I tried to tell you cunts during the 2016 cycle that the correct choice was sanders and acceleration into the abyss. Trump was nothing more than a pressure release, nothing would get done that was positive for our country, and we'd end up in an ever worse spot 4-8 years down the line.
Right now theres been no real economic growth. You can say whatever unemployment rate is down, or wages have gone up, or the rich mans casino (stock market) is up.. I'm sure UE has come down some, but we all know some of its number fudging. And I'm sure some people have gotten raises or seen a bit more in their paychecks because of tax breaks. But at the end of the day, its a minimal impact even for those who benefited from it. And it doesnt change anything. BUT its enough to point at it 2 more years and say "look at how much things have improved" and people will give him another 4 years probably.
More specifically, the voting will be rigged in his favor by the same bodies that rigged the shit this time for the left, to make sure he wins. Why? Because it will allow the left to keep their base angered and attacking whites, while the right will keep living in blissful ignorance for another 4 years while their kin are being slaughtered around the world, their daughters raped, and their nation handed over to burrito-niggers and communists. All while Trump sits on his ass shitposting on twitter. I mean, what happened to revoking birth right citizenship? Wheres that EO huh? Thought he said he could do it? That was weeks ago and he aint done shit, and WONT do shit.
Its all one big fucking performance, and Trump was meant to be the release for the rights hostility for awhile. Next time will be someone even further left than obama and we'll spend 8 years sinking into total destruction at break neck speeds, by the end of it we'll have no gun rights, white men will have taxes imposed on them for just being white, hell it might become criminal just to NOT constantly apologize for being white. But the right will go into it with a mentality of "well we ran the show for 8 years and improved things, lets just see how it goes," so they're starting completely defenseless and blind
Whereas if we'd let the commie win and the leftists take congress, or rather, helped them to do so… well, he would have gone nuts right away, we'd see massively expanded welfare programs, citizenship granted to millions of illegals who are ALREADY here and on welfare anyway so it wouldnt realistically change shit for us, we'd see taxes hiked to the point it destroyed businesses and income all around, we'd see college made even worse and millions more applying and being forced to be accepted.. basically we'd see the nation go to hell in 4 short years. And people would FINALLY get a fucking clue that "voting" doesnt fix shit, that "peaceful resistance" isnt going to fix shit, that conversation and trying to convince your enemy (who is convinced you are pure evil).. ISNT. GOING. TO. FIX. SHIT. Shit posting online and mocking liberals, ISNT GOING TO DO A GOD DAMN THING
But now, they have a false sense of security and are going back to sleep, just like what was planned. We could have blown it all up, blown the whole plan up, and sped along the collapse and rebirth of our home. But no, you faggots wanted the fucking meme president, you wanted to meme on the left, you wanted to laugh, and you became so drunk on your lulz that you thought the meme president would ACTUALLY make things better.
You all got fucking duped. I went along with you after awhile (specifically after shillary got the nomination), because I hit the point where I realized there was no other way out than just to blindly hope I was wrong about it all. But nope, I was dead on the money from the start. The slow decline and destruction continues, the theater continues, and slowly but surely we are aging to the point we will be irrelevant when it comes time to really fight.
The saddest part? There is no where in this world left to run to. Even Japan is now being pozzed right up its neg hole. I just want this whole farce to end and go back to a time when the world hadnt lost its fucking mind.