After serving her 25 year sentence, Shelley Shannon has been released. She was a member of the Army of God. George Tiller would later be killed in another shooting while he was at church by Scott Roeder. She says that she still has no remorse or regrets for having done it and is perhaps even more radical now that she's leaving than she was before she went to prison. Here's Cantwell's take on Gab:
Wonder if those were the shoes she went in with. Can you imagine getting your shoes back after 25 years? No need for odor eaters.
Josiah Cooper
2009 was 25 years ago.
Nolan Williams
Can’t well Can not well
Justin Clark
Chris 'the Federal Agenda' cantwell the wignat encouraging violence again
Ryan Torres
Peaceful protest game a shit tbh.
Charles Nelson
pro-life is civnat boomer chr*stcuck thinking, muh depends on the color of the baby is Zig Forums canon
Noah Sullivan
She screwed her optics before optics screwing was cool.
Elijah Moore
< e goyim, be divided, don't feel a sense of unity, and whatever you do don't stop (((abortion)))
Jaxson Flores
why was she arrested … didnt she just perform a late term abortion?
Brayden Walker
but why? I am against abortion for European countries because they are still ~80% white, but in the 50% white USA, I believe that abortion passes a cost:benefit analysis
Jose Allen
Shoot back.
Joshua Rodriguez
Practicing medicine without a (((license))).
Gavin Butler
Joseph Hill
< commit suicide, goyims, for the sake of savings the chosens peoples!
Adam Lopez
Checked & checked :^)
Juan Gutierrez
Gabriel Morgan
Hopefully this woman understands that SCOTUS has more influence over abortion than a single doctor does :^)
Christian Robinson
That woman is a Saint for shooting George Tiller the Baby Killer.
Henry Scott
Well, she's not dead yet. But a definite candidate for sainthood, so long as she keeps on doing right.
Juan Robinson
She did nothing wrong.
Ryan Watson
Kill the cunt before she fucks everything up.
Gavin Butler
Scared your faggy cow 'god' won't get his European baby blood sacrifices? Better try to make it seem like killing white babies is necessary to remove niggers. (themselves a secondary threat to you who enables them, the kike)
Logan Wright
Isn't it strange that the kikes shill in favor of abortion? It's positively unnerving that ADL-Mossad shills for abortion!!!
Isaiah Foster
fuck this white crazy ass cracker cunt bitch
Isaiah Young
Andrew Anglin the potato-headed zionist shill encouraging whites to do nothing again.
Bentley Russell
"abortion doctor" The correct term is "abortionist". Calling an abortionist an "abortion doctor" subliminally promotes the notion that abortion is a medical procedure and pregnancy a disease.
Wyatt Gray
Too bad she didn't die in jail. She literally attacked a doctor so that niggers and spics can carry their babies to term.
Brandon Morales
You're right, we need exponentially more niggers, forever. Can't risk any white lives in the process. Worked so well in Africa.
John Perry
This is what a hero looks like.
So you think it's OK for the kikes to mass ritual sacrifice babies and use the blood in their satanic power rituals, just because the babies are shitskins?
Isaiah Anderson
Ah yes. The Army of God. I remember them. Not the brightest terrorist "organization" in the world. But then, they were still more revolutionary than antifa. There was this one guy who made a list of abortionists and their addresses. When one died, he'd cross them out. Pretty clever eh? See, everyone walks on eggshells around muslims because they're afraid of them. People listen to Muslims because they know that if you don't, they may stab you. My gf told me a neat story a few days ago about a spic in her highschool named Pedro. He was an aggressive, violent, rude piece of shit. And you know how the White principal chose to handle him? By bribing him for good behavior. See, no one respects you if they know you'll obey the rules. If White people ever want respect, they're going to need to learn how to speak the one language that the System understands.
In 1996, an AOG supporter placed a bomb outside the Atlanta Olympics. A guard discovered the device and rescued several people before it went off. The media decided that he was to blame and destroyed his life. No good deed goes unpunished.
Tyrone grows up to hate White people. He goes to school and learns to steal from passive White kids. He then starts to beat up little White children for shits and giggles. He hangs out with his gang of aggressive little cunts outside of the school and jumps unsuspecting White boys. In college, he learns how to pressure White girls for sex. Or he just rapes them. He of course is fully funded by YOUR tax money so he gets free college. After dropping out, he joins a street gang or BLM and starts suckerpunching White pedestrians, stealing your car, and breaking into your house. When the race war comes, he'll walk around with a machete hacking off the limbs of White men and raping their wives. Do you still care about Tyrone?
Bentley Sanders
How many niggers did she save?
Zachary Reyes
Oh no I hope she doesnt know that ruth is in the hospital now!
Chase Wood
The death of kike child killers should be celebrated
Colton Stewart
Eli Williams
Yes. filtered
Ethan Lee
The jew cries out in filtration as he endorses pedophilic child sacrifice rituals.
TL;DR I'd rather have more niggers than fucking baby corpses put in our fucking food you sick fuck
Eli Robinson
You seem to be ok with kikes practicing ritual child sacrifices
Hudson Butler
Prepare your own food, you retard.
Adrian Martin
The need for the white race to put fear back in our enemies hearts far outways niggers being born especially considering the only reason they get aborted is because the father isn't Tyrone.
Asher Bell
(wasted) Porch monkey go away.
John Ross
I hate niggers and other darkies as much as anyone else with a brain but abortion is a satanic ritual that feeds demonic power to the enemy and emboldens them. I'd kill a white abortion doctor before I'd kill a nigger.
Jayden Powell
This. It doesn't have to be this way if you keep countries white and civil, but traitors have allowed enough niggers and darkies into the country that jungle tactics have to be utilized, which means power strugle. Not merit, like white societies, but force like dumb nigger ape villages. Sadly. It's either that, defeat the niggerkike scum, and return to civil white countries, or we get genocided by the 80 IQ niggerbeast golems avataring for their kike overlords.
Caleb Clark
It really goes to show just how fucked we are when I'm supposed to consider this lunatic my ally
Sebastian Lewis
You seem to love niggers.
Jack Kelly
Nobody has pointed out her initials are S. S. :^)
Gavin Garcia
Aiden Parker
I had no idea he had been shot before the one that killed him. Until I got to this line I thought for sure you were going to say he was still alive.
Michael Richardson
It raises a good point: women get away with literally everything. 25 years for murder? Not bad. Any of us would have been on death row. Maybe we can find a use for women after all.
Henry Taylor
when they say " late-term abortion" do they mean late-term abortions done just because or late-term abortions done because that's when they discovered the kid is deformed or retarded? Because I have no problems with the latter.
Robert Foster
It just means late in the pregnancy. An older baby is killed.
Justin Myers
Practice makes perfect.
Tyler James
Rolling for she's back in prison, for doing it again, before the year's out.
Austin Clark
If you do something like that make sure to target an (((abortionist))) that kills (mainly) healthy white fetuses. And make sure you kill him dead. Most abortionists are heroic eugenicists, even if by accident. Like how malaria is cool as long as it's apefricans kicking the bucket.