Trump: Right wing domestic terrorism "is a problem and it's a problem we want to solve."

Attached: Right wing terrorism.webm (721x444 4.75 MB, 86.55K)

Burn in hell Orange Hindenburg

Trump is a faggot and he will lose 2020

wow officially not our fellow

At one point he inadvertently admits why he's been so weak on immigration.

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Absolutely. White men aren't gross sand niggers, we invented civilization. There is no need to scurry like rats attacking the weakest fringes of ZOG or giving the CIA cover.
It is time for all white men to restore the nations of our ancestors proudly and put the niggers and jews to rout, in full sunlight, with gun and rope in hand.

He says that all the time. That's why he expanded worker visas. Trumpcucks just choose to ignore it.

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Those sealed indictments are for us

Shutup kike, he only expanded those visas so that he could send the illegals home

Anyone that still supports this faggot is a kike.

Precedent is everything, and if the precedent is that only illegals are bad (you're doing it due to them being illegal and not due to being country destroying mongrels), you're setting yourself up for civic nationalism at best, and "legal" ethnic displacement of your native populace at worst.

I unironically suggest to join ANTIFA, at least they got protection from the democrats.

When incapable of finding something, find something in the past and bitch about it. Classy.

kill yourself


By send them home you mean send them home to america?

Oh sure, no-one was talking about this in any other "Did you know that Trump said that" thread.
Commit suicide. Even CNN isn't that obsessed like (((you))).

I'm shocked you can even talk with Trump's cock so far down your throat.

Join Antifa and burn and radicalize them. Read s*ege.

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This right wing terrorism stuff is nothing. What else will he say?
Trump is a civic nationalist who will make decisions that can help us, but will ultimately sell the racial purity of the nation until it is too late. I still support him because he's still the most right wing major political figure.

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Say "No."

Trump saying "No" to "are right wing terrorists are a problem?" is a bad idea because the question has the assumption of the existence of terrorism. It would be hard to say it does not exist as only a few weeks ago, if even that, the synagogue was shot up. He went too far in his answer, and he shouldn't fund these liberal cesspools of anti-fascist terrorism nonsense.

The jews want to invade Iran right now but places like Zig Forums would meme so hard at any hint of such a thing that they wouldn't be able to carry out 2003 Iraq again with impunity. Going after "ring wing terrorism" of course facilitates White Genocide but the jew only needs marketing firms for programming that, instead if the jew wants to quiet or drive away ant-war call the jew will need to go after the dissident right-wing.

Just 88D chess, trust the plan

Too bad you didn't vote in the right one to tackle immigration.

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this is why it never gets fixed, democrats want cheap votes, republicans want cheap labor, the people lose

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Basically, seems more and more like he's actually trying his hardest to make sure republicans get raped in 2020


Who gives a shit about republicans?

Hillary was FOR immigration, shill.

So was Trump


Just filter and move on.

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No one anymore, they're just as shit as libfags and never ever stand by anything. Republicucks are just as likely to bend over as anyone else

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Do you expect him to throw a salute?

When will people get with the fucking program that this guy is a fucking kike puppet? Spastic MAGApedes need to fuck off, Zig Forumsacks have been telling you this for almost three years now.

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Get your triggered ass back to reddit, newfag

it's too late for ethnic nationalism in burgerland, user. at best we are looking at balkanization into multiples future nations.

George Lincoln Rockwell would like a word with you

i like those hitler dubs, but i still think it's too late. we would have to go all the way back to approx 1920 to prevent it, or whenever it was the jewish fungus started to establish itself here.

MAGAniggers BTFO
Every pro-Trump post will be regarded as JIDF now

Translation: nothing will happen since he knows that these are false flags.
These retards still play their laid down strategy that should have happened under Hillary.

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not going to happen

No he's just a kike
If he knew they were fake and gay he would say "these are fake and gay"

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that's quite an assumption there, sagefag. i'm rather fond of his work. rather than have a pissing contest, why don't you enlighten me as to how we can make racism go mainstream again?

Shillary was for (((WW3)))

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wonderful arguments. you've certainly solidified your points. GG

Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. He did this countless times before and if you don't recognize a pattern then you will lose more and more.
If you don't respect your enemy you will never win against him.

I wonder if Trump even breaks a sweat with these amateur strategists in the opposing camp.

