She struck down a nigger missionary for the church of ( ( (jesus) ) ) christ of latter day saints in africa
archive is fucked and wont let me save
no pics of nigger available but I was able to find a similar one for comparison
Just need to leave Africa alone, let the dumb ones die and give them a few hundred generations for evolution to select for a better nigger.
Meanwhile they sit on many valuable resources. We'll take from them what we need.
nah we just need to get rid of all of them and harvest the natural resources for our benefit
Africans will never improve because Africa is so lush. Hardship is needed to become greater.
Sounds pretty lush to me. Face it, niggers won't do jackshit, even if you give them fancy space magic tech and a thousand years headstart.
It would just be easier to remove the continent of the nigger infestation and harvest the natural resources
We have the race specific bioweapons to do it quite easily and should
This niggers are a lost cause. They are a subhuman species that should of died out in the last ice age with the other useless humanoid monkey species. Nature has been tryng to correct ever since seeing as they would of died out from multiple plagues recently but, Christian and naive cucked Whites keep saving them. Then you have the Lutheran church which brought somali shitskins and other muslim shitskins to Minnesota.
So a White American version of Christianity gets a 24 yr old Male from ghana to go help other Africans and in process catches a virus of something that kills him.
Shouldn't OP low effort thread actually be asking what magic got a 24yr old Male from Ghana to be selfless?
Can't you just say (((jesus)))?
Now, I'd personally would use the Domination of the Draka-approach, enslave them all, use them as cheap (lol) manpower, keep their numbers in check by killing off the surplus population. Later they still can be genetically engineered to fill the roles of expendable cannon fodder in our space wars and cheap expendable workforces. I impossibly can't be the first dude who comes up with that little idea… Extermination is fine, too, but will create a massive labor shortage in the long run. Someone has to operate the mines, factories, farms, plantations and irrigation projects, right? Unless you want to construct a massive army of robots, you have to use niggers for that…
True, but it implies "nature" actually has a plan which it follows. I don't think that's the case. But if it was, well - nature is a fucking bitch then.
Ebola is a hoax.
No. Not exterminating them (or at the very least using a slightly more controllable race like pajeets) is what got America into this advanced stage of niggerdom it's in today. At least do what the Arabs did and castrate/spay them first.
This. As much as I love our little girl, she probably can't wipe out the dark continent alone and on a relatively short notice unless she grows wings. What bioweapon would be the best to disseminate there in your opinion?
Too bad he didnt bring it home and infect the others
I do fully agree, user. That is Domintation of the Draka minus genetically engineering a slave race to replace all the niggers they killed…
They already had a solid 1000 years headstart compared to Europe and Asia, if they continent would remain untouched we might doesn't even talk about them because 80% would just die out.
And inb4 "but nigs multiply like rats", yes faggots they do because (((you))) holding back evolution and natural order which would purge them. If it wouldn't for you the 95% of their children would even make it to their 5th birthday.
Niggers are literally the dead ends of evolution! This is why (((they))) mixing them with us. The jews and the liberals not just dooming the white race but the whole fucking human race too!
Jesus Christ is lord and Savior but didnt save this nigga
There are niggers who state that Whites should have left them alone. And I totally agree, we could have let them rot in their literal stone age for another 500 years and then come in in force with laser weaponry, automated robot units and anti-matter bombs.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
lol natsoc
can we just gas them all?
They already had fancy magic space tech and look where it got them.
Sorry, that were the Egyptians. Evidently not niggers.
There you go whitewashing history again, you non-melaninated wypipo. Everyone wuz niggers. Egyptians wuz niggers. Henry the 8th wuz niggers. Shakespeare wuz niggers. Israelites wuz niggers. literally everbody wuz originally niggers and wypipo stole dey history books and writ that shit up different.
You shut your whore mouth about ebola-chan, torfaggot.
Why can't we just weaponize Ebola and kill Jews with it?
lol natsoc
can we just gas them all?
