The Democrats have picked up 4 seats more than they needed for a majority in the House, with 2 seats still reasonably up in the air, that might actually still flip.
Regardless, the "majority" they hold is razor thin, and gives them just enough power to keep showing the nation who they actually are.
Their leadership is crazy, Pelozi will prove this on a daily basis, and as things get worse and worse, even the most cucked, city-dwelling, useless idiot will pay for this mistake.
We don't need to do anything for libtards to be punished, they carry their own little hell around with them, all the time.
Our job is to mitigate this damage, and push the Nationalist agenda even harder. The public will be fed bullshit, and the House will try to hand the internet over to wealthy Jewish interests, so they can continue their monopoly of lies and misdirection. Everything they want will depend on a razor-thin margin in the House, and getting past a Republican Senate that has been almost completely purged of their neo-con buddies, as well as a president that will veto their agenda.
They won't get anything.
OUR job is to inflict as much damage on them as possible, to force OUR agenda through, despite them. Remember, the Dems are almost broke, they haven't got much to use to keep their own members in line, and a lot of what's coming will wake up normies and NPC's as they see the Democrats wrecking policies that they agreed with, but were too stupid to actively support.
We're not done. We double down, now.
The anti-Trump, pro-Pelozi crowd is actively sowing discord and depression on these boards, seeking to stop your progress, but you expected that, didn't you? It's not like they haven't been doing this for months before the midterms, we all see the patterns, and know them for what they are.
We double down, keep disseminating information posted on this board, across all social media, we don't let up, and when Trump does what we want, we praise him, and when the Bolsheviks do insane, anti-American things, we point it out, making sure the whole country is aware of it.
We keep bashing out Antifa teeth if they dare raise a hand to us, and we keep preparing ourselves for that violence. We keep our heads up and the Bolsheviks under our boots.
4 seats in the House can be overcome with pressure on moderate Democrats, easily, especially when the DNC has little to offer them for compliance.
They are still the enemy, and we keep demonizing them.
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