To derail the leftist faggots would it be better to masquerade as a leftist and spread hateful rhetoric making people back off from them or generally just harrasing gays and stuff?
To derail the leftist faggots would it be better to masquerade as a leftist and spread hateful rhetoric making people...
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We lost. Get over it and take it up the ass like we're supposed to.
What part of your plan is actually supposed to work?
I'm still going to my BDS meeting on Friday, we're trying to prevent jewish groups from using the University for religious practices. After the bower's shooting last week a qt3.14 I'm training there was all upset about anti-Semitism and I simply comforted her by bringing up that if it had been a Palestinian whose whole family had been killed by the evil Zionists they would have deserved it, and she felt comforted by this.
It's a group of people
Can't prepare for 2020?
Yes, but never announce it like you're doing now. Just do it.
BDS is an excellent attack vector. I wonder why this isn't a constant theme on Zig Forums like that IOTBW bullshit is.
If you can’t even read the rules, go the fuck away.
No Zig Forumsack lost anything, you subhuman kike.
I think it would be better to be right wing/far right and call for the deaths of leftist white males, possibly making the left treat white males as an oppressed group.
I read them, I broke no rules
say "nigger" in a thread.
The only left forum that is immune from that is Zig Forums. The reason for that is that it's full of Zig Forums anons playing the fool to double check their thoughts or ex Zig Forums anons that are retardedly autistic.
The rest of the forums are full of lemmings that chimp at the sign of political incorrectness.
QTDDTOT. Kill yourself.
Go back to T_D you utter fucking faggot. Zig Forums is accelerationist now.
Do both. Cause as much mischief for the enemy as you can.
You also need to arm yourself. Spend an hour every day reading non-fiction of your choice so your opinions are informed. Your choice of non-fiction can be anything as you want, not necessarily politics. The idea is to educate yourself in general.
Engage in discourse constantly and learn what people do and don't respond to. As easy as it is to become misanthropic try to remember that humanity can be beautiful. This is an ugly time, and they need us. Remember why you're here. Remember there is a war raging in the soul of every man. Look to your own soul before you look to another's. Purge from your life all filth and ugliness. We can retake our world.
Also, take inspiration from music, user. Find art and music that makes your spirit sing in accordance. It's the only thing that kills the pain in me.
how about you infiltrate them and start getting them to focus on corporations and bankers again, like they're supposed to? these little faggots arent even anti-capitalism anymore, they're just anti-white
i think OP got bullied out of the thread. listen to my advice OP!
What they really are is against strength and purity. Capitalism produced the most beautiful countries, so they used to hate that. Now it's clear that whites can succeed in any system, so they hate us instead.
It is becoming more and more clear every day: petit morality has no place in politics. This has been true for ages but Trump's very presence is laying it bare. Dilbert boomer is far from a universal oracle but he is accurate when he's speaking within his wheelhouse. An example of this is his prediction that Trump will change the way plebs look at the world. Trump's MO tends to bring people to extremes (as expected of one trying to min/max a deal) and, because of this, renders what is typically subtle as obvious.
Before 2020 rolls around all but the helplessly daft will recognize the real battlefield, at least at the most basic level. The war is function versus degeneracy. The right wishes to hold people to standards in the expectation that we control ourselves. The left wishes to allow degeneracy to reign, necessitating control at the level of the state. One path promises difficulty and sacrifice yet can be maintained, the other path promises a hedonistic utopia but cannot last and will lead to the outsourcing of control to the point that the gulags must be fired up again. The two philosophies are so far apart that any personal details of the politicians representing them are irrelevant.
The unfortunate thing is that most politicians on the "right" are merely paying lip service to our dying phenotype and will not actually help us. This doesn't change the fact that Trump's style is clarifying the only important political distinction and thereby exposing the hypocrisy of all who point out the flaws of individual politicians. The only thing that matters in the end is whether one supports reality or degeneracy.
I read that as "petite morality" kek.
Was imagining morality as a small woman and thinking "the fuck is user on about".
I enjoy pretending to be as self-important as leftist authors who prescribe all-encompassing "solutions" to the problem posed by the human condition. If Marxfag can have his petit bourgeoisie then I can have my petite morality.
To summarize:
Everybody is getting wise to the fact that, as far as politics go, nobody actually cares about the "gotcha" issues. A degenerate leftist who needs section 8, SNAP, TANF, SSDI, etc. to raise the children she irresponsibly conceived with an unfit father(s) will gladly vote for a serial rapist who tortures animals and children as long as he promises to keep the gibs flowing. Survival is survival. People on the right are a little behind the curve due to the fact that the dangers posed to them are not nearly as immediate as the situation described above–the decadent crumbling of civilization is much more abstract and difficult to notice/accept than the plain fact that the gibs might get turned off.
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
Since Trump won Leftists dont need any help being hateful rhetoric spouting retards.
At this point we couldnt make them look as bad as they make themselves look.
Probably the most effective strategy is pointing out how the majority of the wealthy (((white men's))) wealth that they want to redistribute actually belongs to Jews. Then wind em' up and let them campaign on trying to redistribute the vast amount of Jewish wealth - then point out how unequal it is that so small a group isn't sharing with the rest of society. That aughta fry their circuits.
Best thing to do is pull a Project Veritas or Lauren Southern. Just infiltrate leftist movements and go help refugees and blow the whistle on them.
1. Pique their imagination by demonstrating how resources could be allocated more efficiently, creating abundance, wisdom, sci-fi reality
1.2. This is best achieved by creating visual data overlays on Google Maps, quantifying waste, planned obsolescence, capital inequality
2. Normies ask "why?"
3. Redpill them
4. Long-term prophet
OP is a degenerate, but Yamasusu is not.
If they use shill tactics against us, why not use shill tactics against them?
Go back to kikechan, nigger. QTDDTOT
We've already been doing that. Most people redpilled on leftists became redpilled once they saw enough "leftists cringe" videos. There's so many examples to pick from, but there should be effort in place to make leftists constantly expose themselves.
Leftists exposing themselves make people think how much they don't want to be like a leftist. It also redpills people on the extent of which leftism has gone and will go.
Yes, one of many good tactics.
Vaccinate people by giving them a taste of how extreme the real agenda is before they get weakened more. I have been doing it to people in my world.
Imagine the tranny kids agenda coming out in 1962, they have to build up each step before the next is in place. Show the final form too soon and the normie spooks and rejects large chunks of his programming.
Pic related.