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The arguments are from the man, George Lincoln Rockwell.

Good to see that even mentioning his name triggers shills like you into outing yourselves. This isn't cuckchan, you know

I think it's pretty fashy and based that trumpstein will go after the guns and antisemites, in the absence of a wall and Hillary still not any closer to ever being locked up, the fashy based MAGApede's have every reason to celebrate their win*.

*When I say their win, I of course mean the evil genocidal nation wrecking zionist kikes these MAGA spastics got elected

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This is supposed to be our board. Stop treating everyone here like an enemy. You are the reason this place sucks now.



There's no such thing as a "blackpill" that's called a redpill. You're being forced out of the Matrix right now.

That said there is no reason to say we're fucked because the demographics are getting worse, because that's exactly what needs to happen in order for people to wake up. If you don't think people are waking up then recognize that Trump (a subversive kike puppet) would never have ended up in power if there hadn't been a huge increase in riots, multiculturalism being shoved down people's throats and increasing sense that the only solution is killing non-whites.

This gentlemen is what a paranoid jewish schizo is like,it's a mental illness.
Don't feed it.

That's all of us, including you.



if i may rephrase…
i.o.w. after it's too late, at which point balkanization is our best best, as i mentioned earlier

Spare the kneejerk HURR YOU'RE A SHILL responses, as long as no one's shilling for Trump or Republicans, or TRS, or the retarded mutt meme.

Pessimism is for would-be suicide victims.

I did
I did

He outed himself as a liar in this post

At which point 2 sockpuppets immediately appeared to back him up and use consensus cracking to shut down my mentioning of George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party.

oops I did it again

This is just the logical conclusion of materialism.
You fuckkers deserve this.

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Looks like no one will care what you call yourself, princess "natsoc". Maybe, instead of being a sperg faggot you can realise you will be treated no different.

Get a grip.

When will you stormspergs ever realise you have no power and people laugh at you? Why would Trump behave like a white nigger like you?

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i'm an eternal optimist, user, but also pragmatic. i don't see it as an achievable goal short of civil war.

Global report

filtered for being mentally retarded


He's an odd mix of a PR cuck who thinks it's too late.

By who?
Oh okay so you're some magapede who thinks you haven't been duped and that you're in on it? kek Who is the loser here?

If you support Trump you're just a sap.

No, he's a liar at best and a malicious shill at worst.

I asked you to quote GLR to back up your argument.
Holy shit I didn't even see this post
You are a fucking retard. Your words have no power over the kikes in charge of our government, to the enemy, you are a far right neo nazi posting violent hate speech on the internet.

my opinion of him remains unchanged. he was a step in the right direction, but only a step. it takes a long time to turn a big ship around.

no you spam your shit opinion without bringing out facts

Either way it doesn't belong here. But really though, the term "blackpill" is for fucking newfags. The redpill is meant to be both disheartening and liberating at the same time.

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Pretending to be antifags is certainly the way to go.


There isn't a meaningful "right wing" even. And there isn't public NATIONAL SOCIALISM which we need a lot more than stupid wings.

Thank you for an actual fucking Zig Forums post in the whole thread.

Ackshually, the point to be made with all Whites is "we tried doing things lawfully, and obviously that doesn't work."

I don't give a fuck what you ask of me, kike. George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, is the argument. Look into anything he did politically, his entire movement was about bringing NatSoc racialism into the US.
Thanks for admitting you're wrong.

Thanks for admitting you're wrong.

He subverted white nationalism like a whore and you are a metaphorical used condom.

Enjoy your ban, fag.

at what point did any logical person think he was ever a white nationlist?

where the fuck do you think you're posting?

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I said he subverted it.

and look how far he got. he's relegated to an internet circle jerk of a few thousand people. i asked you for real solutions.

you can't subvert something you're not a part of.

By using white nationalism like a whore.

Do you honestly think saying

You can when you say you're a nationalist.

He's talking about GLR not Trump.


Because he was killed you fucking mongoloid. And his movement was before the internet. His solution was a real one, stop being a disingenuous kike-

Oh, right. Kikes are literally incapable of having a real discussion. My bad.

at this point i don't think it matters for the discussion. i think i'll just contribute to a different thread and leave this one be.

You should kill yourself.