Just as the new lovely 2 year cycle of political gridlock has started anew. USA will muddle along with the current bipartisan, deficit expanding morass. Only real change is extra hysterical investigations coming out of the House for the next couple years.

Trump and the GOP certainly don't act like they understand demographics…they're still campaigning like muh economy matters, and crave stability on that front, which means Dems have leverage. Debt crisis hits, Pelosi shuts down the government until a bill hiking taxes and granting three million DACA amnesties passes, drops the tax hikes, deal passes?

Then Trump's a one-termer, gets a leninist in WH and makes a full circle, becoming what it hated the most.

Attached: midSeptember2018.png (1392x738 523 KB, 676.78K)

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Trump will fix it, blackpill kike.

It's chess.

You realize the debts don't matter right?

Who's gonna take America's money?

They understand just fine. Capitalism is failing – as it always does – and they are trying to save it over your dead body.

Oh lawd I wish

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The Dems are more likely to raise taxes, a new bipartisan tax reform will happen that involves VATs and the debt will be taken care of at the expense of producers

You're not wrong, but the reason it doesn't matter is because America has plenty of commodities to pay creditors off with. We don't really want it to get to that point though

its all so tiring. its worse than ever, they should have been able to see this coming a long time ago. its basically going to be a do nothing cluster fuck until our economy implodes and the US balkanizes into nations of shitskins, other shitskins, and a small embattled group of whites. yeeeaaa

Our economy may implode but we will never balkanize. Our regional and state identities aren't that strong so they could compare to the level of sense of belonging to european nation state.

I wouldn't go that far, you're right when you say we have no sense of state individuality anymore, but even American states are somewhat more autonomous than European Nation States. But that has more to do with the European framework not accounting for creeping fascism

Debt only matters if you ever intend on paying it back.

you dont think that could change? I dont think theyll have a choice. Texas and cuckafornia are basically mexico now. Cuckafornia has plently of people anyway wanting to be its own nation, and other states are cheering them on because they drag us all down with them. The racial divisions are getting very clear…again, so whats stopping some commie leaders of getting all the niggers to form some basketball state to break away from the union? Again, everyone would welcome it because nobody wants niggers in their country, not that they would want to leave the gibsmedat plantation.

Since the dems hold the house, it's their fault.

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Won't be along state lines, will be along ethnic-cultural lines, particularly urban vs rural.




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The tragedy being that all the retarded MAGApede spastics actually think like this and forever the eternal 2 jew party election cycle spews on

Come on brother, what happened to the natural and organic support and loyalty we had for the Trumps… Now linked to the Kushners (one of the 6 holocaust families)

Okay? Obama added nearly 10 trillion to the debt. We survived. I don't know why you think we're all of a sudden going to collapse because it went up a little bit more.

Quite right American patriots should only care about the debt the other jewish puppets added, fashy based NeoCon kikes at least use our debts wisely like wars for isreal and help financing that big wall in isreal
Democrat debt increase = bad
Neocon Republikike debt increase = good

Oh man, you're a real natural around here. Filtered, by the way. Twitch someone else's words you low IQ leftist rat.


>>>Zig Forums

How did I twist your retarded jew infused logic
Your argument was that 10bn of that debt was done by Obama, immediately mitigating the fashy based NeoCon jew debt increase in your tiny little diseased jew controlled mind

Attached: SuperBadBasedFashyGoyim.jpg (1451x967, 194.3K)

So do something about it? Pussy.

The number 21 trillion has a conspicuous presence in US politics, because of elite signalling behaviors. This was the sum Donald Rumsfeld testified to Congress about missing from the DOD. Many such cases.

Clinton Foundation
kikes in general

user said Kang Nigger's debt was huge and meaningless, you drooling fucktard, because it was and is. A little more phoney baloney toilet paper debt will also be meaningless, which you would know if you weren't a half-wetback half jungle bunny always scrounging gibsmedats.

Oh woe is the retarded MAGApede spastic, he knows not what a self-inflicting injury prone retarded spastic it really is

Cant they just increase the debt limit until hell freezes over ?
The kikes control the monetary system so this only becomes "problematic" once they want the system to collapse.

