Why aren't we converting the minorities?

I expect this thread to disappear.

Why are we so focused on genocide or exodus?

Why is Pol obsessed with creating a white state? Could we not instead address the issues we have with these minorities and then deal with them directly?

Would it not be wiser to utilize Sun Tzu's strategy and convert our enemies into our allies? I'm so annoyed with the childish posts about killing everyone in a group. I have met countless white people who are awful examples of human beings.

I agree that white culture has been insanely dominate and the white genetics might have something to do with it, but what is our end game here? To make white people look like the crazy psychopaths they make us out to be on TV?

I am not upset by the dark skin tone. I am upset with the behavior and culture commonly being expressed from that dark skin tone. So if i could come up with a way to remove this culture and behavior, i would not care that the skinsuit was dark.

How petty are we? If we removed all the minorities we would still be here discussing how to deal with the douchey white people still left in our society who exhibit all the same idiosyncracies that we don't like in minorities.

This site is probably just a honeypot, but hopefully there are more rational people out there. Every other thread is promoting a strategy that will play right into these globalists' hands.

If the jews are able to brainwash the minorities into hating the white race, then surely the white race can come up with a way to brainwash them into respecting us and hating the jew.

We honestly should avoid the idiotic "naming of the jew" meme (i know i know, i must be a kike shill if I don't support naming the jew) but the fact remains that the "jew" victimhood strategy worked insanely well and is still working. Naming the jew is like reading the script that the jew wrote for "crazy white supremacist #2"

It's also entirely possible that these "jews" aren't even really jewish. We don't know for sure, but we know their strength and their strength is in wordplay identity politics. So stop playing right into their hands. I don't care how much sense you are making, you are barely gonna redpill anyone if you start off by naming the Jew.

We could really use some Jewish representation in our discussions on the JQ. People don't even know that jews fought for Germany in WWII. If we had more famous jews being open to holocaust denial then we'd gain a huge advantage.

But the jew very well might be an alien species beyond repair, so we can ignore them for the time, since their identity can be applied as religious or ethnic, making it very hard to pin point which jews you are talking about. (Which I'm sure was done by design)

Regardless the point of OP is to stop fueling this extremism. In today's infowars, we aren't helping much by acting exactly like how we're described in the media. The aryan brotherhood is woefully selfish if they would refuse working with each race to ensure each had their own places to keep their culture.

This board is spending so much time trying to convince white people to leave. Almost zero is spent convincing minorities to leave. (Except when threatened with violence every other post)

These people aren't supposed to be geniuses, that's why they have been manipulated against us. But they were our slaves once before, now they are still slaves but they serve a different master. Why are we ignoring this ripe resource?

How could the media paint us all as demons if we started going out and actively integrated into society's less white areas? We are so worried about these dark areas tainting our white zones, but white is bright!!! We can send whites into dark areas to help brighten them.

It's been such a one way street in this bitch. It's tiresome.

I have ample minority friends and I've seen countless attempts to reason with them. It never works if you don't first show them respect and give them an opportunity to rise to the occassion. White culture is compatible with any race, so let's spread white culture.

So help white america by spreading your culture to the minorities. Convert them to pure ideals and show them the mud all around them. Get them equally as pissed off about illegal immigration and welfare leeches.

Flip these minorities to conservative voters. It has to be easier then wrangling them all up and killing them. Plus we need those bullets for the chinese remember?

Stop calling mulattos black. Point out the differences between the black race. Convince these minorities to be racist within their own races. Show them why these minorities receive stereotypes.

The pot is already too melted to try and go back. Why not use what we have available to us to push forwards and make tomorrow better rather than trying to make tomorrow more like yesterday?

Attached: the-supreme-art-of-war-is-to-subdue-the-enemy-without-fighting4.jpg (1920x1080, 613.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We need strong black men to breed the strong white women, a race of powerful mutts will overthrow the jew once and for all.

Because you can't.

We are a minority. So, unless you're also referring to whites when you use the word "minorities," which I doubt, what you actually mean is "the non-white minorities."