Because Ebola kills too quickly to spread far enough to infect a considerable target population. I am not sure what the R0 of Ebola is exactly, but my bet is that influencz beats it by a fair margin. Plus, influenza is easier to contain by vaccinating the White population. Vaccines for Ebola are either not effective enough or carry the risks of complications.
A more effective way would be to weaponize small pox. Its R0 is 6, if I remember correctly, which is twice as effective as influenza and at least three times more effective as Ebola. How could that work? Well, vaccinate the entire White population and release small pox. No need for large scale genetic modification of small pox. Just make sure that only Whites are vaccinated.
There is nothing a nigger can do that a machine can't do better.
So, it's robots then. Mkay, I can live with that. :3
If you want to vaccinate White people against Ebola, so Ebola can be used against Jews and niggers, complications and widespread health risks for those vaccinated is a BAD thing. If you are willing to accept horrific collateral damage to your White brothers and sister, I have several questions about where your loyalties lie.
I trust my goddess to leave the right people alive.
Besides, if given the option to kill all kikes and nogs but a bunch of whites, or do nothing, I'd take the former.
I love Ebola chan indeed, hope she kills some niggers.
Well, I'm thinking in absolute numbers and potential genetic combinations possible - and for the White Race these numbers are falling. Every White death caused by a rushed extermination experiment to get rid off inferiors will contribute to a genetic bottleneck situation, diminishing genetic diversity in the White Race in the future.
Pragmatism is fine and dandy, but if that could contributes to the risk of a massive implosion of the White Race, I have to reject that. The risk is too high, especially considered that other diseases are availabe for which more effective, less risky vaccines are availabe en masse. Weighing the options is not "doing nothing"; it's the theoretical work. And it has to be done before we can execute the whole idea.
Low IQ whites and the continuing automation is perfectly sufficient for that. Better to provide your people a job than some nigger.
You're going to need to accept some risks, nothing worthwhile is ever safe and inaction will lead to certain extinction.
Why should low IQ-Whites be forced into the coal mines (unless they want to)? They should be educated and hav their intellectual capacity improved so they can take management positions in manufacturing. Also as a mean to show niggers that they will never get there, no matter how much gibs they get.
Oh, I am fully aware of that, but overall I am in favor of containing risks and eliminating problems as much as possible. We're still in the theoretical phase anyway, so it's a good opportunity to sort out the paths we should better not take in advance.
Tormenting niggers doesn't benefit us in any way compared to just getting rid of them.
Actually, it does. It's entertainment and a neat way to show Whites why they are superior. Consider it as infotainment to shit on niggers that way.
So basically you want to keep them around because otherwise you wouldn't have anyone inferior to you.
You think I am cruel to niggers? Mmmaybe. But my real point is that you have nothing to compare to if you remove inferior beings from the picture entirely. Don't get me wrong; I certainly do not want niggers strolling around freely and do their usual nigger shit. They will be kept in camps, far away from civilization and only shipped out to work in the fields, factories and mines.
The thing is that if White people do not come in contact with the inferior anymore (visually, intellectually, spiritually) they might loose the spirit that life is a constant struggle. If there is no comparison we will become decadent and complacent. Keeping a few niggers around will act as a reminder that we are superior, but that superiority was achieved through hard work, focus, discipline and responsibility and that it is not a conincidence. It also keeps a sense of gratitude alive. And it is important to keep all of that alive. Very important. Rome also fell because the idea of Rome was corrupted by decadence and complacency. The wakeup call destroyed the Roman Empire for good.
Realistically, we are not going to be one global empire when this is over. Conflicts will arise between white nations and these conflicts will keep us from decadence as long as there are no jews to exploit them. The white man's most worthy opponent will always be another white man.
OP your pic is NOLA post Katrina.
But you are right it works just fine.
