The biggest whitepill that exists is whiteness itself. In every country and culture whiteness is the greatest form of social currency and social mobility. In countries like Mexico, Brazil, India, and most others that are natively non-white if you have white features, mixed race, heritage, you are further up the social hierarchy. Look at every black female celebrity and model that is considered 'hot', Rihanna, Beyonce, Tyra Banks, etc. Lighter skin, high cheekbones, smaller noses, hair often straightened and dyed lighter. Designer babies will undoubtedly have white features (eye color, lighter skin than parents, etc.) If white's can rally and remain 60-70% in the US and 80%+ in Europe for the next century it will be the largest demographic victory the world has ever seen. The world of 2100 will be tan, the world of 2200 will be less tan, Whiteness will prevail not by numbers but via desirability. The future will trend white by default.
Never forget that many on the left, especially women, practice politics of bitterness, envy, and hatred simply because they are at some base level jealous of white people. They live in a world where seemingly everything is and should be possible, except being born white. The gifts bestowed upon us at birth are the most precious and desirable of all nature's gifts.
Even Jews with all of their money, power, and influence will never be white. It is the one thing that they cannot buy. They can try to destroy it but they can never be it. The same politics of envy, bitterness, deceit, and hatred apply.
Going forward, political positions and politics at large in the US and Europe will become less relevant. Whiteness itself is where the battle is won. A new romanticism of race, European beauty, divine femininity, service to your race and your country. While at the same time getting people in power that can and will limit immigration (the one policy bell that cannot be unrung), and covertly encouraging and funding birth control, especially long term, semi-permanent, methods among non white populations worldwide.