Because this is a D&C slide thread.
We shouldn't convert (((minorities))) because they should go back to their own country. Because they aren't intelligent enough to vote intelligently. Because why the fuck would we want to ally with nonhuman scum?

Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.

Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.

Jesus Christ you shills are desperate.

I often hear members of these 'white nationalism' movements/organizations of the current year +X discussing the concept of 'identity', which I find disagreeable.

Identity IS a factor of what is of import, in actual terms, which is a matter of biology, not of mere internalized self-description, ie 'identity'; this distinction is important, as merely maintaining an identity into the future is not a means via which to maintain, to secure, our people into perpetuity - we are not a mere identity, we are a biological clade of beings, and this material reality is intrinsic to everything about us and our culture, the summation of which being that from whence our collective identity derives.

I can't help but laugh at civic nationalism - its a self-defeating meme.

Look at the US.

We hear civic nationalists talking all about these Constitutional principles that they hold dear.
Freedom of speech. Right to bear arms. Limited government.
Yet these same civic nationalist principles, they claim, demand judgement on the basis of the individual only, not as collectives… Of course, their claims are somewhat suspect, given the men who derived those princples initially were slave owners and created the US as an explicit White ethnostate, but whatever.

The point is, this hyper-individualistic outlook forces them into a cognitive box, limiting the extent of their philosophical-willpower. It does so, in that it forces them to reject judgement in the context of racial groups as a collective, despite races acting as collectives.
For example: Hispanics support gun control (60%+ in favor, 30% against). And hate-speech laws (50%+ in favor, 25% against). And expanded government (70%+ in favor, 20% against). And Hispanics overwhelmingly identify with the left-wing political parties (60%+, increasingly from generation to generation after entry to the country to upwards of 70% by the 2nd generation). AND Hispanics demonstrate an elevated fertility rate relative to White populations in the US (still above replacement levels).

Thus, by upholding civic nationalist principles in judging Hispanics as individuals instead of as a group, many Hispanics would be (and have been) allowed into the country - for example in the amnesty of Ronald Reagan - despite the fact that collectively they do not believe in the principles upon which the nation was founded… Not that they would say as much if attempting to gain entry - deception exists, and civic nationalist arguments as-goes vetting procedures are underwhelming, nevermind the prospect of enforcement of civic values after entry (let alone over generations).

And this last point about enforcement is important, because evidence suggests that, like most ethnic/racial minorities in the US, Hispanics do not demonstrate a collective belief in the civic principles of the US (certainly not to the proportional degree seen in US Whites), but they DO behave as a collective, supporting left-wing political groups in overwhelming majority. Those promoting civic nationalist ideals do not demonstrate the philosophical-willpower to enforce these civic values, have offered no methodology to alter this condition, and all indications suggest they are bereft of such a method - if they were not, the populations which have been in the US for several generations, exposed to the values of the country and civic nationalists' arguments in that vein, would espouse those positions, but they do not.

Because it's them or us, dumbshit.

While on the subject… Why do Hispanics support left-wing groups? Are they actually more left-wing in political view? Yes, but that's not the whole story - they vote as a collective, and they do so to serve collective interests. Left-wing groups in the US are the groups in favor of serving the left-wing predispositions of Hispanics (hate-speech laws, gun control, expanding government with more programs) as well as increased immigration, which they promote loudly, and increased immigration leads to an increase in population for the respective ethnic/racial minority in question, which in turn leads to an increase in the political power, electorally at the very least, wielded by that ethnic/racial minority. Hence, regardless of their political stance, Hispanics support left-wing groups as a collective to serve collective interest. We see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Blacks and other non-Whites.
In fact, we see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Asians, who also primarily support left-wing groups in the US (50%+, increasing generationally), even though polling of their political views suggest they may not actually be left-wing politically - they're merely acting as a collective in serving their collective interest.