That is why the extermination of the Jews always must come first. Niggers are secondary priority targets in my book. Niggers do not induce us with decadence or complacency, only with disgust, bewilderment, confusion, perhaps sometimes with empathy.
Yeah I know that's why I said no pics of the original nigger were to be found
That puddle of melted meat makes me laugh every time I look at it
Not unseen in China.
Remember that time the shipping port exploded?
little known fact: the 3 famous pyramids on the Giza Plateau (orig: Gibs Plateful) were originally on Mars. A rip in the spacetime continum 3 clicks off the coast of Mars brought the white pyramid ships into our solar system a month after the niggers on Venus went spicey.
As seems to be the wont these days: I'll continue with the story after I've set up a patreon account.
saucy snippet: niggers, led by the blackest man who ever lived, Gibs Negroid, hijacked the pyramid ships and, holding the white Captains hostage, skedaddled to Earth. Ebonics Brah, Negroid's 2nd in command, later became famous as the unluckiest nigger to ever live. You'll need to put money in a paypal account to discover what happens to him.
never relax around blacks wearing disco slacks, my fellow crackers.
Oh no, more White people need to be sent to help these poor heathens!
dude if it's china that cooling tower may as well just be getting power from burning plastic
Aww yea…
Good times
What exploded?
According to the (((official))) story it was 800 tonnes of ammonium nitrate inside a storage container.
That is the smart way to store fertz
900 tons hole ee fuck
Fuck your mom it's Saturday night
If Ebola kills quickly enough, then there's no reason to worry about vaccinating the white population.
You mean space Jews LARPing as Aryans? The same Draka that fuck niggers all day? The same Draka that mutilated themselves with surgical technology until they're no longer the same species as us down to the skeleton? The Same Draka that use pheromones to mind rape people and force them into sex, and utterly control their mind gelded mix race goyim with just a small change in body odor? The same Draka that will fuck anything with a pulse and only are a threat to others because S&M Stirling gives them an "I win, that was too Easy" button? The Draka that enslave whites and anyone they happen upon except for those with lotsa money that pay to see the pyramids or the monuments they control.
The Draka that are a thinly veiled attack on white nationalists by a soyboy obsessed with lesbians and cannibalism?
That Draka?
Kek, what the fuck even is that?
Deus Ex modded to insanity.
Good luck, Ebola-chan!
It specifically says "China".
How about we introduce the Africans to some anti vaxxer information to help ebola chan spread here love.
What do you mean, user?
The theory goes that an intelligence agency, most likely MOSSAD or (((CIA))), deliberately facilitated the explosion to take Tianhe-1A offline, which it did. The supercomputer was located near the port.
Daily reminder most churches are infiltrated by kikes and child raping satanists.
Ebola is an esoteric metaphor for the love we find in others.
I like that
I love you Ebola-Chan!
mein gott, Mormonism actually is the one true faith!
If mormons read their books at all they would not give a single fuck about any nonwhites. The god of mormonism is possibly the most overtly racist god on record
Good Luck, Ebola Chan
She has the power to expedite our dreams.
That's not how it works. Projection, altruism, and misplaced nurture is the historical norm, the the ember that bellows to a hellstorm.
No, it was because Rome absorbed shitskins after conquering them and all that diversity diluted the high IQ racial stock to the lowest common denominator, the nigger.
Quotes from various sources hinting at the scope of Ancient Rome's racial cucking problem, and the predictable decline and fall thereafter.
1. In his piece, “Race mixture in the Roman Empire”, Frank outlined how he first realized that race mixture was the cause of the change in Roman society. By studying the names of graves on the Appian Way in Rome, he found that huge numbers of late Roman Republic inhabitants had names which originated in the (((Levant,)) or Middle East, in strong contrast to the early inhabitants of Rome, who had Latin names.