The government is going to go broke eventually as revenues are not keeping up with debt. We don't even need to remove all debt, we'd be fine if the national debt was less than our GDP but it isn't. Again though, we could just sell off commodities to creditors instead to absolve our debt should shit really hit the fan. Or the feds can implement VATs on top of sales taxes as an alternative revenue stream which they might do


the absolute state of faggots who have no fucking clue about dixie

>imaginary number of an imaginary currency owned by (((Central Bankers)))
Federal Reserve notes don't real.

US goverment pays interest on the debt. It is a jew-tax direct to the (((Federal Reserve))). Where else did you think that money went?

The US government, comprised primarily of jews and blacks and every white one is a certified shabbos goy, pay not one solitary penny back.
That's the job for the red-team jew and blue team jew voting taxpayer to repay the debt the jews borrowed so that you can arm the Saudi Terror training squads and wars in the middle east and walls for isreal etc

Watch this video and the whole series tbh it's life changing information.

You do realize that is how it is supposed to work right? The whole idea is to enslave the Goyim with debt and have them pay interest with it. Your income tax goes to pay the interest the government owes to the (((banks))).

Now look at the global debt clock and realize the planet is enslaved to the tune of 60 trillion.

Trump will not change shit since the jews got him elected.

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Don't worry the government can just print more money to pay the debt which increases the principal which increases the interest payment which means they have to print more money … rinse and repeat. Hyperinflation is a sure thing because the whole thing is a scam.



What money?

You have no idea how the economy works. Anyone who says debt doesn't matter is retarded.

The debt goes up with every president, the way the monetary system works makes it literally impossible to pay everything back.

Were past the stage of payong back the debt. Realpolitik is now about how to pay the intrest

t. gas huffing retard

Exactly, people think it will be 'white states' that go that route first, when the actuality will be the massive demographic shift becoming rapidly apparent in the southwest going full reconquista. The white ethnic enclaves/exclaves solidifying will be in response.


What the fuck is with liberal shithead millennials thinking this is a bubble? It's like they've been trained that if the country is ever prosperous it's bad thing. I've even heard them say that the tax break would cause a bubble. One of the biggest reasons I've heard people defend the stupid fed raising with rates is that we HAVE to let them do it to prevent bubbles, even when inflation goes down.

say it with me anons:

you want an opportunity?
wait till the corporations debt starts to eat itself
google, netflix, facebook etc
none of these corporations can exist without the free infinite money glitch quantitative easing and record low interest rates. keep an eye on when theyre bonds mature, and watch as they cant roll out to more.

wait until they start to falter and then attack asymmetrically with everything youve got no FBI, i dont mean physically. hit em where it hurts em most:their margins

youre missing the part where they securitize this debt and profit off of it
there is no money printing.
just careful accounting chaos magicks transforming personal liabilities nto a yieldng security that someone else can buy. and this allows someone somewhere to make a deposit. and a few more zeros are born. rinse, repeat

this happens on every scale, from personal loans, to intl ones.

It's fucking sick that these businesses are allowed to operate with so much debt compared to their profits…
I started a LLC and it has been profitable its entire existence. You shouldn't be able to run anything if you aren't making money. Debt shouldn't even be a thing.

gotta disagree here, but i also dont want to get side-tracked into a whole economics rant.
its usury thats the problem tbh. but i digress

the problem with debt is that it shouldnt be so immensely profitable for debtors to hold onto these debts. especially these corporate loans where principal isnt even paid. its just a yielding security that can be traded. if we eliminated the motivation to get every man woman child and institution into infinite debt as quick as possible, we wouldnt have any of these problems

I mean how hard is it to have a 20% debt cap or something of that effect? You can only have debt equal to 10-20% of assets. And yes, usury is a huge issue.

Imagine that you have so much land and so much power that you can borrow as much as you please without anyone actually trying to collect. Imagine what happens when your creditors realize you're no longer able to fend off their threats. Sad matter is the US owes its citizens more than anybody, just the right kind of people that are most easily manipulated by the government. These creditors will not collect, not quickly, so only catastrophe will force their hand

keynes got all their circumcised cocks all hard with the #YOLO "in the long run errytangs fucking fucked" line.
why settle for half measures?

No, they're not compaigning on muh economy, have you seen what they've been putting tariffs on? A good example is washing machines. There's a top washing machine manufacturing company in the usa, and guess where their top factories are located?


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IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN

IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN

IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN

IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN