is "heart healthy" oil, even though cardiovascular disease didn't exist until the introduction of vegetable oil. People do not have this information, almost nobody knows it and the government lies about it.
Oliver Bennett
Chick fil a adds aluminum to their chicken breading.
Luis Parker
In California, they are. A buddy of mine was one of the first to do hard time for it.
Robert Barnes
Are you sure you belong here?
Dylan Russell
Ok? This isn't a contest between which jew that sells fried mutant pieces is better or worse, they are all bad. None of them sell food. You can consume high calorie foods in moderation and be healthy. You can not consume "vegetable oil" in moderation and be healthy.
Daniel Rodriguez
Haha epic xD Deus Vault!
Andrew Wright
Never change
Matthew Green
A doctor has authority that the normie won't question. The pusher is responsible for what this inevitably leads to in many cases. Also fuck off you stinky pookike
Hudson Rivera
Yes, definitely.
Jayden Cook
Only reason why you would care is if you're a druggie loser.
Mason Myers
What is drug addiction induced by aggressive marketing? What is a health industry hold hostage by a drug pushing pharma cartel? What is conditioning to drug acceptance by introducing it with sports and entertainment? What is over-saturation of access to drugs all around potential victims? What is peer pressure society created by capitalism? What is science teaching drugs as the only solution to mental problems, especially for children? What is government interference into drug trades with the outcome of more widespread access to drugs?
How much willpower do you attribute to the common human to not fall into the ever increasing number of traps deliberately placed in front of him? Nigger, we are all victims one way or another, and if you enable others to participate in drug use, you're also a perpetrator.
Joseph Green
Real fucking stout argument there. Your choice not to arm yourself and others with education and experience, and moderate your behaviour, is why you have addictive tendencies. If you're going to openly tell us that you don't have self-control, then why aren't you doing something about it? Life is a struggle of constantly improving oneself, so get to it. Stop making excuses for the faults of the individual by preaching what's essentially determinism. Also, as I recall, there are a lot of armchair autists on this very board that continually praise doctors force-feeding their children pills over every little thing and diagnosing all irregular behaviour as neuroses, saying things such as 'we should take rights away from the mentally ill', while simultaneously scorning psychology as a "pseudoscience" and clapping at the removal of mental institutions in the US. Look around you, there are idiots all over the place. Society doesn't make you an idiot, it's your job to grow out of being one, and to help others do the same. We are all responsible for our own life. Stop dodging the blame.
Josiah Wood
You seem to live in some sentimental fantasy. The world we live in today gets systematically robbed of opportunities for the individual to move forward. The majority are slaves to a system that wants to hurt them, self improvement leads sooner or later to exceeding in capitalism, which comes at the costs of the worsening of every ones situation, if not the outright destruction of the planet we live in. The economy is a pyramid scheme, education is build around indoctrination, science is forced into self destructive outcomes or censored by political agendas, history is one big ever changing lie, cultures are on the verge of dying, creativity is not only at a standstill but regressing…literally every means of moving forward as a civilization were corrupted against us.
The individual lost his ability to change the world and the people around him for the better and long ass time ago, and the will to stand up against all this is not in our nature anymore. It is nearly extinct. The toxic temptations all around us are growing in one direction, while our defenses are rapidly shrinking.
Chase Richardson
a long ass time ago
Jeremiah Cruz
You deserve something for such an outstanding post.
God damn, I've never read a post more full of shit than this before. Almost every single statement in it is pure bullshit.
Ethan Cook
GOOD GOD MAN! You know nothing of the (((Sassoon))) family, and their efforts to 'soften up' China for (((Free Trade))) via the (((British Empire))), (((British East India Company))), and route the profits through (((HSBC))). You fail to realize that the (((Sacklers))), who are pushing the Oxycontin pills on the populace are also doing a double business in rehab. You don't know the (((Pharamaceutical Industry))) is backing perscription and OTC meds to dumb down the populace, or you know about this and think it is a good thing. A dope smoker sits around and does not revolt. A dope smoker does not fish, or hike, or anything of the kind.
The word 'Hipster' comes from the fact that after smoking opium, a person would lay sideways on their hips, or 'bum' and not do much of anything.
Go back to your child-fucking Ginsberg 'beat' poetry and get after diddling Moors, you lout.
Austin Cruz
no more NARCAN, people overdose everyday and come back with that crap. no free needle programs.
Connor Brown
while i no longer lean Libertardian "yes, it should not be against the law to sell heroin and cocaine to school children before you fuck them", i don't go in the opposite extreme of demanding a strong Fascist state regulates the minutia of every day life with harsh Capital punishment. if i wanted that, i'd go live in the Caliphate.
there has to be a balance between personal responsibility and collective responsibility. drug addicts are a mystery to me, because i cannot comprehend hiw anyone could be so stupid to not know that if you take highly addictive synthesized chemicals, that you won't end up a brain fried fiend giving blowjobs under a bridge for $5.
sadly, the majority of NPCs really do need strong authoritarian forces to protect them from themselves. but there is a culprit for the opiod epidemic which hasn't been named here.
the (((pharmaceutical))) industry advertising has brainwashed the masses into thinking any problem can be fixed by a pill and the over medicalization of every human behavior makes dumb fat American's treat taking drugs as a casual daily recreatiom. basically, the butcher doctors are to blame for a large part of the drug war. if people still held a healthy skepticism of medicine and drugs, and if people still treated taking any pill as a Big Fucking Deal, then we wouodn't have a culture of Candy Ravers who blindly suck down Fentanyl through a fucking straw.
i don't do any drugs and i never will and even if a doctor tells me "c'mon goy, take these over priced chemicals that are only effective 20% of the time and which are more probable to cause a fatal side effect in you", then i tell that doctor to fuck right off and go back to snatching corpses. only if i am on my death bed will i begin popping the chemical kike's candy.
to win the war on drugs, we need to somehow restore the broad cultural attitude of distrusting the chemical kike and instead trusting in clean living and leaving our body's alone so that Nature can heal itself.
Eli Peterson
while i no longer lean Libertardian "yes, it should not be against the law to sell heroin and cocaine to school children before you fuck them", i don't go in the opposite extreme of demanding a strong Fascist state regulates the minutia of every day life with harsh Capital punishment. if i wanted that, i'd go live in the Caliphate.
there has to be a balance between personal responsibility and collective responsibility. drug addicts are a mystery to me, because i cannot comprehend hiw anyone could be so stupid to not know that if you take highly addictive synthesized chemicals, that you won't end up a brain fried fiend giving blowjobs under a bridge for $5.
sadly, the majority of NPCs really do need strong authoritarian forces to protect them from themselves. but there is a culprit for the opiod epidemic which hasn't been named here.
the (((pharmaceutical))) industry advertising has brainwashed the masses into thinking any problem can be fixed by a pill and the over medicalization of every human behavior makes dumb fat American's treat taking drugs as a casual daily recreatiom. basically, the butcher doctors are to blame for a large part of the drug war. if people still held a healthy skepticism of medicine and drugs, and if people still treated taking any pill as a Big Fucking Deal, then we wouodn't have a culture of Candy Ravers who blindly suck down Fentanyl through a fucking straw.
i don't do any drugs and i never will and even if a doctor tells me "c'mon goy, take these over priced chemicals that are only effective 20% of the time and which are more probable to cause a fatal side effect in you", then i tell that doctor to fuck right off and go back to snatching corpses. only if i am on my death bed will i begin popping the chemical kike's candy.
to win the war on drugs, we need to somehow restore the broad cultural attitude of distrusting the chemical kike and instead trusting in clean living and leaving our body's alone so that Nature can heal itself.