Frank describes it so:
"There is one surprise that the historian usually experiences upon his first visit to Rome. It may be the Galleria Lapidaria of the Vatican or at the Lateran Museum, but, if not elsewhere, it can hardly escape him upon his first walk up the Appian Way. As he stops to decipher the names upon the old tombs that line the road, hoping to chance upon one familiar to him from his Cicero or Livy, he finds prenomen and nomen promising enough, but the cognomina all seem awry. L. Lucretius Pamphilus, A. Aemilius Alexa, M. Clodius Philostosgas do not smack of freshman Latin. And he will not readily find in the Roman writers now extant an answer to the questions that these inscriptions invariably raise. Do these names imply that the Roman stock was completely changed after Cicero’s day, and was the satirist (Juvenal) recording a fact when he wailed that the Tiber had captured the waters of the Syrian Orontes?'''
(Frank, Tenney, 1916 `Race mixture in the Roman Empire': American Historical Review, Volume 21`')
“To discover some new light upon these fundamental questions of Roman history, I have tried to gather such fragmentary data as the corpus of inscriptions might afford. This evidence is never decisive in its purport, and it is always, by the very nature of the material, partial in its scope, but at any rate it may help us to interpret our literary sources to some extent. It has at least convinced me that Juvenal and Tacitus were not exaggerating. It is probable that when these men wrote a very small percentage of the free plebians on the streets of Rome could prove unmixed Italian descent. By far the larger part — perhaps ninety percent - had Oriental blood in their veins.”
The writer Juvenal, speaking of the Roman population, points out the Levantine origin of these people in his writings, referring to the Syrian River, the Orontes:
“These dregs call themselves Greeks but how small a portion is from Greece; the River Orontes has long flowed into the Tiber” (Juvenal, III, 62).
"Therefore, when the urban inscriptions show that seventy per cent of the city slaves and freedmen bear Greek names and that a larger portion of the children who have Latin names have parents of Greek names, this at once implies that the East was the source of most of them, and with that inference Bang’s conclusions (Dr. Bang of Germany) entirely agree. In his list of slaves that specify their origin as being outside Italy (during the empire), by far the larger portion came from the Orient, especially from Syria and the provinces of Asia Minor, with some from Egypt and Africa (which for racial classification may be taken with the Orient). Some are from Spain and Gaul, but a considerable portion of these came originally from the East.”
“Very few slaves are recorded from the Alpine and Danube provinces, while Germans rarely appear, except among the imperial bodyguard. Bang remarks that Europeans were of greater service to the empire as soldiers than servants….and this, in turn, helps to explain the strikingly Oriental aspect of the new population.”
(Frank, Tenney 1916 `Race mixture in the Roman Empire`: American Historical Review, Volume 21, pp. 700, 701)
Frank went on to explain the push and pull effect that led to the racial makeup change in Rome: of how native Romans were drawn away from Rome by colonization and military service, and of how their places were taken up by slaves, in serfdom and as freedmen, in Rome itself:
“Thus, during the thirty years before Tiberius Gracchus, the census statistics show no increase. During the first century B. C., the importation of captives and slaves continued, while the free-born citizens were being wasted in the social, Sullan, and civil wars. Augustus affirms that he had had half a million citizens under arms, one eighth of Rome’s citizens, and that the most vigorous part.”
(Frank, Tenney 1916 `Race mixture in the Roman Empire`: American Historical Review, Volume 21 p. 703).
"[White Romans] {spent their twenty years of vigor in garrison duty while the slaves, exempt from such services, lived at home and increased in numbers. In other words, the native stock was supported by less than a normal birthrate, whereas the stock of foreign extraction had not only a fairly normal birthrate but a liberal quota of manumissions to its advantage.”