Left-wing groups are, for whatever reason (ideology, personal desire for power or wealth, etc), very happy to assist in this endeavor, and in fact, the left-wing political party of the modern US is an amalgam of minority groups acting collectively in their own interest despite an absence of shared political belief betwixt the tribes. They are, effectively, a collective composed of collectives, each acting to serve their own interests, and a great deal of their effort is maintained in securing each individual collective's support and avoiding conflict among those groups where their perceived collective interests conflict. Further, these left-wing groups - aided by left-wing political/social organizations (several particularly influential examples bearing an overt Jewish composition or philosophy) - explicitly advocate for, and support the explicit advocacy of, the respective non-White minority collectives, whilst simultaneously doing everything in their power to silence, slander, demonize and deplatform any and all explicit White advocacy groups through accusation of association with 'racism', 'White supremacy', 'Nazism' and/or 'anti-Semitism', amongst others.

I'd rather just rip your head off and shove it up your ass.

Attached: 84440.jpg (1024x768, 203.33K)

That is to say, the left-wing in the US, particularly the influential Jewish wing, advocates against explicit White advocacy. Which is why no such explicit White advocacy organizations exist in the US today which are not so slandered, and certainly none which exhibit institutional power and perceived legitimacy as might be claimed on behalf of other ethnic/racial groups' equivalents (the latter of which often exhibiting a far more seedy character than the former).
Ironically, this seems to form a neat little circle for the left-wing (especially Jewish) actors: by advocating against White advocacy and White advocates using accusations such as 'racism' or 'White supremacy', Jewish left-wing organizations create anti-semitic sentiment in White advocates and White advocacy organizations, which those same left-wing Jewish organizations then utilize to further slander them through accusation of 'anti-semitism' or 'Nazism'!
Its important to note that the left-wing political factions and their accomplice political organizations in the US also employ such accusations in opposition to any efforts to inhibit left-wing political aims at increasing immigration into the US from non-White sources, promoting globalist multiculturalism and miscegenation, and degrading national borders, even national sovereignty.

The left-wing has been so successful in their efforts in this regard, that the US population demographics are beginning to disintegrate. The White population - the only population which demonstrates anything close to majority support for the ideals which civic nationalists claim to hold most dear - is being displaced.

What conclusion do we reach from such analysis of circumstance?
We can discern that the civic nationalist position is philosophically-unequipped to combat this hazard, in that their civic nationalist ideals demand they make judgements on strictly individual grounds such as to ignore ethnic/racial behavioral trends. They will thus seek to argue in favor of judging a long line of individuals, as individuals, on principle, who can and will present themselves as sharing a belief in the principles civic nationalists claim to seek to uphold if such is required to gain entry to the country, and who will subsequently act collectively in their own interests once in the US such as to create new demographic conditions within the US that are no longer fertile substrate for the individual - and thereby societal - espousal of civic nationalists' proposed ideals.

I'm not going to negotiate with those who want to kill me. It's time
for a new nation.


tl;dr: Non-Whites don't care about civic duties or virtues, they act as collectives to serve collective interests, and civic nationalists do not have any mechanism at their disposal to change, nor combat, this state of affairs, even as they vehemently protest, on the basis of their civic nationalist principles, White advocates attempting such a feat. These civic nationalists are thus demonstrating that they are operating from an obsolete playbook, attempting to espouse civic nationalist ideals of individualism that were only able to be maintained in homogenous White nations bereft of competition from myriad non-White collectives (each serving their own interests), and yet, despite this failure, demonstrable throughout electoral politics in the US (and the West overall) over the last 30+ years, civic nationalists continue to suggest the old playbook is valid. The conclusion is thus that, if civic nationalists are allowed to attempt to carry out their proposed policies in the US, there will cease to exist a substrate for civic nationalists' beloved Constitutional principles and these principles will cease to exist in application in the US. Self-defeating meme.

