The most disturbing thing for me about this year's election is that over 25 percent of my neighbors voted for a neo-Nazi.
>— Peter Okkema, La Grange
The most disturbing thing for me about this year's election is that over 25 percent of my neighbors voted for a neo-Nazi.
>— Peter Okkema, La Grange
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(((dark policies)))
now if those 55,000 people marched on the capital we'd have a new country
They aren't neo-Nazis.
They just voted for him because he's on the red team
That title isn't inflammatory at all. Surely name calling won't lead to someone snapping.
If the republican party gave a shit about whites they would have supported Art Jones, what did the republican party do for Art Jones and his campaign? ABSOLUTELY N O T H I N G
Best part of the midterms.
Never forget those dark days when Hitler attacked the United States.
~Bluto from "Animal House"
Something smells fishy here.
With only one "k" it seems most prevalent in Uganda, but with two "k" as in "Okkema" it seems to be Dutch. ANYways, pic related.
And this highlights something I've found out in the wild (for example, in the case of the Utah coalburner) and here locally in collecting dox on the libshits in my town, there are a yuge proportion of them who are either academics or lower-level (high school or lower) teachers. Really amazing, I went out for a list of locals and with one or two exceptions (one of whom is a psychologist), all had been teachers at some point.
That is not the way to meme.
but if the gop is the party owned by kikes, and its a 2 jew system, why was an actual "nazi" and holocaust truther allowed to run in (((their))) party?
You should check out a phenomenon from Post WWI called "The Bonus Army" to see how the government handles undesirsble squatting on washington making demands.
You aren't proving anything with that "question".
Illinois' 3rd is one of those 100-150 districts where the GOP legitimately has little chance of winning because of the demographics and politics, so there was no effort by them to find an electable candidate or police their primary there, so Jones was able to get in without primary opposition and advance automatically to the general election. Across the country, several of /ourguys/ did this as "informational" or psyops campaigns, and I think we should support this type of activity.
Let them try that again.
Somehow I think that might not go quite as expected.
imagine being this much of a brainwashed leftist npc.
i 100% support it. us knowing how common our ideas are accepted is extremely important and encourages like-minded people to unite and start organizing.
Others have said it but don't get hyped up because of this. He got this many votes only because how lemmings vote, this is how it goes. Look at ballot, see R or D? R R R R R R R, or D D D D D D D and that is their vote. Jones managed to get an R on his name so that means he got lumped in with the lemming vote. It's likely only 1% or less actually voted for him for his policies.
Regardless, did you see the OP? The outcome is still a psyops victory for us at the very least.
Worse, they sabotaged him.
Literally the only good news to come out of the midterms.
Oh sure, I just don't want people to overestimate our actual support though. Considering Jones is probably one of the only people who have run that is closest to being ourguy more power to him. Hell he managed to get the aforementioned lemmings to vote for him en masse, that alone is good if not for the humor value.
On my ballot there were a bunch positions where one guy was trying to get the job.
Arthur Jones's 55k votes is an excellent news story to get the message out. Spread the story to normalfags using the pretext "omg this is so shocking! but make sure to include some link to Jones's views. If anything, spreading this as "omg how shocking" will just ultimately signal boost and get more people interested.
There are lots of Art Jones' emerging right now. We don't know their names. We do know that they're average people pushed/forced into fighting back to win the best non-violent way they know how.
I'm not sure about that. I would imagine he was rather well known in the area, with local news and whatnot.
Would an Arthur Jones army be camping out? Would their goal be a financial payout? Not sure this is analogous.
Truly terrifying
50k people move to the pnw and we have the NVA.
I know exactly 0 about this fella. But if he even skirted on the outer bounds of what we here espouse every day, and managed to get 55k votes in an overwhelmingly blue area. That is a major fucking story. 55k is a huge number and larger than many counties and towns. The question is what would those numbers be in much more 'red' areas where the controlled opposition of the cuckservative candidates are prevalent.
Think about it, if 100 super majority commie districts have an average of even 25k that is still nearly 3 million of those whom lean our way. In our enemies own backyard. I would imagine that number would explode in more red areas. That is a major military advantage.
which means they'll vote in a nazi if he's an R
not a bad thing
Top fucking kek
Anons you need to realize how amazing this is.
He would have easily won if the (((two party))) system wasn't in place.
