Stephen Colbert Noticed Fox News Weirdly Dropped Their Racist Caravan Segments After the Midterms
Stephen Colbert
It's almost like it was never really an issue and they didn't actually give a crap.
In the weeks leading up to last Tuesday's elections, Donald Trump broke out his most reliable campaign tool: old-fashioned racism. Every chance he got, he harped on an approaching caravan of migrants trekking slowly north from Central America to apply for asylum in the U.S. Fox News, the network losing employees because of its conversion to full-on state propaganda machine, was a bullhorn for Trump, and the pair were like an ouroboros or a human centipede of anti-immigrant hysteria. The caravan is full of gang members (they claimed for no reason) and "Middle Easterners" (by which they mean "terrorists") and leprosy. The message is, "They're coming to kill you and give you biblical diseases."
But, Stephen Colbert noted on Friday, in the days following the election, Trump suddenly stopped caring. And so did Fox News:
In fact, I counted how many times they talked about the caravan on Fox & Friends. Well, technically, I had my footage department do it. I can't watch Fox & Friends because my doctor says it's just horrible. Anyway, this is true, in the six days leading up to the election, they used the word "caravan" an average of 21 times per episode. Then, the day after the midterms, Fox & Friends only mentioned it once. It was huge for like a week, and now nothing. It's the Tide Pod challenge of American politics. Except Tide Pods will actually kill you.
This isn't to say that conservatives are done trying to wring whatever cheap political points they can out of this. After all, there are still thousands of troops at the border, being shuffled around as a political stunt, and Trump is always in need of a quick distraction. Especially now that his efforts to get rid of Robert Mueller are under way.
Rather employ prisoners for early leave than to allow a single wetback in the country.
Isaac James
(checked) So they are silencing any news on the caravan of armed spics that are at the border? This is a big redpill to Joe Average that the government can give two flying fucks about its citizens but will care when a "caravan" armed and given: food, water, tents, and maybe even more luxuries and it all goes comes back to the taxpaying citizen. It will wake up the average normalfag when they see that the kikes orchestrated it to with their star of david symbols on the trucks that shipped these spics over to the border.
Daniel Miller
Where the fuck do you think you are? He's the antithesis of this board. Reported.
Gabriel Ramirez
Occasionally the media will accidentally speak the truth. This is one of those times. It’s absolutely correct that the President used the “caravans” to rile up the base. As well he should. He is, after all, a political genius.
No you stupid nigger. Trump announced an executive order banning asylum after the election. It's a bullshit opportunistic article and you fell for it.
Kevin Rogers
Which makes we wonder if Antifa is just a tool to get votes like how (((ISIS))) is a tool to keep US Zogbots in the Middle East? Sage for off-topic
Grayson Johnson
anonymity is about speaking the truth independent of partisan politics. ColberT used his talk show soap box to incidentally speak the truth as a way of getting in a cheap political jab. good for him, being more honest than most of the rest of the television propagandists put together
Easton Hill
that’s a lie and you know it. I watched Trump go around to rallies of tens of thousands of people and talk about how he was going to sign this and that EO, and, oh, by the way, GET OUT AND VOTE
all politicians are liars, the President is our liar
later, fag
p.s. consider kys
Hunter Scott
"We want to let them in, because we need the people!" t. Orangemanold Drumblf SAGE & DIE
If I ever come into any significant power during the coming civil war I'm gonna empty out local prisons and pay them handsomely for those little round jew hats with scalps attached.
Jordan Morgan
What truth? That getting lazy ass normies riled up about the disgusting brown sewer of diseased taco nigger criminals pouring into the US is "bad" and "racist?" O FUCKIN NOEZ THE PRESIDENT TRIED TO GET KIKED BOOMERS TO CARE ABOUT SOMETHING THAT AFFECTS THEM!!!!1! Go back to Zig Forums you retarded welfare cuck
Shocker, its a workforce and they bring them as one. Oligarchs like Trump dont care about anything else than their profit.
Brody Morales
Since illegal migrants are criminals , what diffrence would it make if you were to make the companies hire prisoners at full wage instead of undercutting wages with illegal migrants?
Hunter Barnes
The election that still isn't over? We've got a big domestic battle looming if this fraudulent election kikery persists.
Per the invasion, Trump's new AG did set a policy to handle the invaders.
Joseph Hall
Eat a dick, fag
Adrian Martin
Henry Fisher
Nolan Russell
What kind of dogshit thread is this? if you are unironically replying to this obvious slide, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Benjamin Morgan
This is a National Socialist board. Fuck off and kill all your children before a white hero kills your faggot kids in the next school shooting. The caravan is full of spics and should be obliterated, but Liberal Jew and Based MAGA both conspire to let the spics in what used to be a white nationalist state.
Jason Sullivan
I am ashamed I replied and I am ashamed of you too user for replying. YOU VOLS NEED THE SHIT BEAT OUT OF YOU FOR SHITTING THIS BOARD UP.