Finally, I'd like to sink one last nail into the coffin of civic nationalists' hyper-individualistic ideals, specifically surrounding the conceptual notion of individual judgements in the context of immigration.
Regression to the mean.
This is a well-documented phenomenon in population genetics whereby the offspring of outliers within a population tend to gradually 'shift' toward a state more in-line with the average of their ethnic/racial group. The result is that judgement of individuals is an entirely static exercise.
Typically, those promoting such a methodology of selection will dictate a set of standards which are non-biological in origin, but which effectively act to indirectly ensure that only the outliers amongst non-White ethnic/racial groups will be able to gain entry. Of course, this is innately faulty in practice, in that the individual's offspring are not necessarily going to espouse the traits which meet those standards, particularly if the individual being judged initially was an outlier amongst their kind, which will be the case by-requisite as regards non-White ethnic/racial groups, yet those offspring will be granted voting privileges if born within the US.

The US citizenry was 99% white before the slaves were freed- even after that it remained about 90% white until the 1965 immigration act.
This warrants addressing.

The United States was 80-90% White until the 1980s, which was a direct consequence of the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. Its important to note that the people in the 1960's WOULD NOT have supported that legislation - and they weren't given a choice. But if they were, if there had been a referendum, they would have voted it down, doubly so if they knew what the US would look like today as a result.

And that's the real kicker: The people who pushed through the Hart-Cellar act EXPLICITLY stated that none of these things - demographic displacement most of all - would happen. They said it explicitly, "This will not happen". They said that if you said it WOULD happen, you were just doing that because you are a racist.

Take it from LBJ, in Jew York City, 1965.

"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Ambassador Goldberg, distinguished members of the leadership of the Congress, distinguished Governors and Mayors, my fellow countrymen.

… This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill, it does not effect the lives of millions, it will not reshape the structure of our daily lives or really add importantly to either our wealth or our power.
Yet it is still one of the most important acts of this Congress, and of this Administration, for it does repair a very deep and painful flaw in the fabric of American justice. It corrects a cruel and enduring flaw in the conduct of the American nation.

… And this measure that we will sign today will really make us truer to ourselves, both as a country and as a people.
It will strengthen us in a hundred unseen ways.

… In the final days of consideration, this bill had no finer champion than the present Attorny General, Nicholas Katzenbach, who with New York's own Emmanuel Cellar, and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, and Congressman Feighan of Ohio, and Senator Mansfield and Senator Dirksen constituting the leadership of the Senate, and Senator Javitz, helped to guide this bill to passage…

… This bill says simply, that from this day forth, those wishing to immigrate to America shall be admitted based on their skills and their close relationships to those already here. This is a simple test, and it is a fair test.

Those who can contribute most to this country, to its growth, to its strength, to its spirit, will be the first to be admitted to this land. The fairness of this standard is so self-evident that we may well wonder that it has not always been applied. Yet the fact is that for over four decades the immigration policy of the United States has been twisted and has been distorted by the harsh injustice of the national origins quota system.

Under that system the ability of new immigrants to come to America depended upon the country of their birth. Only 3 countries were allowed to supply 70 percent of all the immigrants. Families were kept apart because a husband or a wife or a child had been born in the wrong place. Men of needed skill and talent were denied entrance because they came from southern or eastern Europe or from one of the developing continents.

This system violated the basic principle of American democracy–the principle that values and rewards each man on the basis of his merit as a man.
It has been un-American in the highest sense, because it has been untrue to the faith that brought thousands to these shores even before we were a country.

Today, with my signature, this system is abolished.
We can now believe that it will never again shadow the gate to the American Nation with the twin barriers of prejudice and privilege.

Our beautiful America was built by a nation of strangers.
From a hundred different places or more they have poured forth into an empty land, joining and blending in one mighty and irresistible tide.
The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources–because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.

And from this experience, almost unique in the history of nations, has come America's attitude toward the rest of the world. We, because of what we are, feel safer and stronger in a world as varied as the people who make it up–a world where no country rules another and all countries can deal with the basic problems of human dignity and deal with those problems in their own way.
Now, under the monument which has welcomed so many to our shores, the American Nation returns to the finest of its traditions today.

The days of unlimited immigration are past.
But those who do come will come because of what they are, and not because of the land from which they sprung.

