kek. Fuck this country and these faggot American "men".
Newly elected zogbot tells bigger orange zogbot to tone down the rhetoric
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I got a big chuckle out of watching the reprobate kikes that this colossal faggot opens his asshole for make fun of his missing ZOGeye.
But I thought he was a BASED green nigger?
Military fags are always the biggest cucks in the world.
Some people never learn it seems.
Also great eye patch. Looks like something straight out of a Marvel movie. Very impressive.
I wonder if his balls were blown off too.
This reads like a satire piece. Unbelievable.
It's okay congressmen, he's just creating context.
Is that an American Nationalist from the Thai Fuckhshack?
Is that eyepatch photoshopped or is he
It's real. He's one of those tryhard military faggots who got wounded, and instead of getting a glass eye put in like a normal person, wears a fucking eyepatch so ERRBODY KNOWS HE SERVED :D
Imagine being proud of being a damaged puppet.
Odd given these faggots openly mock milcucks to their face now.
You're telling me blindly following orders from so called "superiors" isn't the most masculine thing in the world?
Shiiiiieeeett Bawss
How is this even possible. What goes wrong with a man to allow himself to be in this position.
He only wears the patch for good goy points. As you can see, he never wore it for his graduation photo
Like most ZOGbots, he's a closeted faggot. He's been married for years to an obvious beard, no kids, and all about being a "moderate" faggot loving cuck.
No patch!
You heard it here first folks, White people are America's enemies. Mandatory interracial breeding grounds are the new Republican platform.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
hows that one eye working out for you faggot? DEATH TO PISSREALS ENEMIES HAHHAHA
I'd rock the eyepatch too. Plus I feel its a bit weird putting unnatural objects in my body.
Meanwhile, democrats elected a mudslime woman that wants to remove Israel.
So was the SNL insults and the subsequent publicity all Kabuki?
Is he still our guy?
do you faggots ever stop and think that things are said in public to put the enemy off it's balance and to create points that you can defend yourself from
i think a lot posturing takes place on both sides that is pure subterfuge
No, it isn't posturing.
Is this why just push for the alt-right? Democrats about to become anti-Israel?
haha good thing we got rid of those nevertrumpers huh?
like you have any damn idea what these men are intending with public statements… you do know that moar takes place behind the scenes that in public.
By praying to a satanic black cube when she isn't fucking her own brother for citizenship. So bayste
Still better than any of the Israel-first cuckservatives.
Fucking moron he lost it fighting for Israel, of course he wasn't wearing one before he even went over there.
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
This needs to be elevated to meme-level
Goddamn, republicans really are fucking cucks.
If Trump suggested a few more billions of dollars be handed to Israel do you think Crenshaw would tell Trump to "tone down his rhetoric"? Of course not.
Republicans are the goddamn worst. Democrats openly call for Antifa and others to hunt down Republicans and harass members of the Trump administration and they are cheered on. Republicans say something that ruffles ZOG feathers and they are put in the cuck shed by their fellow Republilcucks.
Time for the Republican party to be put in the trash/grave where it belongs.
It really makes me depressed how republicans just fucking squander everything while the democrats seem to survive again and again despite being literally the anti-white party.
There's no justice to American politics, it's really passive cuck vs active cuck.
on her wiki
yeah, I'm sure she wants to remove Israel. Don't forget over 70% jews voted for democrats.
Not only did the Democrats survive they GAINED power. They threw a two year solid temper tantrum from 2016 to 2018. The media corporations used their billions dollar platforms to amplify the Democrat party hysterics for the world to see. What happened? The Democrats were rewarded with control over the House of Representatives and they have promised to continue and increase the same non-stop hysterics. All the while Republicans are telling other Republicans to "tone down the rhetoric".
American politics is goddamn cancer.
>hey goy I’m a (((soldier))) who killed people defending occupiers in a country that never heard of 9/11 in the name of Jewish interests.
This faggot spends his whole campaign getting fucked on by these fucks and then turns on his ilk immediately after as if they were the problem. Is anyone surprised at this point?
So you're a faggot who wants to be an attention whore cause he's too much of a pussy to stick a glass ball inside an eye socket with no fucking nerve endings? Thanks for letting us know just how much of a bitch you are.
I was in the military. Glad to see that you're so weak-willed you will believe anything a kike puts on a screen though. I'm sure we're safe with you in charge.
They didn't get power because of the tantrums, they just doubled-down on the cheating and voter suppression that they always do. If there was any legitimate opposition to the left, they would all be in gulag and in front of firing squads
Don't get mad by random ass cuck, dude.
Still, the dude in the OP is a cuck, military or not.
the white man truly has lost its place in the world
I actually agree with this.
So was I. And I was an Infantryman in Afghanistan during the bad days of 2009-2011. Are you going to tell me that it wasn't all a farce? It's not Zig Forums bullshit that we were guarding opium poppies. It's not Zig Forums bullshit that the US military straight-up facilitated American heroin addiction. That's God's honest truth. It was all a sham, my dude. We got hustled because we believed the bullshit about patriotism, honor, and duty. And nowadays, I pretty much don't believe in anything, and that sucks. You don't have to come to terms with how much we were lied to, but you do need to at least acknowledge it.
Is there anyone on Zig Forums who isn't "former" military?
he confirmed his faggotry when he gave that SNL kike a pass.
Fuck him and his feelings.