White Woman Has 21st Child!

This woman has single handedly increased the European population
by an order of magnitude if you look at it exponentially and extrapolate
the life potential of every offspring. We need to make this woman a symbol
of white nationalism and employ her feat in an effort to increase European
birth rates and guilt-enlighten the plethora of womb starved coal burning
white cunts across Europe and America!

Attached: NINTCHDBPICT000447890454.jpg (960x798, 133.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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They all look like they're suffering from a nutrient deficiency?

What are you sliding here big nose?

gtfo here you and D&C Kikes, volume is our number one priority at the moment, we don't have the luxury of nitpicking every feature and trait when our racial stock is being depleted by the millions. Think long term faggots.


Shame about those faces.


The mum does kind of look like a gypo

they're proles, don't worry about that shit. THINK VOLUME. THINK SCALE. THINK STOCK.

At least they'll save big buck on Ancestry.com. It's recursive…

We are eugenicists here, and aesthetics count in the eugenic calculation. Uglies like this should not reproduce.
Only the smart, beautiful/handsome, strong, and non-degenerate should reproduce in high numbers, but like 5-6 per family, not 21.

That rules out Zig Forums.

Is she mr bean?

For many, perhaps most, it may. That doesn't mean we will not still fight for it.
If you think most here care only for themselves, then you have been misled.


Also, not being of the traits I mentioned does not necessarily mean reproduction should be forbidden. Only that it should be kept to lower numbers, like 1-2 max.

Wait, except for degeneracy, and extreme cases of disease/weakness/ugliness/stupidy.



That face, wait a second.

Just tell us, fag.

They're obviously all soys, but its nothing that can't be hammered out within a few generations at most. If you're going to sit here and D&C over eye color and minor facial features, then you're incredibly short sighted, and harmful to the cause which NEEDS TO BE FOCUSED ON VOLUME AND SCALE, ALL ELSE IS SEMANTICS.

Besides this story in itself is only embryonic, forget its face value merits. THINK ABOUT THE IMPRESSIONS WE COULD MAKE ON MILLIONS OF MISLEAD CHILDLESS WHITE WOMEN IF WE MEMED THIS CORRECTLY.

Cuck chan OP


Her name is Sue Radford.

forgot source

Start with yourself, retard.

Beautiful, not a single mixed race mongrel in the bunch. Gotta love it.


You're braindead if you think eugenics is relevant during the most dire time in history for our people in terms of birth rates. Eugenics comes later when we aren't on the precipice of extinction.

We are missing some kids…that isn't 21 kids.
Also, That mom doesn't look European to me.

she's clearly European, she's just not an archetype, which is fine. we need to focus on volume and replacement level birth rates at this point.

meanwhile, in Phoenix

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I want to have no more than six children. I want a big family.

the girl in the pink on the left actually kind of looks like my girlfriend

I hope if we have children they don't look like any of the other ones!

don't let your dreams be dreams

*WHEN we have children…


Attached: #1 Dad.png (300x648, 306.71K)


lucky, she's cute

On one hand, this is cool because they're White. On the other hand, ugly people shouldn't breed.

There is no girl in pink on the left.

Is that Pastor Nigger-lover?

Yep it’s all up to me and I’m confident.

Is that four future coal burners and five future oil drillers?
All of them are kikes anyway

Don't pull out.


Why do all those kids look alike?

That's what happens when a woman is faithful.

Reported for shilling.

Attached: im pretty lucky.png (684x593, 349.68K)

that is because they are
making a baby takes up enormous nutritional reserves that take at least three years for a woman on a healthy diet to recover
everyone eats like shit these days so this woman merely shat out 21 peasants
still white though

Absolutely, some of the anons here seem to forget that a society needs ditch diggers too.

Nigger you had better be trolling right now.

Attached: have you thought this all the way through.jpg (665x1000, 67.38K)

the extinction is caused by whites working to enrich kikes who use the wealth to grow non-whites
if all white men went on strike for a year, even a month or three
just like, save up enough food for a month and then not work, the world would be in shock
do it for a year and the niggers would have starved, the jewish economic bubbles will have burst, china would be bust

we dont have to fight
just dont feed the enemy your food or money

Look I know that you're proud of having a girlfriend for the first time in your life but don't post her image here you moronic sperg.