When the earliest settlers poured into a wild continent there was no one to ask them where they came from. The only question was: Were they sturdy enough to make the journey, were they strong enough to clear the land, were they enduring enough to make a home for freedom, and were they brave enough to die for liberty if it became necessary to do so?
And so it has been through all the great and testing moments of American history.

Our history this year we see in Viet-Nam. Men there are dying–men named Fernandez and Zajac and Zelinko and Mariano and McCormick.

Neither the enemy who killed them nor the people whose independence they have fought to save ever asked them where they or their parents came from. They were all Americans. It was for free men and for America that they gave their all, they gave their lives and selves.

By eliminating that same question as a test for immigration the Congress proves ourselves worthy of those men and worthy of our own traditions as a Nation."

… Funny how the President forgets to mention that there WERE laws restricting immigration to the US even before it was a country, and that after it WAS a country, one of the first things they did was state that only 'free White people of upstanding moral character' could become citizens. But I digress…

Now, post-1980's, after the consequences of those policies began to be felt, the response has changed. Now, when its pointed out that all these things HAVE HAPPENED, ARE HAPPENING, the answer now is, "Well, if you CARE, you're a racist".

Its also worth noting that American values prior to 1965 were very ethnocentric - Whites didn't espouse a mentality of opening their country to the world in majority. But effectively, that culture was changed with the 1965 act, and in the 2 decades that followed before serious effect was felt, great effort was put into arguing that this new state of affairs was American values as they'd always been.
Now, whenever someone attempts to levy opposition to demographic displacement - the same sort of opposition which was offered, and would have been offered more greatly with foresight, by White Americans - its thrown in their face that these new values are America's values.

Basically, we were lied to, and when you try to call someone out on the lie, they call you a racist and tell you those lies are America's values and always have been.

… In case you were wondering, the 'ambassador' that LBJ mentioned?
This is a reference to Arthur Goldberg, Chicago-born Jewish US Ambassador the UN. From the WikiJew:
During World War II, Goldberg served in an espionage group operated by the Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the CIA,[4] serving as chief of the Labor Desk, an autonomous division of the American intelligence agency that was charged with the task of cultivating contacts and networks within the European underground labor movement during World War II. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency stated, 'Goldberg's file notes that as both a civilian and a member of the Army, he supervised a section in the Secret Intelligence Branch of OSS to maintain contact with labor groups and organizations regarded as potential resistance elements in enemy-occupied and enemy countries. He organized anti-Nazi European transportation workers into an extensive intelligence network.'

Under Kennedy, Golberg served as Secretary of Labor and later as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

In 1967, Goldberg was a key drafter of Resolution 242, which followed the 1967 Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab states. While interpretation of that resolution has subsequently become controversial, Goldberg was very clear that the resolution does not obligate Israel to withdraw from all of the captured territories.
Goldberg's role as the UN ambassador during the Six-Day War may have been the reason why Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, also wanted to assassinate Goldberg.

Goldberg was a member of the Council on Foreign relations in the early 60's, and then again from 1966 to 1989, and served as the President of the American Jewish Committee.

Minority here. For every minority like me who worships Hitler, there are 10,000 more who are a complete waste of oxygen

I'd wish that OP gets cancer, but they are cancer already

Attached: jew fly.gif (480x360, 1.9M)

Here's a minority that won't be converted. This is his soil.


You're not a Zig Forumsack. It's incredibly obvious to everyone here. Further you've likely never dealt with the spic and nigger underclass face to face. I have, and I've had family members murdered by them. The fact is some of us will emigrate, some of us will stay and if the kikes try to genocide us, fight.

Attached: 4bc09542c8dc9febcfdd3b5e58edf5f30ed1c655c645c7692e5ac43329c890b0.jpg (728x518, 85.82K)

what a fag

Keep your autistic fanfiction to your self Schlomo.

i think this is geared more towards the yellow question


You’re not converting minorities because you insist on racial solutions to problems with crime.

Who would want to be a Zig Forumsack? Zig Forumsack means essentially neet fucking asshole who is constantly looking for a fight and never improves anything around him.