(Frank, Tenney 1916 `Race mixture in the Roman Empire`: American Historical Review, Volume 21 p. 703)
Duff pointed out that even by the time of Octavian Augustus, there were significant numbers of ‘Orientals’ in Rome:
“Even in Augustus’ day the process of Orientalization had gone too far. The great emperor saw the clouds, but he did not know they had actually burst. His legislation would have been a prudent and not a whit excessive a century earlier; but in his time Rome was a (((cosmopolitan))) city, and the doom of the Empire was already sealed”
(A.M. Duff, Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire, pp. 207, 208)
Frank’s study of the Roman family lines revealed exactly how native Romans vanished. He writes:
“The race went under. The legislation of Augustus and his successors, while aiming at preserving the native stock, was of the myopic kind so usual in social lawmaking, and failing to reckon with the real nature of the problem involved, it utterly missed the mark. By combining epigraphical and literary references, a fairly full history of the noble families can be procured, and this reveals a startling inability of such families to perpetuate themselves.”
(Frank, Tenney 1916 `Race mixture in the Roman Empire`: American Historical Review, Volume 21: pp. 704, 705)
“We know, for instance, in Caesar’s day of forty-five patricians, only one of whom is represented by posterity when Hadrian came to power. The Aemilsi, Fabii, Claudii. Manlii, Valerii, and all the rest, with the exception of Comelii, have disappeared. Augustus and Claudius raised twenty-five families to the patricate, and all but six disappear before Nerva’s reign. Of the families of nearly four hundred senators recorded in 65 A.D. under Nero, all trace of a half is lost by Nerva’s day, a generation later. And the records are so full that these statistics may be assumed to represent with a fair degree of accuracy the disappearance of the male stock of the families in question.”
Frank, Tenney 1916 `Race mixture in the Roman Empire`
“Of course members of the aristocracy were the chief sufferers from the tyranny of the first century, but this havoc was not all wrought by delatores and assassins. The voluntary choice of childlessness accounts largely for the unparalleled condition. This is as far as the records help in this problem, which, despite the silences is probably the most important phase of the whole question of the change of race. Be the causes what they may, the rapid decrease of the old aristocracy and the native stock was clearly concomitant with a twofold increase from below; by a more normal birth-rate of the poor, and the constant manumission of slaves.”
(Frank, Tenney 1916 `Race mixture in the Roman Empire`
Duffy goes on to describe the social change process at work in Roman society:
“It may be asked in this connexion what became of the Latin and Italian stock. Reasons may be given for the coming of the foreigners, but at the same time some explanation may be demanded for the disappearance of the native. In the first place *there was a marked decline in the birthrate among the aristocratic families…*“
As society grew more pleasureloving, as convention raised artificially the standard of living, the voluntary choice of celibacy and childlessness became a common feature among the upper classes.” (Duff, A.M., Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire, Cambridge, Engl: W Heffer and Sons, Ltd., 1958 (1928), p. 200).
“But what of the lower-class Romans of the old stock? They were practically untouched by revolution and tyranny, and the growth of luxury cannot have affected them to the same extent as it did the nobility. Yet even here the native stock declined. The decay of agriculture. . . drove numbers of farmers into the towns, where, unwilling to engage in trade, they sank into unemployment and poverty, and where, in their endeavours to maintain a high standard of living, they were not able to support the cost of rearing children. Many of these free-born Latins were so poor that they often complained that the foreign slaves were much better off than they — and so they were.” (Duff, A.M., Freedmen in the Early Roman Empire, Cambridge, Engl: W Heffer and Sons, Ltd., 1958 (1928), pp. 200, 201).
By the Third Century AD, many of the emperors were actually descendants of the slaves of earlier centuries. La Piana states it this way:
“The denationalized capital of the great empire, came to be ruled by the offspring of races which originally had come to the city only to serve.“ (La Piana, Foreign Groups in Rome, p. 223).
Based on his research, Frank goes on to estimate that as much as 90 percent of the population of the city of Rome was of “servile extraction.” While this 90 percent would not all have been of foreign race, the majority most certainly were.
“This Orientalization of Rome’s populace has a more important bearing than is usually accorded it upon the larger question of why the spirit and acts of imperial Rome are totally different from those of the republic. There was a complete change in the temperament“ (Frank, ibid., p. 705).