It's most likely going to happen over the next couple of decades. PNW is one of the best options but people need to get in gear and move quickly before the kikes ship a bunch of shitskin beaners up there like they're doing to all of the white areas in europe
The violent leftist domestic terrorists purport to be "anti-fascist" yet they're the commie street agitators of their aristocrat paymasters.
Their power structure spanning MSM/multinationals/moneyprinters, occult as it is, is the "externalization of the hierarchy" which is and probably always has been build on CHILD RAPE first.
Why do you think Utah has been hot with faggots for the past few years? They've prolapsed all of the vulnerable anuses in the shithole (D) states they've infected and they need new innocence to rape, torture, and murder. You can literally step back time in 5 year increments and see the faggot child rapists sending their hordes out in waves from San Fecalcisco. PNW, TX, UT/CO.
You are implying nazis are bad, fuck off. And Nazifa is a better name for a group of the RWDS.
I’m not going to make a separate thread, but holohoax denier John Fitzgerald from California’s 11th district, east Bay Area, won 43k votes equaling 28%.
This. Feigning disbelief is a good cloak for redpills.
There was plenty of screeching after the primaries, most of the 100k(Jones+Fitz) knew what they were voting for. Plus the GOP of both states publicly distanced themselves.
For all the shit, it couldn’t be called clown-world if it wasn’t the funniest timeline.
I don’t know how you found this place, but you need to never post here again.
55,000 of us in one county
Imagine the possibilities!
A high number. But how do we capitalize? Will these voters be willing to actually make a physical move in the name of the White Race? And if not, how do we convince them? Alternatively, would it be smart to go to Chicongo to try and network with these people, even if it's mostly nigger land?
After Ross Perot came close to winning, they changed the laws so that no new independents or third parties can run. But you have to segregate two SEPARATE concepts.
1) The GOP leadership is just as corrupt as the Democrats, even with Trump and many of the "never-Trumpers" retiring. You still have scumbags like Paul Ryan.
2) If you're a registered Republican, there's no stopping you from running as a GOP candidate, unlike the Democrats, there are no superdelegates.
Say that word again, faggot.
it's almost like jews are making people angry for some reason
To be fair, he did attack US shipping. It was mostly war materiel for the Allies, but that is technically attacking America.
At least they didn't vote for a nigger.
There was a trial run of long distance bombing on New York. The aircraft made the distance, but wasn't used for the plan due to other commitments.
Reminder, Oregon is only the 20th-Whitest State, and Washington is 26th. Wyoming is only 9th. Those three States combined are only 73% White, along with 12% spic, 6% gook, 4% mystery meat, and the rest niggers, wogs, injuns, and others.
If it's demographics that count, ANE Atlantic North-East is a better bet. Maine + New Hampshire + Vermont would be well over 90% White.
Yes the Whites in the ANE are cucks, but so are the Whites in the PNW, with the exception of Wyoming but they're vastly outnumbered by the coastal Whites.
Hard to argue with those numbers. The pnw has a good history of White Nationalist activity and of course the Butler Plan. Once you get past the whole "we can take back the whole US" nonsense we need to capture as much land as possible and taking Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and maybe some of Jew York is just not enough imo. Right now anywhere west of i5 is a liberal communist stronghold.
But could you image 55k people actually getting up off their asses and DOING SOMETHING. Would make HAC proud.
Somewhat of a whitepill
"an elephant draped in a Confederate flag"?????
haha this timeline is too bizarre.
What next? Sherman as a hero of the Confederacy?
Hey newfag, how about you remember just how fucking recently it was ILLEGAL to be a nigger in Oregon.
Plus Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon are fucking deserts.
Don't be fooled by those pics of lakes….it's sagebrush desert. Very nice to visit but desert…
There's the blue pill and the red pill.
That's basically as if one of us was running for congress.
This guy had a "holocaust?" section on his Website. Fucking hilarious.
most american 'nazis' are pretty gross tho, i wouldnt want them as neighbors either.
There's no room to expand in New England. Urban leftist blight of Boston/NYC is right there. The NW is vast and largely empty. Plenty of room.
Ask me how I know that you've never looked at a map of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, or upstate New York. Or ever given any thought to the urban leftist blight of the Salem-to-Seattle corridor.
And today, it's illegal to not be a niggerlover in Oregon. So what's your point?
Why do the mods Let this Guy spam every thread on the board?
