U.S. appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program
The JEWdicial system Strikes again.
Flagrant and Brazen Jewdicial activism.
U.S. appeals court rules against Trump on DACA immigration program
The JEWdicial system Strikes again.
Flagrant and Brazen Jewdicial activism.
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I supported trump so the jews could get everything they wanted, again.
-t votecuck
It feel good not being some schizophrenic cunt who lambasts his misery at others.
What boggles my mind is that judges can make the shittiest rulings with no basis in law that then get overturned and then nothing happens to the overruled judge.
But they don't call it the jewdicial system for nothing.
t. trumpkike magapede
Enjoy the shitskin caravan.
It's as if I'm looking at some NPC bot.
The 9th gets reversed so frequently that SCOTUS supposedly has a special panel just to focus on 9th decisions. It is notoriously terrible and should be shut down.
What you're saying–accusing everybody of being a bot, or NPC, or a kike, or a shill–that is actually what the scripted bots are doing.
user, I simply
Fuck off, any white man is justified in being miserable when facing demographic reality.
Yeah, the mainstream programming in the west is that it's normal for people to be angry at being replaced. It's totally not in any way the opposite,that their replacement is a good thing.
Not only can you not stop sucking off trumpcock you also can't stop fucking up every Zig Forums meme like the redditor you are. Faggots like you need to go back to your little cheerleader hugbox where you pretend it's gonna be all fine, this place is about the UGLY, DEPRESSING, SOUL CRUSHING AND SUICIDAL FEELINGS INDUCING TRUTH. GET OUT.
If you're that kind of a suicidal little bitch, then go cry in your dirty shed where your mom is being banged by niggers while you jerk off out of frustration wile listening all those chimp noises. I'm sure this surely shows that you're making progress to the society.
I recall seeing a thread here that Trumpstein was going to break the 9th circuit up.
Trump was the guy who saved DACA in the first place.
No, it's just realism. Post midterms you have NO excuses left for the zognald. Now that felons can vote in FL, a near 50/50 swing state, explain how nigger felons are gonna vote red when niggers as a whole vote 90+% democrat in the first place? What are you gonna do about demographic shift in texas as more and more illegals and califags flood the place and vote dem? Oh right, absolutely nothing. What are you gonna do about the dem controlled house even if trump gets elected? Oh right, beg them to pass legislation they have a vested interest in rejecting.
But oh no, I'm not being positive, I'm saying harsh truths that make you feel bad inside. Guess that means I'm a kike shill/npc/antifa/leftist/commie/altkike/insertinsulthere. No way these concerns are in any way legitimate or valid, just call me whatever you want to completely avoid addressing these issues!
Kek. After midterm do you still see the possibility?
Ja ja.
Too late now. Despite DACA being 100% unconstitutional, Trump will do nothing except continue to follow it.
"if you're not happy that your country is officially lost you're just a little bitch, be glad tyrone and jose are coming in to fuck up your country forever" - you
You do realize that that's the result of these midterms, right? The result is no wall, no deportations, a fucking welcoming committee for the next caravan of illegal spics coming to rape our women and steal our tax money, etc. South Africa is our future, and your reaction is to disparage anyone who is discouraged for realizing this? You're not one of us, you don't belong here, go back to the donald and jerk off about MUH BASTE KNEE GROW IN A RED HAT!!!
I'm sure losing the midterms, and browning up the most important states republicans currently hold by a thread is true progress for society bud.
I don't think they're going to like the outcome when it hits the SC. This tyrannical kikery is going to blow up in their collective faces.
I was confused at first because I fully expected them to stop entirely after the midterm ballot was cast.
I can only imagine theres still some soros money left in the system that needs to be used up. In which case I say go ahead and waste it.
How does it feel to be so predictable I literally called out your response right here
Yes, goyim. trumpkike did jackshit when all three parts of the US fed gov was under his control.
He sure will now when he only has 1 left and the other two are 50/50 split between him and "them" implying trumpkike isn't part of the deep state
Sounds like you are aware of how your posts would come across. You obviously know your job.
Like I said theres no vote for 2 years. It would be tragic if you werent getting paid.
No shit, my perceptive friend.
The trouble is getting one.
(((laugh with me my fellow whites, whites suffering is hilarious! whites being dispossessed of their homelands and culture is the peak entertainment)))
Your knows keeps growing Pinocchijew.
Yes, when I quote someone as if they're speaking to me, a white man, it's appropriate to use "your country" because as a white american it IS my country. Nice English you got there you fucking spic.
No white person that wishes for the continuation of their people and traditions should kill themselves. It's not like Hungary and Poland aren't viable alternatives for me to move to. There is hope, just not for America.
He says as he pretends positive posting on a taiwanese basket weaving forum is somehow not as much of a waste of life as realistic but negative posting on a taiwanese basket weaving forum.
"But oh no, I'm not being positive, I'm saying harsh truths that make you feel bad inside. Guess that means I'm a kike shill/npc/antifa/leftist/commie/altkike/insertinsulthere. No way these concerns are in any way legitimate or valid, just call me whatever you want to completely avoid addressing these issues!"
Way to avoid addressing the issues and just calling me a kike magapedo. I can also say the same of you retard, you're so predictable because too many shills and redditfags repeat the same crap. They can only scream about demoralization but they can never actually ADDRESS the points behind it.
Probably just lefty/pol/ working hard to mine tears and they're getting frustrated by reality.
I cant even tell, a redditfag would say the same thing. Then again, leftypol was destroyed because their mods begged reddit to show up and flood the board only to find they ruined it for them too.
> shills turn this into a don't vote goy thread even though the midterms are over
It's so obvious. The shills are still using the midterms script but the midterms are over.