“There is today a healthy activity in the study of the economic factors that contributed to Rome’s decline. But what lay behind and constantly reacted upon all such causes of Rome’s disintegration was, after all, to a considerable extent, the fact that the people who had built Rome had given way to a different race.” (Frank, ibid., p. 705).
“The lack of energy and enterprise, the failure of foresight and common sense, the weakening of moral and political stamina, all were concomitant with the gradual diminution of the stock which, during the earlier days, had displayed these qualities.” (Frank, ibid., p. 705).
“The cumulative effect of these (((Oriental religions))) helped to break the old Roman character. Another more powerful solvent was also inherited from slavery and manumissions. The profuse intermixture of race, containing without interruption from 200 B.C. far into the history of the Empire, produced a type utterly different from that which characterized the heroes of the early republic.
Instead of the hardy and patriotic Roman with his proud indifference to pecuniary gain, we find too often under the Empire an idle pleasure-loving cosmopolitan whose patriotism goes no further than applying for the dole and swelling the crowds in the amphitheatre.” (Frank, ibid., pp. 205, 206)
Ah, (((capitalism))). You are the same type of massive faggot who buys the (((propaganda))) about "labor shortage" and "temporary guest workers". To "do the jobs Whites don't want", right?
No, Rome fell because of genetic replacement and then (((Christianity))). The patrician class bred below replacement rate; all the old great families of the late Republic had died out by about 100-200 years after the beginning of the Empire. Because Roman citizenship law made being "Roman" a matter of law, not exclusively of birth, a massive influx of foreigners and freed slaves washed away the old Roman stock in all classes. The Jews even had a neat trick of bribing a wealthy Roman to "enslave" and then free a Jew, thus granting the Jew automatic citizenship. After a few centuries of population replacement, degenerate pseudo-Romans embraced Jesus; and the rest, you already know if you are not an illiterate nigger who never heard of Gibbon.
Your awesomeness suggests to me that you must be an Aryan. (I wrote the above before I saw your posts.)
Are you stoned? Pajeets are mongrels, mass-mixes of everything from ancient Aryan to Australoid pygmy. Actually, India is the exact vision of the Kalergi plan. Street-shitting polyphyletic India is the (((future of the whole world))): Hell on Earth.
Dubs are here wise.
Get me some rope. That blonde is misdirecting her mothering instincts to cuddle pickaninnies. She will probably have a brown baby if she doesn't already.
A few fun facts:
(1) Darwin predicted that niggers would go extinct as evolutionary failures. He expected that the White man would colonize Africa, and marginalize the niggers till they dwindled away or even exterminate the niggers outright. What Darwin did not realize is that Whites addled by (((Christianity))) would actually feed the niggers, resulting in a world-destroying nigger explosion.
(2) At present, the Chinese are quietly making serious colonizing movements in Africa. And they will have no qualms about exterminating the niggers like cockroaches! If things keep going the same way as now, expect eventually a Chinese Africa with another billion chinks and no niggers. The major question is if this Chinese long-term strategy will get Jewed – the answer is probably. Of course, if current demographic trends continue, Whites will be extinct by then anyway; so you've got bigger issues to worry about. The White man gave up Africa already.
sadly this, africa as a continent hasn't been stable since the Egyptians died out, not even the animals can find means to survive anymore.
Depopulation is the only solution, at least 80% of them need to die.
Fixed that for you. Add analogy to cockroaches. Niggers have demonstrated that they are a biological threat to the existence of mankind. They only destroy, and pollute the human population with their destructive genetics.
I did not reach this conclusion easily. Lower species should be generally preserved – but not when they present an existential threat.
I think that is fooled by such "lush" places as erstwhile Rhodesia. Yes, Africa provides the soil for an Earthly paradise – if and only if White Boers are farming it!
I love Ebola-Chan!!!