Not an argument sweetie but keep trying from another VPN maybe you'll end up converting these "neet fucking asshole(s)"

This whole muh values and muh cultural assumes these things are autonomous metaphysical entities that preexisted before humans.
Humans create these things, once the humans that strive towards them and maintain them go away– so do the values.

Fun fact: The current Western tradition is that of a secularized exoteric Freemasonry. The enlightenment wasn't what you think it was.

Thats what exactly got us in this mess the first place White being too altruistic towards
non-white groups that hate them. Look at everything niggers have been given in America, all a nigger has to do to get a decent job is act normal and they get put in the front of the line. Get out of jail for murder card claim racism. Numerous nigger serial killers targeting Whites only. The 1992 race riots wasn't orchestrated at all that was just niggers showing White people what they think of being treated fairly. The nigger community cheers on OJ to this day because they know it offends Whites.

Whites aren't even committing hate crimes but, they are the biggest victims of them. Why do asians get along with Whites relatively fine when coming from war zones. Its the people.

Then theirs beaners straight up murdering, invading and poisoning White people. A illegal has more rights then a American they don't even get arrested for cold bolded murder.

You are saying that the exception to the
non-whites being good people are the normal when they are the rare ones. I lived around mostly shitskin non-whites they will never be saved they are only brakes to humanities progress.

The problem isn't White people integrating its non-whites straight up wanting to start their own country paid for by the White man and wanting to kick Whites out of their land for being kind to savages.

Attached: white people dont know.png (500x647, 167.18K)

When it's non-whites in a white country, the short-sighted whites bend over backwards to please them. When it's whites in a non-white country, they get raped and murdered. Shitskins are never on our side.

What an idiot.

Fuck off, kike.

every single time

Go right ahead, newfaggot who didn't lurk.
Try to convince Tyrone that the jews are harming us all with their parasitical economic exploitation.
This is the only way you'll learn how dumb this idea of yours is.

Whites and blacks are completely separate nations. Recucklicans could do a nigger checklist and kowtow to 100% nigger beliefs and spend millions advertising "WE LOVE NIGGERS!!!" and they'd still only get maybe 2-3% of the nigger vote. Why is this? Because niggers don't like whites, they don't share the same core values, they don't have the same culture as us, they hardly even speak the same language.

Whether you like Republicans or not it's very telling how blacks outright refuse to vote for even center-right cuckolds who are terrified of being called racist.

And disappear it did!


it's all about appearance for me, I want different subraces and nationalities of pure white people to exist forever because we are aesthetic in appearance. of course, it would be nice if we could do eugenics and become superhuman and explore the galaxy and have high culture and stuff, but mainly I just want aryan chads pounding aryan stacy pussy for all time. just my two cents, call me whatever names you want, idc

< If nigger-tier whites exist, and white-tier niggers exist, then why don't you just embrace white genocide?
< oy vey just shut up, goy
Lmao why is this thread even non-deleted?

No, you can convince non-white because the reason why non-white emigrated white area for first placse to stealing wealth and society they didn't build

Sending the mulattos back to africa is not an option. They are only like 45% african. The hybrids deserve to stay.

Also you are retarded if you think non whites can't be educated on culture. Or do you think white men aren't up to the challenge?

Nice try , Shlomo
But bastard race always side with jew a anti-white side

Because they are rootless bastard therefore they have one culture only a jewish consumerism culture

And That's why mixed race are such mentally unstable and miserable

There is reason every society encounter Jewish experience Social decay

Jewish parasite made host society as a bastard race who don't have their own ethnic identity

You haven't posted any logic. You simply call me a shill for not wanting to paint a giant target on the remaining white people in this country.

We both want the same things at their core. I just invision a more effective way to acquire them.

You guys have been naming the jew for decades now, how much progress has it gotten you? Or maybe its just edgey ego stroking by knowing the big no no. I don't know but i agree the people who call themselves jews are the main grouping of problem makers.

I just don't believe revealing your power level every chance you get is going to actually help combat this infection.