Good lord why is Trump letting this go on?
He should have stormed the sanctuary cities and arrested their leaders in 2016.
This is getting ridiculously out of fucking hand.
The President needs to put the fucking boot into these people NOW.
Be sure to hop ips again for your next post moishe.
No, I hate niggers, spics, kikes and the white traitors that enable them. You seem desperate for a white nationalist to kill himself while you pretend you're one of us. You're not.
because he does not care about america, he cares more for his image than anything else. It's why he pandered to niggers instead of whites, he actively alienated white voters and called it a victory when he lost the house. He lets it go on because his business is bread and circuses.
There are tons of things he should have done but didn't. He chose to play politics for a re-election instead of fulfilling promises to actually ensure re-election. He took the worst possible gamble, almost nothing to win and everything to lose, then he lost it all.
That might hurt his chances at re-election you see, so sorry you're just gonna have to learn to live with Jamal and Jose in your new state sponsored HUD designated sanctuary small town. I'm not a racist president which is why these guys are gonna vote for me in the next election.
His post was one of the best ITT.
Says the shill that hopped IPs, how can you be this obvious and still keep your job?
So tell me cynical user, what ought a man irritated by these times do about it?
Nope, americans are still fast asleep.
Go back to reddit.
They've been going full tilt for more than four years already, what makes you think they'll slow down? Antifa has plenty of intererst because sadly it has been the most masculine thing these soycucks have done in their entire life.
The biggest spender on the midterms was Trump's puppetmaster Sheldon Adelson
Fucking hell this Zig Forums has gotten to be anti trump and anti gop and with more evidence this is going to overlap.
Oh well. maybe we should build a few more miles of expensive fence on the tax payers dime. MAGA!
The sad truth is you are right.
The nihilistic mocking voting shills were very obvious. I honestly wonder, if people just started using that line because voting obviously won't do what needs to be done. Demographics alone pretty much ensure whites will be overrun with brown retard voters. On top of that, how much corruption and tyranny goes on without punishment. Americans should be ashamed, but they aren't. Because they are a bunch of retards. I mean take a look around. The average American is a brain dead goober. Have you ever had the feeling we got what we deserved? Democrats are in the middle of stealing the election in Florida, Illegals were caught voting in Texas, the Jewish Lobby, suspension of habeas corpus, you can go on and on how the country is illegitimate.- And the GOP is no better. Likely conspired 9/11 and made up bullshit to destabilize the middle east. Nothing ever happens. No one gets punished. So what's the fucking point of it all? I mean what are our options?
1. Embrace a corrupt brown empire that serves the jews,
2. go berserk and start right wing death squads and probably kill of huge portions of whites, and give rise to a dystopian martial law government
3. leave the country and wait until ZOG empire overtakes your new country,
4. Smoke weed and play video games and drop out of society,
5. marry, hopefully a ok women, and be a debt serf, and pray your children don't have to live in misery
6. become rich and join the elites.
I want off this ride. It all sucks the soul right out of me.
This shtick is getting a little old, moses.
Color me shocked, it'd be news if they DIDN'T.
>DACA Survices 9th Circuit Court
what a shock
Reminder that MOST SHILLS ARE AI ROBOTS that do nothing but repeat a script all day long!
Worse, he wants to give them amnesty.
i made three threads about this and the (((mods))) keep deleting them and then banned me xD they really want to keep users away from the website that posts daily news stories about niggers committing crimes. silly kikes, so easy to evade. now put in the work faggots and delete all my posts
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Police have arrested a man in connection to a deadly shooting in St. Petersburg. St. Pete police arrested Marco Nicholas Murray, 37, and charged him with second-degree murder and felon in possession of a firearm for the shooting death of Christina Veronica Rush. Rush was found shot in the backyard of a St. Petersburg home early Thursday morning. Detectives say the 27-year-old woman was found just before 1:00 a.m. in the 1000 block of 15th Avenue S. Investigators believe the victim knew her attacker
Doesn't matter, will go to SCOTUS and be removed which is why Kav was so key.
So, basically the 14th amendment offers ZERO protection for the indigenous US citizen; and is only in-place for anyone outside the US borders that wants US Constitutional protections
Oh goody! That will totally reverse the damages done by Juan, Juanita, their 23 anchor babies, and their chain families of a scant 200 Gonzales' that only make up 1/3rd of the US population.
Many DACAryans will be happy about this.
The best place to start said revolution should be in Venezuela! We need to rescue our white brothers and sisters.
Indigenous South Americans are not white, you stupid motherfucker.
stop trying to D&C Zig Forums
Against a guy shilling for DACA? You must be part of the raid that's been allowed to proceed all day.
I found out my second-cousin is a DACA recipient. I have to support this, not only for my blood but also because many others on Zig Forums have family and loved ones who are on DACA… I'm just one of the first ones to speak about this.
fuck off bro
No, Dacaztec. You cease your shilling.
based and spicpilled
If anyone is shillling is you. I also have a relative on DACA.
And getting him out of the US is a matter of national security. Everyone else in the thread feels that way too.
Fuck off your bourgeoise communist
I hope DACA gets rescinded and his burdensome, filthy, scamming ass gets booted from the nation.
We win. Ginsburg is a gonner.
Fuck, if I knew it was as easy as flying to Mexico and showing up on the US' doorstep claiming some bullshit unverifiable "personal safety risk" to get a citizenship and free gibs and be worshipped by retarded leftists as some kind of messiah…
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
IT IS YOUR DUTY AS A WHITE MALE To colonize asian and black females. Share the magic of the aryan with these poor women. Make the world a better place. CUM HOME WHITE MAN
My dacapede wife is going to be happy.
Blood and soil, brother. We understand.