Less and less so.

Just make sure you do your research.

Attached: SS Race Theories-500x500.jpg (500x500, 55.85K)

looks underage

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I wish she didn't.

dont worry about the features ends up with this

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Double dubs of truth. And the internet makes the organization of such a strike feasible in theory. At least way better than any historical alternative.

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For that we would have to kill a lot of white "men". Normalfags exist to be slaves, and if they stiop they go crazy, so we either claim those slaves back form the kikes or just murder them. I vote for the latters, good for eugenics.

Attached: wojak culling normalfag.png (629x800, 717.8K)

NSDAP proved that our people can be reclaimed even after sinking and being used by jews. Your thought is against the very tenets of national socialism and uplifting our race.

First of all, natsoc includes eugenics - which includes culling - and ALL ideologies include killing of traitors.
Second, i'm not a neet(((soc))), i'm a fascist. ALL cuckalists hang.

tax dollars well spent spawning a clan of half-yid skyrim goblins fellow gentiles

Attached: _The Man and the Rats.webm (640x360, 7.58M)

Whites are being murdered and outbred anyway. All that will be left after a while is the good ones. I hope they're strong enough to push back the tide of shitskins.

It all makes sense now, Italy always was a weak link.

This is why predatory fags need to be bogged as well as the other parasitic subhumans. 'The Man' is European and all of the rats are subhuman degenerates.

PDF in case anyone wants to read them.

Lol 🙃

True. We're going to need a whole of graves on rope day.

Kikes would force white men to work at gunpoint after a day, guaranteed.

You've got the basic premise right though. If white men are largely the only demographic to leave a surplus for the government and kikes then you need to make sure over your lifetime you're using as many tax loopholes and taking out as many loans as possible. Starve the shitskins after you die. If you're ever suicidal make sure to buy a new car, get a mortgage for a house, and get a student loan.

while it is good to promote white natalism, also keep in mind that we don't want antifas harrassing this woman and her family

Goals right there

Saved, thanks user.

Thanks m80. Good info

The quesiton remains, would you hit that?
It's got to be like a deflated leather watermelon.

The real question is do you want to see the white race exist in any meaningful numbers when your grandkids are having kids?

not if those absolute goblins are any representation of it lmfao

can we also meme this guy?

Attached: white yes.jpg (1177x693, 278.31K)

Unlike most attention whore women idolized on here like Ms. Nuke Africa or Ann Coulter, this lady is actually fulfilling her womanly duties. Reminder that only a few generations ago a woman having 21 kids would be an oddity, but hardly being newsworthy.

Surprising he can afford them, I also home they don't inbreed or reduce the genetic diversity in their area that shit happens some times

21, though? 10 was once normal, 21 is pretty impressive for any time period I think. if you consider that it takes ~9 months each and women are only good for breeding from age like 15-35 or so.. that's basically constantly pregnant

Pregnant by 15 was pretty normal back then, especially for Catholics

what do you think of this age chart, is this reasonable?

well see before I even look at that in detail I think it depends on the womans upbringing as well. If a woman is raised and conditioned for a healthier lifestyle and preparations for child birth you can get them to give birth for longer or even sooner depending on what you do.

Looking at what you have written seems reasonable tbh but I would point out that 3 kids starting by 25, relationship built before female 25, and finishing before female 30 would be both probable and achievable, even if you are in your male 30s.

that bitch doesnt look white at all and if she is shes fucked up those kids look fucked up, she should have stopped at 0, al lot of those kids have fucked up shaped heads

They're bongs stupid

Yeah, you can't blame them for being ugly if they're British. That's a good point.

Are you volunteering?

They look like mongaloids

Finnish? I don't know what language that is but it doesn't sound very Indo-European.

This is the main reason why we must make our views mainstream. Until we do, the most fertile women willing to bear us fruit will be those castaway from normal society, and they won't be the ripest in the bunch. It's also why each of us must individually be the best we can be, to edge out the mostly degenerate and infertile competition.

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Broadcast on echotv which is a Hungarian TV station