Booo hooo you. I truly do feel sorry that you never got to meet an exceptional black or mexican. I feel sorry because your idea of reality is skewed by some comically juvenile racism. Do you not see how immature your form of racism is? Almost like it was programmed into you to help legitimize these liberal movements.

I personally believe a lot of the ridiculous neo nazi KKK members we saw on the news were deep state assets designed to belittle the good character of the actual men behind these organizations.

You haven't presented any ideas to bring us forward that people haven't already been screaming since the 20th century.

So call me whatever you want. I know i am a regular normal american man with ideas that come from within, not without.

Only logic is we are stuck with this mess because white men choose not to act

In 1960 to 80s, white men not chose to fight

They assume that liberal and jew gonna stop anti-white hatred because they bothered to vote Republican party

You are the unlogical one here think that you can convince or peacefully sold out problem

You aren't better than William F. Buckley Jr or Republican party itself

There can be equal coups coming from white skins as from dark skins. The american blacks have by and large never come face to face with sub saharan africans. If they did then they might suddenly sympathize with us.

If you do not think mulattos can be educated then you are saying that 50% of your genetics is worthless. White bitches are hot. Dark monkey bitches are not. Mulattos are fine as hell. We have already inherited the sins of our fathers. They did not make a pure white country. Sure it might have been the jews who brought the most slaves over but we don't have a time machine.

Stop barking out suggestions as if we could still turn the boats around.

1. Stop all illegal immigration

2. Make it even harder to legally immigrate.

3. Remove all current illegals and loophole families

4. Funnel a small percent of military spending to education of all children. Forcefully remove the K-12 kids from the inner city and pepper them around them around so they are less concentrated and they absorb our culture rather than fester in their own hoods building discontent.

That's using the jew magic for our own benefit, but if you asked me how to use my magic. its very simple:

Give these groups the chance to rise to the occassion. Not once since slaves were brought to America did these people receive fair treatment. Not once did we offer them the same starting and finish line that we all were using.

Oh wait nm we did that during the olympics and these people showed us just how " inferior " they really are coughcoughjessieowenscoughcough

Oh wow america treats its non whites shitty and those non whites act shitty. Who the fuck could have ever put that together!?

Currently everyone who makes less than 100k a year in america is very pissed off. The inequality and bullshit is so in your face that it looks like we're all fancy future slaves. This feeling spreads across all races. In the past it would make sense to not work with these races, but now we are both the poor future slave wage cucks. We are all now apart of the majority (99%)

D&C tactics would want us to fight ourselves. Poor people killing poor people for the entertainment and delight of the wealthy.

We have been played. We can open our minds to new ideas, lest this be a haven for closed minded NPC larp nazis.

Tell me why I'm wrong. Tell me why the little of us that is left should continue fighting the people without anything to gain? We are being distracted during the greatest heist in history.

Here is another behaviorism expert

People are tribal

And thats why British empire, Soviet union , Yugoslavia collapse

And Aftican country like Nigeria tore apart between north and south

Because people like you, a british imperialist moving many ethnic group at one place

People don't want share power with people who don't have common

But You think mighty consumer society gonna united mankind same as communist thought Mighty communism unifying the world

You don't know about divide and conquer tactic or salami tactic that American elite use

You think bunch of white boy chat on internet are the problem?

80s Politic was mostly about economic issues

Now 2018 liberal politic only talk race or gender issue and fuck the economic

And you never question about WHY
Never question about demographic or Non-European don't want integrate with European for tribal reason

And you fuckers keep talking about white men are the problem

Go fuck your self

You are irrelevant here and everywhere

Your bad grammar and english leads me to believe you are not american anyways so fuck off. Why is the rest of the world so fascinated with our politics?


Zig Forums is staffed by rogue Zulus and Chinese infiltrates in Russia, it isn't interested in creating a white state. That's just a high albedo smokescreen. It works because racism is the same everywhere and communicates straightforwardly as the uniformly vapid content racists deep down understand themselves to be spouting.