PA is over 80% white, and that's even with that nog eyesore Philadelphia festering like a carbuncle on our ass.
Wyoming is the only one of those states worth anything. I have no idea why they are shilling the "northwest" meme so hard, it's a chink infested liberal hellhole.
Visited the Poconos / Scranton area once, seemed to be far more sane compared to Washington, and I didn't see a single chink.
Go further into the mountains, it gets even better.
Scranton has a large minority population, compared to where I live.
I miss PA. Mother's family is from the mountains, and you are right, the nogs don't go for the rural, rugged life.
Now deep in spic territory. Very sad.
My DACApede brother-in-law is a Nazi, and told me about this place. How many DACApedes are here on 8/pol/?
Like we'd ever hear the end of it if a trans mixed-race candidate running on an "end whiteness" platform got that many votes in a hard red district?
At least Sherman considered forcing the people to starve and burning everything was more humane then letting them live to see what we became.
While this is true, I hate to burst your bubble but these places are starting to be overrun with shitskins as well. Portland and Lewiston in Maine have been overrun with Somalians. Portland's black population went from 3% to 7% from 2000 to 2010. Winooski, suburb of Burlington, Vermont has a huge number of refugees and Burlington itself is about to dip below 80% white. In New Hampshire, illegal immigrants and niggers from other states have started setting up shop in Manchester. The scariest is seeing the demographics of high schools in these cities.
Portland, Maine:
Lewiston, Maine:
Winooski, Vermont:
Burlington, Vermont:
Manchester, New Hampshire
Can't help but laugh at the fact that this empire is crumbling before our eyes. These shitskins will have full control of the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth in 15 years time.
Doubtful, all the talking head republicans were slamming him and they made sure that everyone knew his positions.
Totally organic goy, they just happened to pass up all the sanctuary cities to go to the whitest states, nothing to see here.
all that said, with vermonts incredibly lax gun laws, it will still be awhile before the place descends into detroit
but i am lmfao at the idea of fucking burlington of all places, becoming a crime ridden shithole like what you see in the rustbelt towns in western NY. could you imagine? those libs wouldnt know what hit em
NWF is a Russian divide and conquer meme cooked up by Rockefellar circa 1970's, stop falling for it.
Sorry, kid, no bubble to burst here. I'm well aware of the invasion. Shit, a few years back a White man in Portland (Maine) sued the city because all of the taxi medallions were given to Iraqi mudslimes! I could post similar pictures of the PNW. Doesn't mean squat. Ditto with selected student bodies in the region, I keep on my bookmarks.
Bottom line is, no matter how you slice it, the ME+NH+VT region is demographically better suited to a WN takeover than the PNW is. Not arguing that the regional relocation idea is the ultimate solution, merely pointing out that, IF one advocates for it, THEN the ANE > PNW.
Sorry I missed this when going through or else I'd have responding in one post.
Said arsenal may well be non-functional by 15 years from now.
Begone boomer
Wow. I'm lost for words.
I love how they need to point out his race and the fact that he was American born. The lack of loyalty to your own country men is sickening.
That being said, yeah, I tend to agree with you about the ANE being better suited for an ethno state over the PNW. I would however argue that if you exclude the coastal cities (Seattle/Portland) the PNW may have a slight advantage. Montana for example is less white than the ANE however most non whites there are natives, which I'm quite frankly more comfortable with than any other non white for the simple fact that they haven't been systematically placed there by (((them))). Then again, there's no winning with (((them))). I'm sure it's only a pure coincidence that in the least black state, the mayor of it's capital is fucking Liberian refugee.
I'd think so. I'm willing to bet that the type of people who'd be willing to vote for Arty are people smart enough to have guns. If we network with them, we'll have larger numbers for when Shit Hits The Fan. Maybe even stage a takeover of the city, but I don't wanna sound like a LARPing fed.
That being said, now that the kikes are aware that there's a White Nationalist sentiment growing, they might start false flagging or otherwise taking measures to crack down on them before before they can get anything done.
This is amazing. People are actually talking about the NF! I'm betting the idea is going to catch on in a big way once Trump leaves office. In the meantime, post PDFs!
He literally just has a bunch of image graphics he probably got off of Zig Forums
Art's next effort will be a book, titled "Fight Like Hell".
More info:
More info
Apologies for the necrobump.
The dress rehearsal comes before first curtain.